散步美学,aesthetics of rambling style
1)aesthetics of rambling style散步美学
2)Strolling in Aesthetics《美学散步》
1.On Artistic Characteristics of Zong Baihua s Strolling in Aesthetics;试论宗白华《美学散步》的艺术特征

1.On Artistic Characteristics of Zong Baihua s Strolling in Aesthetics;试论宗白华《美学散步》的艺术特征
2.Research of Aesthetician --The evalution and analysis of Mr Zong Baihua s system of methods of Life Esthetics.;唯美者的散步——宗白华生命美学方法论评析
3.Probe into Cause of Formation of Rambling Aesthetic Style According to on Shi Shuo Xin Yu by Zong Baihua;从宗白华论《世说新语》看散步式美学风格的形成
4.Will you come for a walk after school?放学後你愿意来散散步吗?
5.A Poetics of the Walk:On Two Prose Texts by Philippe Jaccottet;散步诗学:读诗人雅各岱的两篇散文
6.I was walking by the river one beautiful moonlit night.在美丽的月夜我沿河散步。
7.Let the Collelge Science Education be of Aesthetic Charm;让大学科学教学散发美的魅力(英文)
8.Poetry should have poetic beauty, and prose should have prosaic beauty-this is one of the basic an esthetics principles.诗应该讲究诗美,散文应该讲究散文美,这是基本的美学原则之一。
9.Aesthetic Construction in Translation of Prose--On XIA Ji an s Translation of The Old Manse;散文翻译的美学建构——评夏译散文《古屋杂忆》
10.On Reproducing Aesthetic Value in Prose Translation from Perspective of Reception Aesthetics从接受美学角度看散文翻译之美学价值再现
11.Studies on Pharmacy and Initial Pharmacodynamics of Zhiouyiai Dispersible Tablet;止呕抑癌分散片药学及其初步药效学的研究
12.On Prosy Aesthetics of Poem and Ai Qing s Poetic Ideal;论“诗的散文美”与艾青的诗学理想
13.Esthetics In Prose Translation and A Comparison of Different Translation Editions for Of Studies;散文翻译美学与《Of Studies》的翻译版本比较
14.On Jianzhen Prose s Buddhist Consciousness and Aesthetic Sentiment;论简女真散文的佛学意识和审美意蕴
15."Art of Water"--On Essays by Sushi From Aesthetic Perspective;“水之道”——苏轼散文中的美学观
16.Homeland,Existence and Polyphony--The Aesthetic Structure of Li Dengjian s Proses;家园·生存·复调——李登建散文的美学结构
17.Discuss on the esthetics characteristic of Liang Shi- qiu sprose from 《Style guide for letter writing in Elegant shed》;从《雅舍尺牍》看梁实秋散文的美学特征
18.On Aesthetic Characteristics of “Tong Gan” in Prose Creation;论“通感”在散文创作中的美学特征

Strolling in Aesthetics《美学散步》
1.On Artistic Characteristics of Zong Baihua s Strolling in Aesthetics;试论宗白华《美学散步》的艺术特征
3)the rambling aesthetic style散步式美学风格
4)poetics of the walk散步诗学
1.Through a reading of two prose texts from the 1970s,namely Oiseaux invisibles and A travers un verger,this essay traces Jaccottet s elaboration of what might be called a poetics of the walk,with which the author nurtures his faith in the transparent essence of the elemental realm while underscoring its elusiveness for human appr.通过解读两篇写于20世纪70年代的散文,即《看不见的鸟儿》和《穿过果园》,本文旨在探讨诗人在其散文中发展、深化的散步诗学。
5)Random Notes about the instruction in the Fine Arts美术教学散论
1.the paper finds that with the aging of population,there has been more and more senior citizens in towns joining in walking since 1978.改革开放以来,随着老龄化社会的到来,越来越多的城镇老年人投入到散步这一队伍,这一社会事实已经不仅仅是一种老年人的体育锻炼方式,更是一股社会潮流,有效地推进和谐社会的建设。
