水之美,the beauty of water
1)the beauty of water水之美

1.Aesthetic conceptions about water in Russian and Chinese cultures;水之美——俄、汉民族文化中关于水意象的审美观
2.Watercolour paintings are of special Beauty.水彩画,具有独特之美。
3.Ami Mizuno is one of the central characters in Sailor Moon.水野亚美是《美少女战士》中的主角之一。
4.Some European countries confirm soda water as medical water, “gold water”, “liver water”, “aristocrat water”.欧美国家将天然苏打水确定为医疗用水,称之“黄金水”、“肝脏水”、“贵族水”。
5."So it was beautiful, being so tall and its branches so long, for its root was by great waters."树大条长,成为荣美,因为根在众水之旁。
6.Add 1/2 teaspoon per cup to cosmetic oils.加半茶匙入一杯水中作美容油之用。
7.Symbol of Water:Heterogeneous Beauty in the Essays by YUAN Dao-hong and WANG Si-ren;水之喻:袁宏道、王思任小品文的异质美
8."Art of Water"--On Essays by Sushi From Aesthetic Perspective;“水之道”——苏轼散文中的美学观
9.A View on G-Telp Oral Level Tests in America;美国G-Telp口语水平测试之我见
10.Dissussion the Different of the Aesthetic on Chinese and Western Landscape Poetry;试谈中西山水诗审美观物态度之差异
11.The Evolution of Aesthetic for Nature from Shijing to Chuci;《诗经》至《楚辞》山水审美意识之演进
12.The Process of Aesthetic Learning From Sensual Joy to Spiritual Elevation;从“林泉之心”到“山水之乐”的审美体验过程
13.Talk of Traditional Chinese Landscape Paintings and Modern Landscape of the Aesthetic Characteristics谈中国传统山水画与现代山水画之审美特征
14.The Foremost World Happy is Landscape:On Aesthetic Thoughts of Landscape in Ming Dynasty天下之乐,莫过于山水——明代山水审美思想管窥
15.The Beauty in Solitude--An Analysis on the Poem"The Fish";静水流深:于沉静中绽放之美——《鱼》的思想及艺术之美探微
16.If there is aught of destiny in my future then I will meet destiny with integrity.美貌与之毫无关系,试问你如何用美貌去形容阳光之和煦、风之宜人、水之清冽?
17.President Chen Shui-bian was one of the defense attorneys involved in Formosa Incident.陈水扁总统曾是美丽岛事件的辩护律师之一。
18.About 40 percent of all water transportation in the nation's interior is carried on the Great Lakes.美国内陆的水道约有百分之四十取道五大湖。

The beauty of the scenery山水之美
3)Appreciation of Landscape Painting in the Yuan Dynasty元代山水画之美
4)not being beautiful on appearance but moving in art不美之美
1.As a pioneer of the Hanmeng poetic school in the middle Tang dynasty,Meng Jiao s distinctive experience and personality brang up his unique characteristic in term of poetic aesthetics:not being beautiful on appearance but moving in art.孟郊是中唐韩孟诗派的开山人物,他的独特经历和个性造成了他在诗歌审美方面与众不同的特征,即追求一种“不美之美”,他将关注的目光更多地转向不大引人注意的对象,如苦寒、贫病、怪奇、恐怖等方面,从而表现出一种以丑为美,化腐朽为神奇的效果,展示了唐诗大变于中唐的景观。
5)Beauty of Fine Arts《美术之美》
6)showing appreciation for beauty of other cultures美人之美
1.Based on the above, this paper suggests that "showing appreciation for beauty of other cultures" should be a proper attitude in terms of multinationality culture.由此论文提出"美人之美"是多民族文化的战略选择。

萘丁美酮 ,萘普酮,瑞力芬,萘布美通, 纳布美通,萘美酮药物名称:萘普酮英文名:Nabumetone别名: 萘丁美酮 ,萘普酮,瑞力芬,萘布美通, 纳布美通,萘美酮外文名:Nabumetone, NAB, Nabuser, Relifex, Relafen适应症: 用于治疗类风湿性关节炎、骨关节炎等,以及其他需抗炎治疗的类似症状。 用量用法: 口服:每次1g,临睡前服。对严重或持续症状,或急性加重期,可另增加500mg-1g,清晨给药。老年人每日不超过1g,一些患者服用500mg会得到令人满意的效果。 注意事项: 少数患者有胃不适、腹胀等,长期服用可自行消失,有急、慢性胃炎、胃或十二指肠溃疡、有药物过敏史者慎用。 对阿期匹林过敏的患者用萘丁美酮可能有相似的反应。肝功能损害的患者慎用。不推荐孕妇及哺乳期妇女使用。 禁忌: 有活动性消化性溃疡病和有严重肝损害的病人。 药物相互作用: 在同时接受口服抗凝血剂、乙内酰脲类抗惊厥药或磺酰脲类降低血糖的药物治疗时,应检查这些药物过量的征兆。 规格: 片剂:0.25g,0.5g,0.56g。胶囊:0.25g. 类别:抗炎止痛药