体征与症状,Systmic manifestation
1)Systmic manifestation体征与症状
2)symptoms and signs症状体征
1.Relationship among immune indexes,peripheral blood components,symptoms and signs in AIDS patients;艾滋病患者免疫学指标、外周血组分与症状体征之间关系的回顾性研究

1.Patient lung shadow and semiotic body are asked for but abhorrent.病人肺部阴影与症状体征可不一致。
2.Correlation Study between the Severity of the Symptoms and the CT Signals of the Lumbar Disc Protrusion Sufferers腰椎间盘突出症症状体征严重度和CT指标的相关性探讨
3.An Investigation of the Correlation between the Severity of the Symptoms and the Ways of Nucleus Pulposus Herniation(NPH) in Patients with Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion腰椎间盘突出症临床症状体征严重度与髓核突出方式关系探讨
4.About 70% patients were in terminal as they are diagnosed.由于早期症状体征不典型,在确诊时约有70%的病人为中晚期。
5.The Research in the Relationship of the Clinical Symptoms of Patients with Alopecia and Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis Axis;斑秃患者临床症状体征与中医证型相关性的研究
6.Comparison of Symptoms and Signs of Blood Stasis Syndrome in Coronary Heart Disease by Different Quantitative Diagnosese不同计量诊断对于冠心病血瘀证症状体征分析比较
7.Symptom refers to the clinical manifestations of a disease, such as cough, vomiting.症是症状或体征,如头痛、咳嗽等。
8.Identify six signs or symptoms of respiratory difficulty.识别呼吸困难的六个症状或体征。
9.The signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer may be only those of an enlarging tumor in the pelvis.卵巢癌的症状和体征可能只是增大的盆腔肿块。
10.It was closely related with the occurrence of clinical symptoms and signs of cervical vertigo.其与眩晕的临床症状、体征有密切的关系。
11.A correlate analysis between violence crime and symptoms in schizophrenia;精神分裂症症状与暴力作案特征分析
12.What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope?血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?
13.Almost any of the symptoms and signs of heart disease may occur in the cardiomyopathies.几乎任何心脏病的症状和体征,均可在心肌疾病中出现。
14.A pathological condition characterized by the presence of carcinomas that have metastasized to many parts of the body.癌症一种病状,特征是出现了已扩散到身体很多部位的癌
15.The enter indices that the experts selected localized in the indices about "stasis".专家意见主要集中于一些反映“瘀”的病史、症状、体征。
16.During the later stage of filariasis surveillance, self protection of health and treatment measure should be strengthened so as to control the onset of the illness and to abate the symptoms and signs.后期监测患者应加强自身保健治疗 ,控制发病 ,减轻症状和体征。
17.Symptoms include unusual weight loss/gain, deteriorating school performance, irritability, hyperactiity and prominent eyes. "Only a few children deelop obious symptoms like goitre," says Dr.症状包括:异常的体重减少或增加、课业表现差、易怒、多动和突眼征。"
18.These crowds often are not to have hepatitis symptom and body to ask for, is individual transaminase lifts only.这些人群经常是无肝炎症状和体征,而仅是单项转氨酶升高。

symptoms and signs症状体征
1.Relationship among immune indexes,peripheral blood components,symptoms and signs in AIDS patients;艾滋病患者免疫学指标、外周血组分与症状体征之间关系的回顾性研究
3)signs and symptoms体征和症状
4)symptoms and signs症状和体征
5)Symptoms and syndromes症状及体征
6)Signs and symptoms症状和体征

客观体征客观体征 临床检查到的病态表现。例如杂音、罗音、皮疹、肝脾肿大等。广义的症状也包括体征,例如黄疸、呕血、发热等。