墙角石,corner stone
1)corner stone墙角石

1.A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls; a quoin.墙角石用于联结一个建筑中两个相交的墙壁的角落处的石头;角石
2.The root of the big tree trends to edge away the corner stone.这棵大树的根可能会把墙角石顶走。
3.The walls are cornered with stone .墙角是用石头砌成的。
4.An exterior angle of a wall or other piece of masonry.外角墙或其它砖石建筑物的外角
5.stone walls,buildings, floors,statues石墙、石楼、石板地面、石雕
6.For picturesque rocks, there is what is known as the Stone Drum and the Stone Horn.怪石有石鼓、石角。
7.Walk to the corner.“你走到墙角站好。
8.triangular pediment成等边三角形的三角墙
9.The corners of a room are square.屋子的墙角是直角。
10.he went to a corner of his dungeon, detached a stone, and with it knocked against the wall where the sound came.他走到地牢的一角,挖下一块因受潮而松动的石片,拿来敲击那墙壁上声音听得最清楚的地方。
11.The stone walls are not high, and a man can easily climB over them.石头墙不高,人翻过墙头很容易。
12.A continuous course of stones supporting a wall墙基层支撑一堵墙的一组连续的石块
13.moss-covered rocks, walls长满青苔的岩石、 墙.
14.The shed abuts a against a stone wall.棚子靠着一堵石墙。
15.a stone wall trails raggedly through the woods.石墙断散地穿过树林。
16.The fields were divided by stone walls.这片地都有石墙相隔.
17.The two black stone walls are set into the earth.这两堵黑石墙置入地下,
18.build loose stones into a strong wall用石块建成坚固的墙

A corner or cornerstone.拐角,墙角石
3)quoin bonding尾角石块墙砌合
4)quoin bonding屋角石块墙砌合
5)A stone serving to form such an angle;a cornerstone.墙角石用来建这种角的石头;隅石
6)rock wall石墙
1.The mining method with longwall,strike and back, and management methods after mining in steep medium-thick seam are introduced,including using hydraulic prop,using three kinds of protecting mthods,and keeping rock wall beforehand,which is applied in retaining roadvays along goaf after mining.介绍了急倾斜中厚煤层走向长壁后退式采煤方法及采后管理的具体方法、方案及措施,即急倾斜中厚煤层采用单体支护,设好三防措施,在施工顺槽巷道时,提前预留石墙,做为采面回采后沿空留巷使用。

墙角1.亦作"墙角"。 2.两堵墙相接处的凹角或其近处。