足部护理,feet care
1)feet care足部护理
1.Methods: A total of 349 cases with type 2 diabetes visited doctors in five hospitals of Guangzhou city were selected and investigated on compliance of feet care, knowledge about diabetes, health belief and self-efficacy of them.[目的]了解2型糖尿病病人足部护理情况及其影响因素,为针对性开展足部护理教育提供依据。

1.Effect of Foot Care on Prognosis of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Peripheral Neuropathy Disease足部护理对糖尿病周围神经病变预后的影响
2.After 20min massage feet with foot care massage cream, and then washout feet with cleaning foot lotion, finally nurse feet with foot guard essence.沐足20分钟后用美足按摩膏进行足部按摩;之后用净足液清洗足部;最后用护足精华素护理足部。
3.Nursing about the transferring of peduncle island skin flap in foot足部带蒂岛状皮瓣转移术的护理探讨
4.Objective To investigate the nursing methods of transferring peduncle island skin flap in foot.目的探讨足部带蒂岛状皮瓣转移术的护理方法。
5.Application of the trans-theoretical model on the behavior of foot self-care in patients with type 2 diabetes行为转变理论在2型糖尿病患者足部自护行为中的应用
6.Conclusion Overall elaborate clinical nursing can guarantee the survival of the graft peduncle island skin flaps in foot.结论全面精心的临床护理是足部带蒂岛状皮瓣转移术成功的重要保证。
7.Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace.虽然有法律保护消费者,但是没有足够数量的执法者来处理市场的全部流弊。
8.He has a strong case.他有充足的理由(可为自己辩护)。
9.Comparison of Three Kinds of Diabetic Foot Treatment and Nursing Care糖尿病足的三种疗法比较及护理效应
10.Medical Treatment and Nursing Development of Diabetes Foot糖尿病足内科治疗与护理进展(综述)
11.Nursing Experience of HFMD Children with Severe EV71 Infection重症手足口病EV71感染护理体会
12.Rehabilitation nursing care for the prevention of foot drop in patients suffering from deep burn of lower limbs预防下肢深度烧伤足下垂的康复护理
13.Nursing Research on Behavioral Intervention of Prevention of Diabetic Foot行为干预对预防糖尿病足的护理研究
14.Daily Nursing Intervention and Wagner Classification of Diabetic Foot糖尿病足Wagner分级的日常护理干预
15.Administered and maintained by the business unit·由业务部门管理和维护
16.care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the application of cosmetic creams.用化妆品护理面部皮肤。
17.Operations, Maintenance and Administration Part (OMAP)运营、维护和管理部分 (OMAP)
18.The nursing management of hand, foot and mouth disease对手足口病患儿的护理管理方法与体会

Foot Care balm足部护理软膏
4)self-care on feet足自我护理
5)nursing department护理部
1.The role of nursing department in the employment of civil nurses;护理部在招聘文职护士中的作用
2.Application and thoughts of union ward round by nursing department and general affairs department;护理部与总务科协同查房的实践与思考
3.The experiences of carrying out performance management by nursing department;我院护理部实施绩效管理的做法与体会
6)Nursing of chest肺部护理
