社会药房,drug store
1)drug store社会药房
1.OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for improving the quality of pharmacy services in drug stores.目的 :为社会药房提高药学服务质量提供参考。

1.Retrospective analysis of pharmaceutical care in GPP drug-store;社会药房开展药学服务的回顾性分析
2.I'll give you a prescription and you can get your medicine from a pharmacy.我会写药方给你,你可以到药房配药。
3.Building and Social Housing Foundation建筑和社会住房基金会(住房基金会)
4.Kowloon Kitchen [SWD]九龙厨房〔社会福利署〕
5.Community Drug Advisory Council社区药物教育辅导会
6.Take the prescription to the dispensary and they'll make it out.拿这个处方到药房,他们就会给你配药了。
7.The Method and Experience of Developing Pharmic Service in the Pharmacy of Clinic of Our Hospital我院门诊药房开展药学服务方法与体会
8.Hong Kong General Chamber of Pharmacy Limited港九药房总商会有限公司
9.Chambre syndicale des pharmaciens d'officine de la Wilaya de Rabat-Sale拉巴特-塞拉维拉亚药房联合会
10.European Liaison Committee for Social Housing欧洲社会住房联络委员会
11.Medical social workers and community social workers will appear as social workers.医药社会工作者和社团社会工作者将统称社会工作者。
12.Study and Practice on Pharmacy Trusteeship Community Health Service Mechanism药房托管社区卫生服务机制的研究与实践
13.Research on Pharmacy trusteeship of the Economic of Community Health Service社区卫生服务药房托管前后经济运行状况分析
14.Exploration of property management socialization for housing-reformation district in universities and colleges;积极探索,推进高校房改房小区物业管理社会化
15.Housing Moneytarization Reform and Social Justice;住房货币化改革与社会公平——贵阳房改个案研究
16.institutional occupancy社会公共事业用房疗养院
17.Who will share our lents美国社会热点:谁来分担我们的房租
18.The causes of social distress include inadequate housing.造成社会困境的原因包括住房不足。

Community pharmacy社会药房药学
3)Social Housing社会住房
1.The Main Issues of Social Housing Policies in Europe and in France欧洲与法国社会住房政策的主要问题
4)Social pharmacy社会药学
1.Re-differentiation and Reanalysis of Correlative Problems of Pharmacy Administration and Social Pharmacy;药事管理学与社会药学相关问题的再辨析
2.Discussions on Social Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration;也谈社会药学与药事管理学
5)sociology of housing房屋 社会学
6)Medication socialization用药社会化

水龙吟 次药房韵 案此下原附史药房作另录【诗文】:西州玉局飞仙,霓裳曾侍槐龙翠。飞花丽句,雅音犹在,有人庚未。千载峨峰,一江川练,又练清气。叹瀛洲路近,刚风吹断,漫自有,凌霄意。草碧寒窗静里。折琼枝、小栏同倚。新吟婉美,西施态度,慵梳洗。按羽调丝,雪儿薄相,为君心醉。恨高楼暮隔,江城花暗,碧云遥睇。【注释】:【出处】: