感性自由,emotional freedom
1)emotional freedom感性自由
2)the sense of freedom自由感
1.This essay divides Kant s conception of freedom into three levels: "the transcendental freedom", "the practical freedom" and "the sense of freedom".文章把康德的自由观划分为“先验的自由”、“实践的自由”和“自由感”三个层次。

1.The speaker charges the atmosphere of the meeting with the sense of freedom演讲者使会议的气氛充满了自由感
2.freedom from anxiety or fear.没有焦虑或恐惧的自由感
3.liberty of thought and feeling;思想和感觉的自由;
4.source of feeling of free will自由意识的感觉源泉
5.the sweet feeling of freedom,success,etc自由、成功等的快感.
6.They live in a free country, but they do not feel free.他们生活在自由的国家,但却感觉不到自由。
7.She lives in a free country, but she does not feel free.她生活在自由的国家,但却感觉不到自由。
8.I feel at home here.我在这里感到很自由自在。
9.I feel so free without those tight clothes.不穿那些紧身衣我真感到自由自在。
10.They go out of their way④ to make me feel at home⑤.他们费尽心思让我感到自由自在。
11." Being underwater you get a sense of freedom.“在水下你会有一种自由的感觉。
12.He was genuinely apologetic about his mistake.他对自己的错误由衷地感到惭愧。
13.Love of liberty is the predominant feeling of many people.爱好自由是多数人最深切的感觉。
14.induction in a circuit caused by changes in the circuit itself.在电路中由自身变化而产生的感应。
15.For a moment in time I could feel I was free.顷刻之间,我感到,在自由的翱翔。
16.He wanted to feel this free for ever.他向往永远地感受这般自由。
17.The prisoner was pleased to get free once more该囚犯因重获自由而感到高兴。
18.Their stupidity bottlenecked all freedom of expression.他们的愚蠢阻碍了情感的自由表白。

the sense of freedom自由感
1.This essay divides Kant s conception of freedom into three levels: "the transcendental freedom", "the practical freedom" and "the sense of freedom".文章把康德的自由观划分为“先验的自由”、“实践的自由”和“自由感”三个层次。
3)free emotions自由情感
4)definite freedom of motion psychology情感-心理无限自由性
5)sense of moral liberty道德自由感
6)free women自由女性
1.The pursuit and living plight of women out of men s control——Tentative study of the free women in the golden notebook;走出男性樊篱的女性追求及其生存困境——试论《金色笔记》中的自由女性
2.Then we must shape an objective attitude toward free women, both from the ironical sense and their dilemm.其次对自由女性应客观理解,认识到其中讽刺性及自由女性在婚姻,在与异性和子女的关系中的困境。
3.This exploration road includes free women’s own reflection on life, inspiration from others and redefinition and selection of way of life.本文在女性主义的理论基础上探讨了安娜·沃尔夫这位自由女性在面对混乱和即将发生心理崩溃时所做的各种努力。

感性指属于感觉、知觉等心理活动的(跟‘理性 ’相对):~认识 。