审美译介,aesthetic translation and introduction
1)aesthetic translation and introduction审美译介
1.By firstly exploring the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese traditional culture and the aesthetic differences between Chinese and western cultures,this article demonstrates that aesthetic attention is essential for translation and introduction of Chinese traditional culture,and proposes some methods of promoting aesthetic translation and introduction of Chinese traditional culture.探析了中国传统文化审美特性及中西文化审美差异,论证了加强中国传统文化译介审美关注的必要性,提出了促进中国传统文化审美译介的方式和途径。
2)translation aestheticization翻译审美

1.A Study of Xu Yuanchong s Translation Theory and Practice: A Perspective of Aesthetic Translation Criticism;许渊冲翻译研究:翻译审美批评视角
2.On the Endowments of Aesthetic Subjects and Literature Translation;论翻译审美主体的禀赋资源与文学翻译
3.Aesthetic Effect of Literary Translation under the Reception Aesthetics;接受美学理论下的文学翻译审美效应
4.Translator s Subjectivity and Translation Norms in the Aesthetic Progression of English-Chinese Literary Translating;英汉文学翻译审美过程中译者的主体性与翻译规范
5.From Political Aesthetics to Literary Aesthetics--An Analysis of Su Manshu's Translation从政治审美到文学审美——论苏曼殊的翻译
6.A Study of Three Aesthetic Features of Lolita in Its Chinese Translations;《洛丽塔》语言三重审美效果的翻译研究
7.Imitation: The Basic Means for Aesthetic Representation in Literary Translation;模仿:文学翻译中审美再现的基本手段
8.On the Elements of Rhythmical Esthetics in English and Chinese in Translation Teaching浅谈翻译教学中音韵审美的几个要素
9.Aesthetic Function of Chinese Idioms in Translation of English Sci-tech Documents科技英语翻译中汉语成语的审美功能
10.Towards the Reproduction of Verbal Beauty in Fictional Translation;从翻译美学的角度论小说翻译中人物语言的审美再现
11.On the Reappearance of the Aesthetic Value in Idiom Translation in Light of Aesthetic Theory;从翻译美学的基本理论谈习语翻译中的审美再现
12.Relationship between Translator s Aesthetic Diversity and Their Styles;译者审美观的多样性对翻译风格的影响(英文)
14.Newmark s Core Translation Theory in the Translation of Ancient Chinese Poetry;纽马克翻译理论在译诗中的适应性与审美再现
15.Translation of Film Titles and Their Aesthetic Appreciation;影视片名的翻译及其审美意义——从《美国丽人》说起
16.Aesthetic Reproduction in Chinese-English Tourism Translation from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics接受美学视域下旅游汉英翻译的审美再现
17.The "Shock" of Mass Culture of Translation & the Aestheticization ofDaily Life--A Case Study of Lin Yutang s Translation;通俗翻译的“震惊”效果与日常生活的审美精神——林语堂翻译研究
18.On the Aesthetic Requirements of Poetry Translation from Pound's Translation Theory and Practice从庞德的翻译理论与实践探析诗歌翻译的审美要求

translation aestheticization翻译审美
3)Aesthetic Medium审美中介
1.The article holds the idea that aesthetics formed through the interaction of objective target and the aesthetic medium, the different aesthetic subjects have the same aesthetic sense toward one aesthetic objective target , which formed from the related aesthetic subjects agreement of aesthetic media .从"美生成于审美中介与客体之互动"的立场出发,不同审美个体面对同一审美客体的共同性美感,生成于审美交往之个体间的审美中介的约定。
4)aesthetic intervention审美介入
1.His/Her aesthetic intervention can be categorized into three types: cognition,intention and analysis.文章列举并分析了审美主体在翻译中介入审美经验的三种类型:分析性主体、认知性主体和意向性主体,并且提出在古典诗歌的翻译过程中,要衡量与把握古诗美感的传译效果,可以审美主体的审美介入程度是否保持适中为标准。
5)the medium to appreciate beauty审美媒介
6)the aesthetic subject of translation翻译审美主体
