"媚俗"和"舞者",kitsch and dancer
1)kitsch and dancer"媚俗"和"舞者"
1.Meanwhile,we misunderstand and abuse the "kitsch".昆德拉在中国的持续流行是一个值得探讨的文化现象,与此相伴生的是我们对其“媚俗”的误读与滥用。
2.To Oscar Wilde,kitsch is a kind of aesthetic symptom prompted by such factors as the context of modern aesthetic culture,his pursuit of aestheticism and his own bourgeois disposition.媚俗,是英国唯美主义代表奥斯卡。
3.Strong feminism in the book — — The Circly of Life and Death appreciably demonstrates the writing of Xiao Hong s refusing kitsch.《生死场》中强烈的女性意识最明显地表达着萧红拒绝媚俗的写作,她描写女人躯体遭受虐待、刑罚以及世界对女人命运所持的冷漠。

1.Vulgar, Fawning Vulgar,and Popular --On the Literature at the Turn of the Century;世俗·媚俗·通俗——世纪之交文学纵横谈
2.A woman regarded as gaudy or tawdry.娼妓被认为是媚俗或低俗的女人
3.Populariged Mass Culture, Vulgarization and Catering to the Masses;大众文化的流行与"庸俗化"及"媚俗
4.Kitsch: The Presentation of Modernity Fragments of Modern Chinese Pop Literature;媚俗化:中国近现代通俗文学的现代性碎片呈现
5.From Transcending to Worldliness--On the Kitsch Aspect in the Western Aesthetic Modernity;从超越走向世俗——论西方审美现代性的媚俗面相
6.Cultural Pandering to the Public: the Inevitable Result of the Development of Cultural Market;文化媚俗:思想文化市场化的必然结果
7."Existence" and "Obsequiousness";“存在”与“媚俗”——论米兰·昆德拉
8.Nameless: a writer composing romantic fiction by means of appealing to popular tastes;无名氏:以媚俗手法写现代的言情故事
9.To Refuse Kitsch--Feminism in the Book : Circly of Life and Death;拒绝媚俗——《生死场》中的女性意识
10.The Necessity of Flattering the Public:Enlightenment from Lin Xi;“媚俗”的必要——从林夕身上得来的启示
11.The vulgar art is both the product of modernity and the lie of aesthetics.媚俗艺术是现代的产物,同时也是一种美学谎言。
12.Analysis on the Tendency of the Vulgarizated on News in Our Country;试析我国大众媒体新闻传播的媚俗化倾向
13.Kitsch and Loss of Body:On China-style Body Culture Evolution;身体的媚俗与迷失——中国式身体文化演变探析
14.Avant-garde and Fishing for Cheap Popularity--Popular Culture and Chinese Contemporary Avant-garde Movies;先锋与媚俗——大众文化与中国当代先锋电影
15.Tendency of Vulgarization and Improvement of Public Faith of Media;大众传媒媚俗化倾向与提升媒体公信力探析
16.Influence on Student Personality from Sycophantic and Popular Culture & Countermeasures;媚俗文化对学生个性发展的影响及教育对策
17.On Kurt Vonnegut s Cultural Perspective;在先锋与媚俗之间——谈冯内古特的文化姿态
18.The Spiritual Depth of Decadent Literature or Decoding Mundane Strategy;颓废文学的精神深度或媚俗策略之解码

1.Meanwhile,we misunderstand and abuse the "kitsch".昆德拉在中国的持续流行是一个值得探讨的文化现象,与此相伴生的是我们对其“媚俗”的误读与滥用。
2.To Oscar Wilde,kitsch is a kind of aesthetic symptom prompted by such factors as the context of modern aesthetic culture,his pursuit of aestheticism and his own bourgeois disposition.媚俗,是英国唯美主义代表奥斯卡。
3.Strong feminism in the book — — The Circly of Life and Death appreciably demonstrates the writing of Xiao Hong s refusing kitsch.《生死场》中强烈的女性意识最明显地表达着萧红拒绝媚俗的写作,她描写女人躯体遭受虐待、刑罚以及世界对女人命运所持的冷漠。
1.Since the 1990s,because of the rapid changes in Chinese politics,economy,culture,etc,contemporary publication has showed a strong tendency towards vulgarity,which is represented by vulgar contents,titles,themes and etc.自进入20世纪90年代以来,由于中国政治、经济、文化等诸方面的急剧变化,当代文化出版出现了媚俗化的倾向,媚俗出版物几近泛滥,突出表现在其内容媚俗、书名媚俗、选题策划物媚俗与宣传媚俗。
1.An Analysis on Vulgarization of Online Media and Its Solution;网络新闻媒体的媚俗化现象及其治理对策
2.Tendency of vulgarization arises during the period of social transformation,which influences the public faith of media to a certain degree,and thus has negative influences on the development of media.媚俗化倾向是我国社会转轨时期的一个特殊产物,在一定程度上影响了媒体的公信力,对我国媒体的健康发展产生了不利影响。
3.The tendency of vulgarization has impared the ideological and political nature of Ideological and Political Theory Course,which weakens its effectiveness and makes it fashionablized and peripherialized.媚俗化倾向淡化了思想性、政治性,削弱了实效性,使思想政治理论课时尚化、边缘化。
1.The article has analyzed and criticized such popular culture phenomena as commerciality, recreation, adulation demonstrated by the modern mass media, and proposes some thinking on how to understand and integrate correctly modern.本文对现代大众传媒所表现出的商业性、娱乐性、媚俗性等大众文化现象予以解析和批判,并对如何整合现代传媒与大众文化提出几点思路。
6)obsequiousness in the journalism新闻媚俗
1.The work for an absolute removal of obsequiousness in the journalism is tough and lasting,which depends on joint influences from.新闻媒体相互间的不良竞争和对受众需求的误导、误解导致新闻媚俗化日益泛滥。
