高频超声诊断,high-frequency ultrasonic diagnosis
1)high-frequency ultrasonic diagnosis高频超声诊断

1.The Value of High-Frequency Ultrasound in The Diagnose of Limbs Soft Tissue Tumor高频超声诊断四肢软组织肿块的价值
2.High-frequency ultrasound in diagnosing acute mesenteric lymphadenitis in children高频超声诊断儿童急性肠系膜淋巴结炎
3.High frequency ultrasound in diagnosis of mammary lumps and comparison with pathologic analysis乳腺肿块高频超声诊断与病理对照分析
4.Diagnostic value of axillary lymph nodes metastasis of breast carcinoma by high frequency ultrasonography高频超声诊断乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结转移的价值
5.Diagnosis and differentiation of superficial benign masses with high frequency ultrasonography高频超声对体表良性肿块的诊断与鉴别诊断
6.High-resolution Ultrsonography in the Diagnosis of the Cubital Tunnel;高频超声在肘管综合征诊断中的应用
7.Value of High Frequency Ultrasound in Diagonsis of Senile Cataract高频超声对老年性白内障的诊断价值
8.Diagnostic Value of High-frequency Ultrasonography in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis高频超声对桥本甲状腺炎的诊断价值
9.Ultrasonographic diagnosis of vocal cord paralysis:Comparison with laryngoscope高频超声与喉镜诊断声带麻痹的对照研究
10.Diagnostic value of high frequency vs low frequency ultrasonography for acute appendicitis高频超声与低频超声在急性阑尾炎诊断中的价值比较
11.Super high-frequency sonography and color Doppler sonography in diagnosis of focal lesion of the skin超高频探头超声与彩色多普勒超声诊断皮肤局限性病变的进展
12.Diagnostic Value of High-frequency Ultrasound in Synovial Diseases of Knee Joint;高频超声在膝关节滑膜病变诊断中的应用研究
13.The Investigation of Diagnostic Value for the Osteoarthritis of the Knee with High-frequency Ultrasound Examination;高频超声波对膝骨关节炎诊断价值的探讨
14.High Frequency Color Doppler Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Lymphangioma;高频彩色多普勒超声在诊断淋巴管瘤中的价值
15.The value of the high frequency color Doppler ultrasonography in diagnosis of breast diseases;高频彩色多普勒超声对乳腺疾病的诊断价值
16.Diagnosis of Original Hyperthyroidism by High Frequency and Color Doppler Ultrasonographic;高频彩色多普勒超声对甲亢的诊断价值
17.The Value of High-Frequency Ultrasound in Diagnosing Brachial Plexus Ieinjury高频超声在臂丛神经损伤中的诊断价值
18.Application of High Frequency Ultrasonography and Graded-compression in Diagnosis of Appendicitis and Normal Appendix高频超声逐步加压法诊断阑尾炎和阑尾的探讨

Ultrasound diagnosis超声诊断
1.Ultrasound diagnosis and etiological analysis on 450 cases with fatty liver;450例脂肪肝的超声诊断及病因分析
2.Ultrasound Diagnosis of the Classification and Nature (Benign or Malignant) of Ovarian Cystadenoma;卵巢囊腺瘤的分类及良恶性的超声诊断初探
3.The experience study about Ultrasound diagnosis Breast Hyperplasia disease;超声诊断乳腺增生性疾病的经验探讨
3)ultrasonic diagnosis超声诊断
1.Construction and application of audio & video teaching system for ultrasonic diagnosis based on network;网络超声诊断视音频教学系统的建立与应用
2.A clinic value of ultrasonic diagnosis in the nasopharyngeal carcinoma transfer;超声诊断鼻咽癌肝转移的临床价值
3.Ultrasonic diagnosis of acute appendicitis;超声诊断急性阑尾炎40例
1.Ultrasonography dagnosis of acardiac twins sequence in prenatal :case report;产前超声诊断无心畸胎序列征1例
2.Ultrasonography and Dynamic Observation of Lobar Pneumonia;大叶性肺炎的超声诊断与动态观察的价值
5)Diagnostic ultrasound诊断超声
1.Objective: To study deeply the safety of diagnostic ultrasound on human villi during early pregnancy, by observation of the ultrastructure of human villi and the expression of Caspase-3 mRNA in human villi exposed to diagnostic ultrasound.目的:通过对诊断超声辐照后人早孕绒毛组织超微结构的变化和绒毛组织中Caspase-3 mRNA的表达观察,探讨诊断超声对人早孕绒毛组织生物学效应的安全性问题。
6)Ultrasonographic diagnosis超声诊断
1.Application value of ultrasonographic diagnosis in perianal abscess and perianal fistula;超声诊断在肛周脓肿、肛瘘中的应用价值
2.Value of ultrasonographic diagnosis of acute mesentery lymphadenitis;超声诊断小儿急性肠系膜淋巴结炎的价值
3.Ultrasonographic diagnosis of gynecological acute abdomen.;妇科急腹症超声诊断的研究

A型超声诊断仪A型超声诊断仪  属于一维图像,是幅度调制型,以单声束界面回波的幅度,反映一个方向的图像,以波幅的高低来表示,可测量组织界面的深度。其缺点是遇有复杂病变,一维图像难以解释,其优点是测量距离准确。目前已很少用。