膀胱残余尿,bladder residual urine
1)bladder residual urine膀胱残余尿

1.Use B-ultrasound Comparison of the Bladder Post-void Residual Volume between Healthy Adults经B超监测健康成人膀胱残余尿量的比较
2.Inflammation of the urinary bladder.膀胱炎泌尿膀胱的发炎
3."The rest of the liquid passes through the ureters to the bladder. Urine is stored in the bladder, until it passes from the body through urethra,"其余的液体经排尿管流入膀胱。尿在膀胱中储存,然后经尿道排出体外。
4.Conclusion Urethral stricture, bladder neck spasm, dysfunction of bladder and rudimental gland are main causes which lead to obstructive voiding symptoms in postoperative BPH.结论尿道狭窄,膀胱颈挛缩,腺体残留,膀胱功能异常是良性前列腺增生术后排尿困难的常见原因。
5.eteral regurgitation膀胱-输尿管尿液反流
6.A bladder, especially the urinary bladder or the gallbladder.膀胱,泡,囊膀胱,尤指泌尿器官的膀胱或胆囊
7.congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice先天性膀胱尿道口狭窄
8.The urine from the bladder is simply not being transmitted to the outside.膀胱内的尿未能排出。
9.children cysto urethroscope儿科膀胱尿道窥测镜
10.The urethra originates at the neck of the bladder.尿道起始于膀胱颈部。
11.CO_2 Gas Bladder Cystoscopy in Operation of Patients with Ureterovesical Junction StonesCO_2气膀胱膀胱镜应用于输尿管膀胱壁段结石手术
12.Clinical significance of transurethral electrovapourization of bladder tumors add bladder irrigation chemotherapy经尿道膀胱肿瘤电汽化切割加膀胱灌注化疗
13.Vesicorectal fistula caused by electrosection for bladder tumor per urethra in 1 case经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切致膀胱直肠瘘1例
14.Transurethral Electroresection of Bladder Tumor for Treating Bladder Neoplasms 108 Cases经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术治疗膀胱肿瘤108例
15.Transurethral resection of bladder neck for the treatment of old female bladder neck obstruction经尿道膀胱颈电切治疗老年女性膀胱颈梗阻
16.Holmium Laser Treatment of Bladder Tumor Via Cystoscope:a Report of 37 Cases经尿道膀胱镜钬激光治疗膀胱癌——附37例报告
17.a backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter.尿液从膀胱回流到输尿管。
18.Vesicourethral form of MRI in female stress urinary incontinence女性压力性尿失禁膀胱尿道的MRI形态

residual urine volume膀胱残余尿量
1.The clinical investigation of the custom of urination and residual urine volume level in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus;膀胱残余尿量水平监测及2型糖尿病患者排尿习惯的临床分析
3)urination (bladder)排尿(膀胱)
4)Bladder detrusor膀胱逼尿肌
1.Effects of doxazosin enantiomers on the rabbit isolated detrusor strips;多沙唑嗪对映体对兔离体膀胱逼尿肌的作用及机制
6)diabetic cystopathy糖尿病膀胱
1.Effects of transcutaneous electical nerve stimulation on urinary bladder micturation function in diabetic cystopathy rats;体外电脉冲刺激对糖尿病膀胱大鼠排尿功能的影响
2.Objective To investigate the effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation(TENS)on the urinary blaader voiding dysfunction in diabetic cystopathy rats.目的:通过制作糖尿病膀胱大鼠模型,探讨体外电刺激的方法对糖尿病膀胱大鼠的排尿功能的影响。

残余尿残余尿residual urine 自然排尿后膀胱内剩余的尿液。