妊娠/膳食疗法,gestational/diet therapy
1)gestational/diet therapy妊娠/膳食疗法
2)pregnancy complications/DH妊娠并发症/膳食疗法
3)pregnancy in diabetics/diet therapy糖尿病患者妊娠/膳食疗法
4)Diet therapy膳食疗法
1.While patients in treatment group were treated with diet therapy.目的探讨膳食疗法对脑出血后便秘的作用。

1.Objective To explore the effects of diet thy on constipation after cerebral hemorrhage.目的探讨膳食疗法对脑出血后便秘的作用。
2.Study on the Origin of and Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Japanese Dietotherapy;中日两国饮食疗法(药膳)的源流与异同的研究
3.Recently, the main way of糖尿病性肾病’ s diet therapy: Ingestion low protein diet.目前,糖尿病性肾病的饮食疗法主要是:摄入低蛋白膳食。
4.Staple Food Weighing and Non-staple Food Classifying"for Hospitalized Diabetic Patient糖尿病住院患者膳食主食称量副食分级法
5.The government did away with free school meals.政府废除了学校免费提供膳食的做法。
6.Producing Soluble Dietary Fiber from Bean Dregs through Enzymolysis酶法提取豆渣水溶性膳食纤维的研究
7.Study on technology of extracting dietary fiber from wheat bran by enzymatic method酶法提取小麦麸皮膳食纤维工艺研究
8.Study on Preparation Technology of Dietary Fiber from Kiwi Residue by Enzymatic Method酶法制备猕猴桃渣膳食纤维工艺研究
9.A Study on Documentary Origins and Uses of Traditional Chinese Medicines Commonly Adopted for Medicated Diet & Food Therapy Listed in Chinese Medicated Diet Dictionary and Full Recording of Food Therapy Recipes of the Traditional Chinese Medicine;《中国药膳大辞典》《中医食疗方全录》中文献来源、药膳食疗常用中药应用情况研究
10.Development of Information System for Enteral Nutrition Dietary Treatment肠内营养膳食治疗信息系统的组成与特点
11.Application of low glycemic index diet for diet therapy of type 2 diabetes patients低血糖生成指数膳食在2型糖尿病饮食治疗中的应用
12.He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals.他对食物有无法控制的喜好,用膳时喝很多水。
13.A Study on te Use of Extrusion for Raising the SDF Content in Soybean Dregs用挤压法提高豆渣可溶性膳食纤维含量的研究
14.A Study on the Technology of Extrusion Improving the Function of Corn Dietary Fiber;挤压蒸煮法改善玉米膳食纤维功能特性的研究
15.Estimation of Dietary Carotenoid Intakes of Some Adults of China by Calculation with the US Carotenoids Databases;成分计算法估计膳食类胡萝卜素摄入量
16.Studies on Chemical Extraction Mothod of Dietary Fiber from Alfalfa;紫花苜蓿膳食纤维化学提取方法的研究
17.Research on the Technics of Extracting Dietary Fiber from Alfalfa by Enzymatic Method;紫花苜蓿膳食纤维酶法提取工艺的研究
18.The Enzymatic Extraction of Soluble Dietary Fiber from Soybean Dregs and It s Application;豆渣水溶性膳食纤维酶法制备及其应用

pregnancy complications/DH妊娠并发症/膳食疗法
3)pregnancy in diabetics/diet therapy糖尿病患者妊娠/膳食疗法
4)Diet therapy膳食疗法
1.While patients in treatment group were treated with diet therapy.目的探讨膳食疗法对脑出血后便秘的作用。
5)gestational/drug therapy妊娠/药物疗法

醋酸妊娠烯醇酮 醋酸妊娠双烯醇酮分子式:C23H32O3分子量:356.51CAS号:979-02-2性质:白色结晶性粉末,无异嗅、无气味,在空气中稳定,易溶于乙醇、甲醇,不溶于水。制备方法:可用薯蓣皂素经开环、乙酰化、氧化、水解、消除数步反应制得。用途:可的松醋酸酯、氢化可的松、己酸孕酮的中间体。