X线数字减影血管造影,Arterial disease
1)Arterial diseaseX线数字减影血管造影
2)DSA (digital subtaction angiography)数字式X线减影血管造影术/ph数字式X线减影血管造影装置
4)digital subtraction angiography (DSA)数字减影血管造影

1.digital subtraction angiography数字减影血管造影
2.The Study of Volume Computed Tomographic Digital Subtraction Angiography in Cerebral Vessels;脑血管容积CT数字减影血管造影研究
3.Volume CT Digital Subtraction Angiography Study of the Circle of WillisWillis环容积CT数字减影血管造影研究
4.Practice of Placing PICC Under the Guidance of Digital Subtracted Angiography数字减影血管造影引导下行PICC的探讨
5.Diagnosis of DSA in vascular malformation of the spinal cord脊髓血管畸形的数字减影血管造影诊断
6.The Reliability of Volume Computed Tomographic Digital Subtraction Angiography in Cerebral Vessels脑血管容积CT数字减影血管造影可靠性研究
7.The application of digital subtraction angiography in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding数字减影血管造影在消化道出血中的应用
8.Diagnostic value of digital subtraction angiography in small intestinal bleeding数字减影血管造影对小肠出血的诊断价值
9.Rotational DSA on diagnosis of the intracranial vascular diseases旋转式数字减影血管造影技术在脑血管造影中的应用
10.Application of digital subtraction angiography in ENT disorders数字减影血管造影在耳鼻咽喉科的应用
11.Diagnostic value of DSA in carotid body tumor.数字减影血管造影对颈动脉体瘤的诊断价值
12.An Analysis of DSA in 116 Cases of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease116例小儿先天性心脏病数字减影血管造影分析
13.The Research of Look-up Table Algorithm in DSA System;数字减影血管造影系统中查找表算法的研究
14.Digital Subtraction Angiography Based on Image Features Registration基于图像特征配准的数字减影血管造影
15.Application of comfortable nursing care in DSA room.舒适护理在数字减影血管造影室的应用
16.Analysis of digital subtraction angiography performed on 22 elderly patients with vertigo老年眩晕患者22例数字减影血管造影结果分析
17.The Improved Design of Table Operating Box of Digital Subtraction Angiograhy Device数字减影血管造影设备床旁操作盒的改进设计
18.Analysis on Digital Subtraction Angiographies of Branches of Human Aortic Arch in 600 Cases600例主动脉弓分支数字减影血管造影分析

DSA (digital subtaction angiography)数字式X线减影血管造影术/ph数字式X线减影血管造影装置
4)digital subtraction angiography (DSA)数字减影血管造影
5)Digital substraction angiography数字减影血管造影
6)digital subtraction angiography数字减影血管造影术
1.Objective:To analyze the supplying arteries and menifestation of digital subtraction angiography ( DSA ) in patients with bronchiectasis and hemoptysis for its clinical application on embolization therapyits.其中男36例,女26例,结合胸部增强CT及术中数字减影血管造影术(DSA)确定支气管扩张并咯血患者供血动脉,总结支气管扩张并咯血病人的供血动脉的解剖学分型及DSA表现。

数字减影血管造影数字减影血管造影 DSA是将血管造影与电子计算机相结合来显示血管造影图像的一种方法。其特点是减少或消除骨骼和其他阴影,突出血管图像。其他优点有:①静脉内注入造影剂,可使动脉显影;②动脉内注入少量低浓度造影剂,可使动脉清晰显示;③可实时观察和观察动态血管图。静脉DSA在肾脏成像质量较满意,已被广泛地用于肾血管性高血压、肾肿瘤的诊断和肾血管成形术效果的观察。〔〕