连续性健康教育,continuous health education
1)continuous health education连续性健康教育
1.The effect evaluation to the continuous health education to diabetic patients duringthe didirectional transfer in community;谈我院在双向转诊中对社区糖尿病患者进行连续性健康教育效果

1.Effect evaluation of continous health education for diabetic patients in hospitals and communities糖尿病患者医院社区连续性健康教育效果评价
2.Effect of Continuous Health Education on Diabetic Patients in Two-way Referral between Hospital and Community Health Services Center糖尿病患者医院与社区卫生服务中心双向转诊进行连续性健康教育的效果评价
3.Study on the Effects of a Continuous Health Education Intervention for the Families of Chronic Hepatitis B Patients;对慢性乙型肝炎患者家属实施连续健康教育的效果研究
4.Effect of continuous health education on children with epilepsy延续性健康教育对癫痫患儿康复的影响
5.Some Thoughts on Realizing Sustainable and Sound Development of Higher Vocational Education;实现高职教育可持续性健康发展的几点思考
6.On Sustainable Development of People s Healthy Quality and Education of Health;人口健康素质的可持续发展与健康教育
7.Effect of sexual health education on psychological health of college students性健康教育对大学生心理健康的影响
8.Programa de Educacion Sexual y Afectiva性教育和心智健康方案
9.On Mental Protection During the Process of Continuing-Education;继续教育活动中教师心理健康的维护
10.The council also continued its school health education programmes.委员会亦继续举办学校健康教育活动。
11.Mental Health Education: A Required Course Taken by Teachers in their Continuing Education;心理健康教育是教师继续教育的必修课
12.Study on the Sustainable Development of PE in Combination with Health Education;体育教学与健康教育相结合的可持续发展研究
13.A Study on Health Education for Patients With Rheumatic Heart Diseases to Accelerate Their Health健康教育对风湿性心脏病病人健康促进的研究
14.Viewpoints on the Importance of Health Education from the Health Conditions of Intellectuals in China;从我国知识分子健康状况看健康教育的重要性
15.Non-continuous Education:Education of Existing Domain;非连续性教育:人的生存领域的教育
16.Mentality Builds Well-being Education and Work in Moral Education Timeliness Exploration;心理健康教育与德育工作实效性探究
17.Researches on Physical Health Education to Overweight Students;肥胖大学生体育健康教育对策性研究
18.Impact Evaluation on the Health Education of Lead Poisoning Prevention Among Pupils in Dalian;大连市小学生预防铅中毒健康教育效果评价

Sexual health education性健康教育
1.Need analysis on sexual health education among adolescents in Shenyang;吉林省在校青少年性健康教育需求状况
2.The current state and countermeasure to Adolescent Sexual Health Education In Western Area.——Basing on Investigation and Analysis to Sexual Health Education of Bijie City.;西部地区青少年性健康教育的现状与对策——基于毕节市城区性健康教育的调查与分析
3.Gender education and its influence in sexual health education性健康教育中性别教育的问题及其影响
3)sex health education性健康教育
1.Study on sex health education for AIDS high-risk group;对女性AIDS易感人群性健康教育的对策探讨
2.Objective To Understand the actual effect of the university sex health education different educational model, and for well carrying out the university sex health education to provide the science theory basis and the strategy henceforth.目的了解大学生性健康教育不同教学模式的教学实际效果,为今后更好地开展大学生性健康教育提供科学的理论依据和策略。
3.Under the harmonious education,sex health education,taking literary and artistic works as its carrier,should achieve a multi-aspect harmony in the educational thinking approach,the educational process and the application of modern technical methods.以文艺作品为载体形式的性健康教育,应做到"教育思维方式、教育进程和现代教育技术手段运用"诸方面的和谐,才能形成教育的合力。
4)continuous education连续性教育
1.It pays particular attention to the discontinuous educational thoughts of Bollnow.针对这一缺陷,本文论述了生命发展非连续性的 原因以及它的教育形式,重点评述了博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想。
2.Non-continuous education comprehends man and education from the living conditions of human being, which believe that a person s coming into being is not only pre-arranged or regular but also non-continuous and irregular.非连续性教育从人的生存境遇出发来理解人、理解教育,认为人的发展并非总是按照预定的路线或规律发展,人的生成有非连续、非规律的一面。
5)healthy gender education性别健康教育
1.In their experience,we should take all factors influencing their healthy gender education into consideration,and try to construct a kind of educational environment to cultivate children s androgyny by using various measures.幼儿的早期经验对性别角色行为影响非常重大,在早期教育中,我们应充分考虑影响儿童性别健康教育的各种因素,通过各项措施努力创设一种有利于培养儿童双性化人格的教育环境。
6)Active health education自主性健康教育

教育投资连续性教育投资连续性 教育投资连续性用于开发和提高劳动者智力的教育投资不是一次性的,而是需要不断追加的、具有连续性的投资。表现在:①教育是社会劳动力再生产的基本途径,社会再生产的必要条件。社会经济的不断发展,需要源源不断的劳动力,要求连续不断地对教育进行投资。②劳动力和人才的培养周期内,需要连续不断地追加投资。随着普及教育程度的逐步提高,劳动者要依次接受初等、中等和高等教育。教育程度每提高一个等级,就需要追加一次投资。③现代教育是终身教育。劳动力和人才就业后,在现代生产与科学技术不断进步的条件下,知识与技能需要不断更新,需要社会对他们进行再训练,同样需要追加教育投资。 形成教育投资连续性的原因是:1.教育本身具有连续性,无论在不同教育级别之间,或是在同一教育级别不同阶段和年限间,教育都是一个连续不断的过程。2.科学技术革命及其在生产中的应用,也使教育投资具有连续性:①随着科学技术和生产的迅速发展,对劳动者受教育程度要求越来越高,从而使教育普及的程度逐步提高。②随着科学技术不断进步,知识更新周期缩短,从而需要对劳动者进行继续教育。③科学技术革命引起产业结构与技术结构的变革,劳动者劳动转换的加速要求对劳动者进行再训练、再教育。这一特征要求人们在处理国民经济各方面投资时,要保证教育投资的连续性。