审美感伤,Aesthetic Sentimentality
1)Aesthetic Sentimentality审美感伤
1.The Aesthetic Sentimentality——Talking about the Aesthetic Feeling again beyond the Theory of Aesthetic Pleasure审美感伤——从审美愉悦说之外再看审美情感

1.The Aesthetic Sentimentality--Talking about the Aesthetic Feeling again beyond the Theory of Aesthetic Pleasure审美感伤——从审美愉悦说之外再看审美情感
2.Nostalgia implies beauty of sorrow and beauty of the transcendent world.怀旧的审美心理指向是感伤之美和彼岸之美。
3.Yu Da Fu s decadent sentimental manner and his taste selection of aestheticisms;郁达夫的颓废感伤和唯美主义的审美选择
4.19 Ancient Poems Sentimental Connotation And Esthetic Images;《古诗十九首》的感伤情怀及相关审美意象
5.The Basic Theme and Aesthetic Perception in Yu Dafu s Sad Prose;郁达夫感伤散文的基本主题和审美情趣
6.Natural, Simlpe and Sentimental: Yu Dafu’s Essays Aesthetic Appreciation自然 清丽 伤感——郁达夫山水小品文的审美解读
7.Pathos in Landscape Esthetics in the Jin Dynasty: A Case Study of the Spring Purification Festival论晋人山水审美中的内在感伤心理——以上巳节俗为例
8.satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities.满足审美标准和审美感觉的。
9.Improve the Subject s Feeling Ability in Aesthetic Action;在审美活动中提高主体的审美感受力
10.She has a special eye for beauty.她有独特的审美感。
11.He is inaesthetic and unintellectual.他既无审美感又无智慧。
12.The Training of Aesthetic Feeling and Emotion Abstract in Chinese Teaching;浅谈语文教学中审美感受、审美情感的训练
13.This paper develops itself in three chapters: aesthetic perception--aesthetic feeling -aesthetic comprehension.文中主要分为三章,依照审美感知→审美情感→审美理解的过程展开。
14.The National Black Treasure of Red River On the Relationship between Beauty and Aesthetic-Feeling from Aesthetic Intermediary赤水玄珠——从审美中介论美与美感
15.The Aesthetic Sensation·Aesthetic Experience.Aesthetic Imagination.Aesthetic Creation--On the Elements of Creating the Aesthetic Stage Image;审美感知·审美体验·审美想象·审美创造——谈戏剧舞台审美形象的生成要素
16.This article discusses Chuan's aesthetic achievements in his early works, hoping to find the spiritual homeland through the writer's mild sadness.作者于温柔的伤感、淡的哀愁中不懈地寻找其精神家园,浓郁的审美意识流淌于作品的字里行间。
17.The Effect of Understanding of Aesthetic Feeling on Aesthetic Perceptual Level;审美概念理解对审美感性水平影响的实验探索
18.On the Transformation Mechanism between Tragedian Grief and Aesthetic Delight;论悲剧的痛感与审美快感的转换机制

aesthetic perception审美感知
1.He/she can inculcate students aesthetic perception and aesthetic affection by all kinds of forms of beauty.美术教师在教学上要善于创设一个和谐、优美的物质、心理环境,让学生产生积极的态度体验,通过各种美的形式进行审美感知和情感教育,使学生不断在感知的情景中去自主探究, 提高他们的艺术审美情趣和艺术的表现力,完成美术课改教育目标。
3)visual-sound perception通感审美
4)Aesthetic feeling审美情感
1.It holds the three element of aesthetic education are the education of aesthetic knowledge,the cultivating of feeling of aesthetic form and the edifying of aesthetic feeling.构成审美教育的内容与形式的三要素是审美知识的教育、审美形式感的培养与审美情感的陶冶。
2.The thesis tries to discuss the impacts of national affect on rewriting in translation,pointing out that translators patriotic feeling,aesthetic feeling and value feeling can influence the rewriting in translation.翻译改写是翻译实践中的一种常见现象,影响翻译改写的因素很多,本文试图探讨译者民族情感对翻译改写的影响,指出一个民族的爱国情感,审美情感和价值情感都会影响翻译的改写。
3.First, form that stresses the function of value shows certain aesthetic idea; second, form which gains independence expresses certain aesthetic feeling; t.本文试从三方面进行分析:一、强调价值作用的形式阐明了某种审美理想;二、取得自主地位的形式表达某种审美情感;三、作为艺术本质的形式揭示了形式感的本质作用。
5)Aesthetic emotion审美情感
1.Aesthetic emotion,which is manifested by defferent emotional states during the playing,is decisive in the piano performance.钢琴演奏首先取决于审美情感,它表现为演奏中不同的情感状态。
2.It has been branded with the spirit brand of aesthetic emotion of every eras in histo.浅品水彩画作品中所具有的精神面貌,充分说明了单纯美作为一种美学形态具有广泛性、历史性和发展性,并随着社会意识形态发展的同时扩展了它的审美外延,它不仅仅是一种表现形式的追求,而是一种精神层面上的提升与回归,它在历史的传承中烙上了各个时代审美情感上的精神烙印,特别是在当代艺术表现中,单纯美——扮演了极为重要的角色。
3.The aesthetic emotion is an important psychological motion,an indispensable element of a perfect personality and perfect psychological configuration.审美情感是一种重要的心理活动,是完美的人格和完美的心理结构不可缺少的因素。
6)esthetic feeling审美感受
1.This article elaborates an important proposition,the connotation of poets esthetic feeling,which decides whether the poetry is a success or a failure.文章阐述了决定诗歌创作成败的重要命题——诗人审美感受的概念内涵,从感觉、情感、智性等三个层面剖析了审美感受的结构组成,并对如何有效捕获新颖、独特的审美感受问题进行了探讨。
2.Her prose has not been false and feigns,by the level writing style,calmly gives the human by to live simply,the tranquil esthetic feeling.她的散文没有虚伪和矫饰,以平实的笔调,静静地予人以淡泊、宁静的审美感受。
