精氨酸刺激试验,Arginine stimulation test
1)Arginine stimulation test精氨酸刺激试验
2)arginine stimulating test精氨酸-C肽刺激试验
1.OBJECTIVE To assess the changes of islet β-cell function by arginine stimulating test (AST) in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients receiving the intensive insulin therapy (ⅡT) and to disclose the importance of CP peak value in optimizing the therapeutic regimen.目的:用精氨酸-C肽刺激试验(AST)观察胰岛素强化治疗(ⅡT)对初发2型糖尿病胰岛β细胞功能的影响以及CP峰值对选择治疗方案的指导价值。
3)Arginine test精氨酸试验
4)irritant test刺激试验

1.Skin sensitization test and irritating test of airtight functional dressings密闭性功能敷料皮肤致敏试验及皮肤刺激试验
2.adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test促肾上腺皮质激素刺激试验;促肾上腺皮质激素兴奋试验
3.Insulin in Different Dosages in Growth Hormone Stimulation Test生长激素刺激试验中胰岛素的合适用量研究
4.Clinical Application of Non-glucose Stimulating Test in the Evaluation of Pancreatic β-cell Functions非糖刺激试验评价胰岛β细胞功能的临床应用
5.The Use of PCT and TVS in Postmenopausal Asymptomatic Women to Detect Endometrial Pathology;孕激素刺激试验和阴道超声对绝经后妇女子宫内膜疾病的筛查
6.Application of small-dose ACTH stimulation test in the corticoid therapy of septic shock patients小剂量促肾上腺皮质激素刺激试验在脓毒性休克患者皮质激素治疗中的应用研究
7.Method The safety of the Penicillin G Benzathine injection was evaluated by the allergy test and muscle stimulation test.方法采用过敏试验、肉刺激试验考察注射用苄星青霉素的局部安全性。
8.The Applied Investigation on Clonidine Growth Hormone Stimulation Test to Differentiate Multiple System Atrophy from Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease可乐定生长激素刺激试验在鉴别多系统萎缩和原发性帕金森病的临床应用研究
9.The podophyllotoxin liposomes chitosan film and thepodophyllotoxin tincture were contrasted in the suscitation experiment.制成的鬼臼毒素脂质体涂膜剂与鬼臼毒素酊剂对照行家兔阴道刺激试验
10.Results the Penicillin G Benzathine injection had mild allergy effect and no muscle stimulation.结果注射用苄星青霉素过敏反应与进口对照品相同,肌肉刺激试验符合要求。
11.Methods The methods used in this study as following: the venous and muscular stimulation test, the allergy test and the hemolysis test.方法采用静脉注射血管刺激性、肌肉注射刺激性、过敏试验和溶血试验。
12.I am pleased to note the favourable response to the Pilot Scheme has stimulated the emergence of similar products in the market.试验计划深受欢迎,已刺激市场推出同类产品。
13.Assessment of the skin irritation hazard of 5 cosmetics using the shell-less hen's egg test chorioallantoic membrane assay五种化妆品的皮肤刺激性:平皿法鸡胚试验评价
14.The Observation of the Zhenhong MelhadoTincture for the SkinIrritation Test and the Allergy Test贞红生发酊对豚鼠皮肤刺激及过敏试验观察
15.I'm testing to see how long it takes certain people to respond to certain stimuli.我正在试验,需要多长时间让人们对某个刺激又反应。
16.General methods on determination of cosmetrics-Determination of colour tristimulus values and colour difference △E*GB/T13531.2-1992化妆品通用试验方法色泽三刺激值和色差△E*的测定
17.The stimuli consisted of two pairs of speech sounds or phonemes, in this case Japanese owel sounds.声音刺激包括两对语音声音或者音素,本试验使用的是日语元音。
18.The Prognosis Evaluation of Motor Function Recovery and Therapeutic Trial by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke;经颅磁刺激对急性脑梗死预后的早期评价及治疗的试验研究

arginine stimulating test精氨酸-C肽刺激试验
1.OBJECTIVE To assess the changes of islet β-cell function by arginine stimulating test (AST) in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients receiving the intensive insulin therapy (ⅡT) and to disclose the importance of CP peak value in optimizing the therapeutic regimen.目的:用精氨酸-C肽刺激试验(AST)观察胰岛素强化治疗(ⅡT)对初发2型糖尿病胰岛β细胞功能的影响以及CP峰值对选择治疗方案的指导价值。
3)Arginine test精氨酸试验
4)irritant test刺激试验
5)test stimulus试验刺激
6)Eye irritation眼刺激试验
1.Study on using the hen s egg test-chorioallantoic membrane as an alternative method of draize eye irritation test;受精鸡卵尿囊绒膜试验作为眼刺激试验替代方法的研究
2.[objective]Cytotoxicity test using crystal violet staining on human dermal fibroblast cells(Fib-CVS)was evaluated as an alternative method to the Draize eye irritation test(Draize test).[目的]探讨成纤维细胞毒性试验(Fib-CVS)是否可作为家兔眼刺激试验(Draize test)的一种替代方法。

精氨酸阿司匹林,阿司匹林精氨酸盐,精氨乙酰水杨酸,L-精氨酸-单乙酰水杨酸,爱茜灵药物名称:精氨乙酰水杨酸英文名:Aspirin-arginine别名:精氨酸阿司匹林,阿司匹林精氨酸盐,精氨乙酰水杨酸,L-精氨酸-单乙酰水杨酸,爱茜灵外文名:Aspirin-arginine ,Alxiling, L-arginine acetylsalicylis性状: 本品为白色结晶性粉末,味微苦,易溶于水。 作用: 为乙酰水杨酸与精氨酸制成的可溶性盐,具有解热,镇痛及抗炎作用,与阿司匹林基本相同。 体内过程: 肌肉注射,减轻阿司匹林的胃肠道刺激,大部分肝脏代谢,肾脏排泄。 适应症: 主要用于发热、头痛、神经痛、牙痛、肌肉痛及活动性风湿病、类风湿性关节炎、创伤及手术后疼痛。 用量用法: 肌注:每次1g,每日1~2次,或依病情按医嘱用药。儿童:10~25mg/kg体重。临用时,每瓶内加入0.9%等渗盐水或加入灭菌注射用水2~4ml溶解后注入。 注意事项: 1.肌注可有轻度局部疼痛。 2.年老、体弱及体温超过40℃者,注意给药剂量,以免引起虚脱。 3.特异体质、有过敏史或哮喘者禁用。 4.对3个月以下婴儿禁用。 规格: 注射剂:每瓶0.5g(相当乙酰水杨酸0.25g);1g(相当乙酰水杨酸0.5g)。 类别:解热镇痛药