威草胶囊,Capulse Weicao
1)Capulse Weicao威草胶囊
1.Fifty male Sprague-Dawley rats are divided into control group, uric acid nophropathy control group, Capulse Weicao small dose treated group,Capulse Weicao big dose treated group and allopurinol treated group.目的 :探讨威草胶囊对尿酸性肾病大鼠模型的治疗效果及其可能作用机理。

1.Clinic Effect of Benzbromarone Combined with Weicao Capsule in the Treatment of Gout苯溴马隆结合威草胶囊治疗痛风的临床疗效
2.Determination of glycyrrhizin and liquiritin in Shaogan capsules by HPLCHPLC测定芍甘胶囊中的甘草酸和甘草苷
3.The Luteolin Content Determination in Herba Ajugae Gelatin Capsules by HPLCHPLC法测定筋骨草胶囊中木犀草素含量
4.Determination of quercetin in sijicao capsules by HPLCHPLC法测定四季草胶囊中槲皮素含量
5.Conclusion: The capsule of Sancao Hugan is capable of anti-hepatic fibrosis action.结论:三草护肝胶囊具有抗肝纤维化作用。
6.Study on Extraction, Purification and the Microcapsule of Lavender Essential Oil;薰衣草精油的提取、纯化及微胶囊化研究
7.The Studies on the Anti-Inflammatory Effects and Mechanisms of FYC;复方鱼腥草胶囊的抗炎作用及机制探讨
8.Hongshen Chongcao Gelatin Capsule for Protecting the Kidney of Rats with Diabetes Mellitus;红参虫草胶囊对糖尿病大鼠肾脏保护机制探析
9.Determination of Trace Elements in Fu-Fang-Xian-He-Cao -Chang-Yan Capsule of Yi Nationality’s Medicine by ICP-AES;彝药复方仙鹤草肠炎胶囊中微量元素的测定
10.Study on the Protective Effects of Jigucao Capsule in Rat Liver Fibrosis鸡骨草胶囊对大鼠肝纤维化的保护作用研究
11.Determination the Contents of Bruchine and Agrimophol in Pingxiao Capsule by HPLCHPLC测定平消胶囊中马钱子碱和仙鹤草酚的含量
12.Effect of Qidanyishenjingtang pill on diabetic nephropathy虫草活血胶囊治疗难治性肾病综合征临床观察
13.The Clinical Study of the Effect of Diabetic Nephropathy Treated by Chongcao Shencha Capsule虫草肾茶胶囊治疗糖尿病肾病的临床研究
14.Effects of Chongcao Shencha Capsule on the Proliferation of Human Mesangial Cells and Expression of Collagen Type IV in High Glucose虫草肾茶胶囊对肾小球系膜细胞增殖及分泌Ⅳ型胶原的影响
15.Enclosed in or formed into a capsule.包入胶囊,形成胶囊
16.Of, relating to, or resembling a capsule.胶囊的胶囊的,与胶囊有关的或类似于胶囊的
17.Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Birth-Control Capsule on Procreation Con trol Effect for Nats中草药节育胶囊对成年雄大鼠生育调控作用实验研究
18.Clinical and Experimental Studies on Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis by Composite Pupa Cordyceps Fungus Powder Capsule;复方蛹虫草菌粉胶囊治疗慢性支气管炎的临床与实验研究

Tangwei Capsule唐威胶囊
1.Experimental Study on Anti-diabetic Effect of Tangwei Capsule;唐威胶囊抗糖尿病作用的实验研究
3)Antivirus capsule安替威胶囊
4)Wei Mai Ning Capsule威麦宁胶囊
1.Objective:As part of phase Ⅲ clinical research and to make an advanced and scientific evaluation on the curative effects,the safety and side-effects of Wei Mai Ning Capsule were oberved.目的 :对威麦宁胶囊的疗效、安全性和副作用作出进一步科学的评价。
5)Weilingxian Capsule威灵仙胶囊
1.Study on Quality Standards for Weilingxian Capsule;威灵仙胶囊的质量标准研究
6)weilei microcapsule insecticide威雷微胶囊
1.That is best control time at emergence period of the adults, and choosing contact way of trunk spraying by of weilei microcapsule insecticide(water suspension),which would achieve a marked effect.针对栗山天牛幼虫在干材里危害、隐藏性强、一般药物很难触及、防治非常困难等特点,在栗山天牛成虫羽化期,用触杀式威雷微胶囊水悬剂喷干灭虫,收到了明显的防治效果。

威麦宁胶囊药物名称:威麦宁胶囊汉语拼音:Weimaining Jiaonang主要成分:威麦宁。性状:胶囊剂,内容物是褐红色无定形粉末;味涩、苦,微酸。药理作用:对动物移植性肿瘤有一定抑制作用,对实验性免疫指标有一定增强作用。功能与主治:祛邪扶正,清热解毒,活血化瘀。用于肺癌的辅助治疗。配合放、化疗有增效减毒作用。用法与用量:饭后口服。一次6~8粒,一日3次,或遵医嘱。2个月为一疗程。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项:规格: 0.4g。贮藏:置阴凉干燥处,密封,防潮,遮光保存。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是