糖尿病足/护理,diabetic foot /nursing
1)diabetic foot /nursing糖尿病足/护理
2)diabetes mellitus/nursing糖尿病/护理
3)diabetic foot糖尿病足
1.Research progress on insulin combining with other drugs to treat patients with diabetic foot;胰岛素联合用药治疗糖尿病足的研究进展
2.Clinical effect of interventional treatment in diabetic foot;糖尿病足血管内介入治疗临床意义
3.Experience in ulcer wound management of diabetic foot;糖尿病足溃疡创面处理几点体会

1.The Analysis of Risk Factors for Diabetic Foot in Type 2 Diabetic Patients;2型糖尿病患者糖尿病足的相关危险因素分析
2.Analysis on Risk Factors of Diabetic Foot in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2型糖尿病患者糖尿病足的危险因素分析研究
3.Antimicrobial Resistance of Pathogens Isolated from Diabetic Foot Patients糖尿病足感染病原菌特点及药敏分析
4.The Study on the Diabetic Foot with Severe Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease严重的糖尿病下肢动脉病变与糖尿病足及预后的相关性研究
5.Clinical Study on Development of Diabetic Foot Treated by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine;消、托、补三法治疗糖尿病足的临床研究
6.Kangmai 3 Capsule Treats Diabetes Foot Clinical Research;康脉3号胶囊治疗糖尿病足临床研究
7.Studies on the Relation between C-peptide, Blood Fat and Diabetic Foot;C肽、血脂水平与糖尿病足关系的研究
8.Clinical Research of Curing Diabetes Feet by Using TCM & Western Medicine Combination Method中西医结合治疗糖尿病足的临床研究
9.Integrated Local and Holistic Syndrome Differentiation for Treating Diabetic Foot整体与局部辨证相结合治疗糖尿病足
10.Comparison of Three Kinds of Diabetic Foot Treatment and Nursing Care糖尿病足的三种疗法比较及护理效应
11.Medical Treatment and Nursing Development of Diabetes Foot糖尿病足内科治疗与护理进展(综述)
12.Clinical Effect of Interventional Therapy in 18 Cases of Diabetic Foot糖尿病足的血管介入治疗18例体会
13.Effect of Alprostadil in Interventional Therapy of Diabetic Foot前列地尔介入治疗糖尿病足疗效观察
14.An approach of diabetic foot ulcers nature and its predilection site糖尿病足溃疡的性质及好发部位分析
15.Nursing Research on Behavioral Intervention of Prevention of Diabetic Foot行为干预对预防糖尿病足的护理研究
16.Daily Nursing Intervention and Wagner Classification of Diabetic Foot糖尿病足Wagner分级的日常护理干预
17.Clinical study of 43 patients with diabetic foot ulceration回顾性调查分析糖尿病足溃疡43例
18.Effect ofα-Lipoic Acid on Interventional Therapy of Diabetic Footα-硫辛酸对糖尿病足介入治疗的影响

diabetes mellitus/nursing糖尿病/护理
3)diabetic foot糖尿病足
1.Research progress on insulin combining with other drugs to treat patients with diabetic foot;胰岛素联合用药治疗糖尿病足的研究进展
2.Clinical effect of interventional treatment in diabetic foot;糖尿病足血管内介入治疗临床意义
3.Experience in ulcer wound management of diabetic foot;糖尿病足溃疡创面处理几点体会
4)diabetes foot糖尿病足
1.Analysis of relative Risk factor to diabetes foot high amputation糖尿病足大截肢相关危险因素探讨
5)diabetic nephropathies/nursing糖尿病肾病/护理
6)Diabetic foot infections糖尿病(DM)足

四种具足法──在家人四种具足法【四种具足法──在家人四种具足法】  ﹝出杂阿含经﹞  [一、信具足],谓在家之人,于如来所,起敬信心,闻胜妙法,心开意解,不生疑谤,信根坚固,是名信具足。  [二、戒具足],谓在家之人,起净信心,受佛禁戒,不杀不盗不邪淫不妄语不饮酒,持此五戒,一无毁犯,是名戒具足。  [三、施具足],谓在家之人,受前戒法,能于一切所有之财,不悭不惜,施济贫乏,修此舍行,是名施具足。  [四、慧具足],谓在家之人,既受戒行施,当以智慧,观察此身虚假不实,由贪嗔痴起诸烦恼,招集无量生死之苦,能修善道,证涅槃乐,是名慧具足。(梵语涅槃,华言灭度。)