生长激素促分泌素受体-1a基因,growth hormone secretagogue receptor-1a gene
1)growth hormone secretagogue receptor-1a gene生长激素促分泌素受体-1a基因
2)growth hormone secretagogue receptor生长激素促分泌素受体

1.Construction and identification of eukaryotic expression vector bearing mouse ghrelin receptor小鼠生长激素促分泌素受体真核表达载体的构建及表达鉴定
2.Analysis of the Correlations between GHSR Gene Polymorphism and Carcass Traits in Rabbit兔生长激素促分泌素受体(GHSR)基因多态性及其与屠体性状的关联性研究
3.Study on Signal Transduction in Regulation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Secretion by Epidermal Growth Factor in Trophoblast Cell;表皮生长因子及受体调控滋养层细胞分泌人绒毛膜促性腺激素信号转导通路的研究
4.The Effect of Gastrin in Increasing Epidermal Growth Factor in the Development of Colorectal Cancer in Vitro胃泌素体外促大肠癌细胞分泌表皮生长因子的实验研究
5.Pituitary dwarfism is caused by insufficient growth hormone.脑下垂体性侏儒因生长激素分泌不足引起,
6.Corticotrophs and prolactin cells form the pro-adenohypophysis;促肾上腺激素分泌细胞和催乳素分泌细胞组成前-腺垂体;
7.IL-4 cytotoxin inhibits cell growth and hormone secretion of pituitary adenomasIL-4细胞毒素对垂体腺瘤生长及其激素分泌的靶向治疗作用
8.Involvement of NMDA Receptors in Release of PRL,ACTH and Gonadotropins During Restraint in Male Rats;NMDA受体介导束缚应激时腺垂体激素分泌的调节
9.On the Research and Development of the Secretion Level of Growth Hormone for Juveniles;青少年生长激素分泌水平的研究进展
10.The Role of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling Pathway in Endocrine Therapy to Estrogen-dependent Breast Cancer;表皮生长因子受体信号通路在激素依赖性乳腺癌内分泌治疗中的作用
11.Effects of GHRP-2 on the patterns of GH in growing pigs生长激素释放肽-2对生长猪生长激素分泌模式的影响
12.Studies on the Relationship between Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) Exon 3 Polymorphism and the Effect of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH) Therapy in Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) Children;生长激素缺乏症患儿生长激素受体外显子3多态性与重组人生长激素疗效相关性分析
13.Purification of swine serum ceruloplasmin and effect of ceruloplasmin on growth hormone secretion of swine pituitary cells in vitro猪铜蓝蛋白的分离纯化及对垂体细胞分泌生长激素的影响
14.Lifting Positive Hormone Level– Boosting the level of Testosterone and HGH to stimulate the protein synthesis for building up muscle tissue.提升正荷尔蒙水平-促进睾酮及生长激素分泌从而刺激蛋白合成达至增强肌肉的效果。
15.The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate a wide range of metabolic processes in the body including hair growth.甲状腺所分泌的激素调节体内大量的代谢活动,也包括头发的生长。
16.The Role of Second Messenger Systems in the Pathogenesis of Human Pituitary Growth Hormone (GH)-Secreting Adenomas;第二信使系统在垂体生长激素分泌瘤发病机理中作用的研究
18.Effect of trivalent chromium on growth hormone secretion and pituitary mRNA expression in finishing pigs三价铬对肥育猪生长激素分泌及垂体mRNA表达的影响

growth hormone secretagogue receptor生长激素促分泌素受体
3)melatonin receptor 1A gene褪黑激素受体1A基因
1.Association between exon 2 of melatonin receptor 1A gene and prolificacy in Small Tail Han sheep;褪黑激素受体1A基因外显子2与小尾寒羊高繁殖力的关联
4)growth hormone secretagogue生长激素促分泌素
5)growth hormone secretagogues生长激素分泌促进剂
6)growth hormone receptor gene生长激素受体基因
1.The growth hormone receptor gene mutations in a Chinese family with Laron syndrome;Laron综合征家系患者生长激素受体基因突变分析

诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素药物名称:重组人生长激素英文名:Somatropin别名:诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素外文名:Saizen, Norditropin, Genotropin, Norditropin, DNA-rhGH药理作用:为DNA重组技术生产的人体生长激素,是促进生长的机制之一,能刺激IGF-1和蛋白质合成,促进骨骼和体细胞的生长,利于脂肪分解和蛋白质合成,使肌肉增加,脂肪减少.适应症:用于内源性生长激素分泌不足或先天性性腺发育不全(特纳综合征)所引起的生长发育障碍,青春期前慢性肾功能不全所引起的生长发育障碍,成人生长激素不足的替代疗法(用于心功能不全等).注意点:1.配制药液时不可振荡,以免变性.2.每周剂量分7天皮下注射,注射部位应更换,如有一天漏注,则第二天不必倍量补注。3.糖尿病、妊娠、乳母慎用。4.恶性肿瘤术后,对本品过敏者,各种活动性恶性肿瘤禁用。5.不良反应可能会有甲状腺功能减退,液体潴留、伴周围水肿,曾有少数良性颅内高压病例的报告。用量用法:成人:生长激素不足:0.125iu/(kg.周) 。 先天性子宫发育不全: 1iu/(kg.周),以上剂量均分作7天皮下注射。规格:针剂:4iu, 10iu, 12iu, 16iu.类别:生殖系统药/促进子宫成熟药