宫内阻断,Uteral transmission
1)Uteral transmission宫内阻断

1.Analysis of correlation factors of intrauterine interruption failure for HBV infected pregnant women using HBIG during in the last trimester of pregnancy乙型肝炎病毒感染孕妇孕晚期HBIG宫内阻断失败相关因素分析
2.Relationship between Precore/core Promoter Mutations of HBV and Intrauterine Infection or Interruption at Third Trimester of Pregnancy;HBV前C区和C启动子区变异与宫内感染及产前阻断关系的研究
3.The Research on Inocucating HCMV pp65 DNA Vaccine to Prevent the Intrauterine Transmission of the Mice before Pregnancy;孕前接种HCMV pp65 DNA疫苗对阻断小鼠HCMV宫内传播的实验研究
4.Meta-analysis on the effect of hepatitis B immunoglobulin on blocking intrauterine infection of HBV during the third-trimester孕晚期注射乙肝免疫球蛋白阻断乙肝病毒宫内感染的Meta分析
5.Analysis of 18 cases of the application of the pressure pulse banding the lower uterine segment in the treatment of massive hemorrhage during cesaream section阻断子宫血流急救剖宫产术中出血18例分析
6.Ultrasound diagnosis of a live ectopic pregnancy:a case report彩超诊断宫内宫外同时活胎妊娠1例
7.HIFU in non-invasive blocking blood supply for treatment of hysteromyomaHIFU非侵入性阻断血管治疗子宫肌瘤的初步探索
8.Efficacy of combining the bipolar coagulation of ascending uterine arteries and laparoscopic myomectomy腹腔镜下子宫动脉上行支阻断术辅助子宫肌瘤剔除术的疗效观察
9.Application of Blockage of Ascending Branch of Uterine Arteries in Uterine Myomectomy under Laparoscope阻断子宫动脉升支在腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术中的应用
10.Evaluation of ovarian function after laparoscopic myomectomy combined with uterine artery occlusion by electrocoagulation腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术联合子宫动脉阻断术对卵巢功能的影响
11.Diagnostic Value of Sonohysterography in Patients with Uterine Intracavitary Pathology;宫腔声学造影对宫腔内病变的诊断价值
12.Transvaginal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Uterine Endometrial Disease in Postmenopausal阴道超声宫腔造影诊断绝经后子宫内膜病变
13.Diagnostic Values of Ultrasonography,Diagnostic Curettage and Hysteroscopy in Endometrial CarcinomaB超、诊刮及宫腔镜对子宫内膜癌的诊断价值
14.The Differential Diagnosis between Primary Cervical Adenocarcinoma and Uterine Endocervical Adenocarcinoma原发性子宫颈腺癌和子宫内膜腺癌的鉴别诊断
15.Clinical Value of Sonohysterography in Diagnosis of Endometrial Polyps宫腔声学造影诊断子宫内膜息肉的价值
16.Evaluation of cervical conization in diagnosis and treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia宫颈锥切术在诊断宫颈上皮内瘤样病变和早期宫颈癌中的价值
17.Diagnosis of the Embryo uterus inside lack the oxygen's in umbilicus bind by Color Doppler胎儿脐带缠绕时宫内缺氧的超声诊断
18.The Preliminary Investigation of the Diagnosis of Endometrail Carcinoma with YKL-40;应用YKL-40诊断子宫内膜癌的初步研究

Intrauterine diagnosis宫内诊断
3)Content Blocking内容阻断
4)uterine artery blockage子宫动脉阻断
1.Laparoscopic uterine artery blockage for the treatment of adenomyosis;腹腔镜下子宫动脉阻断术治疗子宫腺肌病的疗效分析
5)uterine artery occlusion子宫动脉阻断
1.Clinical application of laparoscopic uterine artery occlusion combined with myomectomy to broad ligament myomas腹腔镜下子宫动脉阻断术联合肌瘤挖出术治疗阔韧带肌瘤的临床应用
2.Clinical research of laparoscopic uterine artery occlusion combined with myomectomy for uterine fibroids腹腔镜下子宫动脉阻断术联合肌瘤切除术治疗子宫肌瘤的临床研究
6)Uterine artery occlusion子宫动脉阻断术

宫腔镜子宫内膜或息肉切除术宫腔镜子宫内膜或息肉切除术  常用于:①药物治疗无效的功血;②子宫内膜息肉造成子宫异常出血;③子宫小于8~9周孕,宫腔小于12cm,需保留子宫者。用持续灌流式宫腔操作镜,结合激光、电热能,使子宫内膜凝固、切除或切除子宫内膜息肉。术前准备同开腹手术外,还需宫颈细胞学、盆腔B超、血球压积、血电解质检查等。根据病情选用硬膜外麻醉或全麻,放宫腔镜操作同检查术,术中应用B超监测,去除子宫内膜自两宫角开始,而后宫底、前壁、侧壁、后壁,深及基底层下2~3mm的浅肌层,单发息肉仅切除息肉,深达肌层;多发者应将内膜一并切除。术毕检查宫腔无出血,取出宫腔镜。术后给予抗生素预防感染,给予缩宫剂加强宫缩。忌性生活2周。如若术前用抑制子宫内膜生长的药物预先处理子宫内膜,则手术更易实施。