神圣人性,sacred humanity
1)sacred humanity神圣人性
2)Sacred Feminine神圣女性
1.In the beginning,it gives out Dan Brown’s definition of feminism by citing other two famous feminism definitions,and then discusses the current feminism;at last it sums up the feminism of equality and wonderful combination of men and women through analyzing three aspects of "The Sacred Feminine","The Depressed Feminine" and "The.布朗作品中的女权主义涵义,然后探讨了女权主义的现状,最后通过对书中"神圣女性","被压迫的女性"和"男女平等"三个方面分析总结出了作品中"男女平等"和"男女完美融合"的女权主义思想。

1.A journey to pray at feet of the outcast one, the lost sacred feminine.跪在这位被放逐、失落已久的神圣女性的足踝前的祈祷之旅。」
2.An Analytical Study of the Holy Feminine Sensibility in Lily;《百合花》中女性化的神圣情怀浅析
3.And so the sacred feminine was demonized and called unclean.所以神圣的女性被妖魔化,而被称为不洁。
4.the quality of being unholy.不神圣不圣洁的性质。
5.a holy woman innocent and chaste.清白、贞洁、神圣的女人。
6.The same Goddess and Divine energy carried by the Virgin Mary in Christianity.在基督教里圣母玛利亚(耶稣基督之母)同样具有女神和神性能量。
7.Love, the torch of Hymen, is always the overwhelming, eternal and sacred theme in modern feminine poems.爱情始终是现代女性诗歌中压倒一切的、永恒而神圣的话题。
8.Analysis of the Female Characters in the Epic Jangar;神圣化的失语者——试析蒙古史诗《江格尔》中的女性角色
9.The "Masculine Spirit" From Feminism Perspective--Re-interpreting Santiago in "The Old Man and Sea";女性主义新视角解读硬汉精神——重读《老人与海》中圣地亚哥形象
10.Females under the Control of Paternity in Holy Bible and Ancient Greek Mythology--Comparison of Their Images and Status;《圣经》与古希腊神话中父权统治下的女性——其形象和地位之比较研究
11.The essential and divine nature of God, regarded abstractly.上帝的神圣性上帝的重要神圣性,认为被抽象了
12.to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.见证这位男士和这位女士的神圣婚盟。
13.Since May Fourth Movement, the maternal theme in Chinese women's fictions was divided into two clues, one is the praise of holy maternal love, the other is the review of maternal defects.“五四”以来,中国女性小说的母性主题分化为讴歌神圣母爱与反思母性缺陷两条线索。
14.Her Ishta, or Chosen Ideal, was the Divine Mother, Kali.她的伊师塔(比伦女神)或者选择的理想就是神圣母亲——卡利女神。
15.Of or characterized by divine or godlike nature.神圣的,似神的以神或似神的天性为特征的
16.Ms Bhutto, despite much noisy bluster about the sanctity of democracy, would have no principled objection to forming a partnership with General Musharraf.布托女士对有关民主神圣性的大量嘈杂的咆哮充耳不闻,原则上不反对和穆沙拉夫将军结盟。
17.Saint Ursula was the patron saint of all young girls, whatever their nationality.圣女厄休拉,是所有年轻女孩的保护神, 不管是哪个民族的女孩
18.A Discussion on Odes To The Goddess Associated with Japanese Culture;从女性创世神话走出的《女神》——《女神》与日本文化

Sacred Feminine神圣女性
1.In the beginning,it gives out Dan Brown’s definition of feminism by citing other two famous feminism definitions,and then discusses the current feminism;at last it sums up the feminism of equality and wonderful combination of men and women through analyzing three aspects of "The Sacred Feminine","The Depressed Feminine" and "The.布朗作品中的女权主义涵义,然后探讨了女权主义的现状,最后通过对书中"神圣女性","被压迫的女性"和"男女平等"三个方面分析总结出了作品中"男女平等"和"男女完美融合"的女权主义思想。
1.The value of constitution can according to axiology be divided into the three levels of immanent value, instrumental value and value as criteria,each of which presents the sanctity and the earthliness of constitutional value, also educes the neutrality of constitutional value in itself.宪法价值可以分为内在价值、工具性价值与作为评价标准的价值三个层次,分别体现宪法价值的神圣性与世俗化,并从中引申出宪法价值的中立性。
1.Interaction Between Sacredness and Secularity of Hui Culture;试论回族文化的神圣性与世俗性的良性互动
2.The Value Analysis for the Sacredness of the Religious Morality;宗教道德“神圣性”的价值分析
3.The article mainly discusses the development of ritual sacredness and essence.本文主要探讨礼的神圣性之演化和礼的本质,中国古代之礼虽然起源于原始社会后期的祭祀活动,具有神圣性,但是这一特性在以后的社会发展中逐渐演化,礼由最初沟通人、神关系的中介发展为春秋时代以礼为人世事务最终支配观念的原则。
1.This article takes Genesis as the research object to analyze the primitive Hebrew s attitudes towards marriage from the following aspects: the holiness of marriage, the inter-relationship between husbands and wives, and the motives of marriage in the primitive society.婚姻缔结的神圣性、夫妻权力关系的主从性和原始婚俗的目的性,表明古希伯来人的原始婚姻是源于维护社会稳定、保护家庭财产的需要。
6)sanctity of law法的神圣性

神圣1.形容崇高﹑尊贵,庄严而不可亵渎。 2.帝王的尊称。 3.泛指天神,神灵。