隐性肥胖,Recessive obesity
1)Recessive obesity隐性肥胖
1.The integrated results are summarized as follows: For male employees,there is no obvious trend in changes in terms of recessive obesity occurrence rate.对宁波大学教职工体成分测试数据进行了统计分析,结果表明:男性隐性肥胖的发生率没有明显的变化趋势,而女性隐性肥胖的发生率有随年龄增加的趋势;35岁之后隐性肥胖的发生率开始出现明显的性别差异,女性隐性肥胖的发生率明显高于男性;男性隐性肥胖者机体的有效成分含量的减少更为明显,而女性隐性肥胖者是以脂肪含量的增加为特征;隐性肥胖者均存在脂肪分布不均衡的现象,表现为腰臀比均明显高于标准人群。

1.A Research on Recessive Obesity of High School Students in Dongguan and Its Countermeasures;东莞市高中生隐性肥胖的调查与对策
2.A Research on the Recessive Obesity for the High School Students in Dongguan and Its Countermeasures;东莞市中学生隐性肥胖的调查与对策
3.Characteristics of Body Composition for Staff and Faculty Members in Ningbo University with Recessive Obesity宁波大学教职工中隐性肥胖者体成分特征
4.Characteristics of the serum lipid of high school freshmen cryptomorphic obesity sufferers;高一学生隐形肥胖者的血清脂质性状特征
5.Relation between Resting Heart Rate and Masked Hypertension in Obese Patients肥胖患者静息心率增加与隐性高血压的关系
6.hypogonad obesity性腺机能减退性肥胖
7.The experimental study of Masked Obesity exercise prescription in university students of China;大学生隐形肥胖运动处方的实验研究
8.pituitary adiposity垂体机能不全性肥胖症
9.adiposis dolorosa痛性肥胖症;德尔肯氏病;近关节痛性肥胖症
10.The Clinical Study of the Therapeutic Effect between Simple Obesity and Abdominal Obesity全身性肥胖与中心性肥胖针灸疗效观察
11.Expression of NPY and AgRP in the Hypothalamus of the Diet-induced Obese and Diet Resistant Rat;食源性肥胖和肥胖抵抗大鼠下丘脑NPY、AgRP的表达
12.The design and implementation of exercise prescription for masked obesity suffered by college students;大学生隐形肥胖运动处方的设计与实施
13.Characteristics of anthropometrics and physical fitness of masked obesity in university students;我国大学生隐形肥胖者的体质形态和体力特征
14.The Comparison of Two Evaluate Methods on Judging the Simple Obesity of Children and Its Complications;两种肥胖评价方法在判别儿童单纯性肥胖及其并发症方面的比较
15.The Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Three Candidate Genes and Obesity in Children and Adolescents儿童青少年肥胖与三个肥胖候选基因单核苷酸多态性的关联分析
16.Relationsipe between Obesity in Freshmen Students and History of the Commen Parents Obesity大学新生单纯性肥胖与父母肥胖史及其影响因素的关系
17.endocrine osteoporotic obesity内分泌性骨质疏松性肥胖症
18.The Study on Influence of Sex Development in Obese Boys;单纯性肥胖对男孩性发育影响的研究

masked obesity隐形肥胖
1.The design and implementation of exercise prescription for masked obesity suffered by college students;大学生隐形肥胖运动处方的设计与实施
2.Characteristics of anthropometrics and physical fitness of masked obesity in university students;我国大学生隐形肥胖者的体质形态和体力特征
3)obese women肥胖女性
1.Relationship between dietary nutrients and hypertension in obese women肥胖女性膳食营养素摄入与高血压关系
2.This paper studies the effects of aerobics,anti-resistance training and diet interference on weight-losing obese women and offers experimental basis to the research of scientific weight-losing methods.目的:通过运动训练对年轻肥胖女性减肥实验的研究,为科学减肥方法提供实验依据。
1.Research on Effects of Aerobic Exercise on the Blood Lipid Composition And Endocrine Hormone Among Obese Female Middle-aged Staff;有氧健身舞对单纯性肥胖中年女教工血脂成分及内分泌激素的影响
2.Study of insulin receptor substrate in obese and type 2 diabetes children;单纯性肥胖及2型糖尿病儿童胰岛素受体底物-1的研究
3.Methods The contents of serum leptin, insulin and thyroid hormone in 41 obese and 41 normal children were determined and the bone age and indexes of physical development were measured.目的分析单纯性肥胖儿童血清瘦素、胰岛素、甲状腺素水平及其与体格发育的关系。
5)diet-induced obesity食源性肥胖
1.One model of diet-induced obesity(DIO) rat had been built initially.建立食源性肥胖大鼠模型,对正常大鼠和肥胖大鼠下丘脑全蛋白进行双向凝胶电泳,产生下丘脑蛋白双向凝胶电泳图谱。
6)Simple obesity单纯性肥胖
1.Affection of indexes by acupoint catgut implantation treatment on experimental simple obesity rats;穴位埋线疗法对单纯性肥胖大鼠的影响
2.Study on influencing factor of simple obesity in children of Shenzhen area;深圳地区小学生单纯性肥胖影响因素的研究
3.Influence of simple obesity on physical and mental health of children;单纯性肥胖对儿童身心健康的影响

低肌张力-低智能-性发育低下-肥胖综合征低肌张力-低智能-性发育低下-肥胖综合征 病名。简称HHHD综合征。亦称Prader-Willi综合征。主要因下丘脑功能紊乱而致。 无明显家族因素。男性多见。包括出生时肌张力及反射低下,嗜睡,哺乳喂养困难及6个月后肌张力亢进,过食,肥胖,智能低下,小阴茎,双侧或单侧隐睾,青春期副性征不发育,高血糖症,糖尿病等。宜对症治疗。