灵性美,the beauty of intelligence
1)the beauty of intelligence灵性美
1.Taking the Water as its example,the thesis sums up three aspects about the beauty of water as follows: the beauty of encounter,the beauty of virtue and the beauty of intelligence.以水为例,述及作为五行之一的水的美论的三个层次,它们是遭遇美、德性美和灵性美
2)spirit beauty性灵美
1.Antimicrobial Efficacy of MediClean~(TM) Alcohol Gel as A Hand Sanitizer;对美涤克灵免水消毒洁手液消毒功效的研究
4)Beauty of intelligence灵动美
5)Tiantai psychic aesthetics心灵美学
6)the beauty in the heart美在心灵

1.Aestheticism,the Beauty of the Soul--Wilde′s Pursuit of Aestheticism and His The Picture of Dorian Gray;唯美,尤其美在心灵——王尔德的唯美主义追求及其《道连·格雷的画像》
2.The Beauty Means to Integrate the Contents ofThree Layers of the Soul;美是心灵三层面内容在对象中的统一
3.People should be beautiful every way-in their faces, in the way they dress, in their thoughts and in their innermost selves.人们应该在每方面都表现美——面容美,衣着美,思想美和心灵美。
4.Virtue is true beauty.心灵美才是真正的美。
5.She wanted to form minds and hearts out of infantile clay.她想在稚童的躯壳上塑造出聪慧和美好的心灵。
6.in the (inner) most recesses of the soul [heart]在心灵的最深处 [心底]
7.Let Fly the soul of Trilth,Goodness and Beallty──On the Essay Collection“The Heaven of Soul”by Tan Zhong- chi;放飞真善美的心灵──读谭仲池散文集《心灵的天堂》
8.On happy festivals, there must be joyfulness linking between our hearts which are always in with a tacit understanding.在美好的节日里,我们心灵之间必会有默契的愉悦。
9."Aspiration"potentially controls and guides the two-way movement of the spirit,granting aesthetic movement its ideality and transcendality.“志”潜在地制导着心灵的双向运动 ,赋予审美活动以理想性、超越性 ;
10.Singapore's beauty is not only reflected in the natural environment, but it also manifests itself in the hearts of its people.新加坡的美,不仅反映在自然环境,更体现于人的心灵。
11.I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now.我让这悦耳美妙、着光芒的乐音净化我的心灵,我现在感到自由了.
12.Identity crisis: On Susan Sontag s In America;漂泊的心灵 失落的个人——评苏珊·桑塔格的小说《在美国》
13.Soul of a Solitary Individual--Existential Probe and Its Aesthetic Significance in Nausea;孤独者的灵魂——萨特小说《恶心》的存在探询及其审美含义
14.Kawabata Yasunari creates, in aesthetic aspect, a spiritual world of" pure beauty"in The Sleeping Beauty.从审美角度看,川端康成在《睡美人》里创造了一个"纯真之美"的心灵世界。
15.They flash upon that inward eye它们常在心灵中闪现,
16.There are both earthworms' ploughing and worker ants' busy work. The cabin of the soul is built in a beautiful dream, as well as in a delicate mind.既有蚯蚓的勤耕,又有工蚁的奔忙。心灵的小屋,筑在美好的梦里,筑在精致的心上。
17.The critic's rating of the film A Beautiful Mind is high.评论家们对电影《美丽 心灵》的评价很高.
18.Take time to laugh; it is the music of soul.花时间开怀大笑,它是心灵美妙的乐章。

spirit beauty性灵美
1.Antimicrobial Efficacy of MediClean~(TM) Alcohol Gel as A Hand Sanitizer;对美涤克灵免水消毒洁手液消毒功效的研究
4)Beauty of intelligence灵动美
5)Tiantai psychic aesthetics心灵美学
6)the beauty in the heart美在心灵
