入院原因,Admission cause
1)Admission cause入院原因

1.Objective Admissive causes,chronic complications and treatment of the hospitalized elderly diabetic patients were investigated.目的调查235例住院老年糖尿病人的入院原因、慢性并发症及治疗。
2.The injured workers are now being treated at local hospitals. The cause of the accident is under investigation.受伤人员已入住当地医院,事故发生的原因还在调查之中。
3.Reasons and Countermeasures for “Pedagogy” Course s Falling into Dire straits in Teachers college;谈师范院校“教育学”课程陷入教学困境的原因及对策
4.He was admitted to hospital with minor burns.他因轻度烧伤而入院.
5."A lady, 71 years old, had first-aid treatment for about 8 hours prior to her admission at the spot where she developed a sudden attack of acute myocardial infarction"71岁女性,入院前因突然发生急性心肌梗塞合并心原性休克,现场抢救8个小时
6.All three babies were proved at surgery to have hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.第3例是个原本发育及喂食均佳的3个月大婴儿,于入院前3天因腹泻及呕吐才发现。
7.After the accident, she was hospitalized for the treatment of her leg and is now released from the hospital.事后,她因腿部受伤入院治疗,目前已经出院。
8.Pediatric Nosocomial Infection:Reasons Analysis and Prevention Strategies医院儿科医院感染原因分析及防范策略
9.South Korean President Kim Dae-jung hospitalized for pneumonia南韩总统金大中因为肺炎入院
10.All patients were admitted because of pain. The course of disease was from 1 to 7 years.患者均因膝关节疼痛入院,病程1~7年。
11.He was admitted to the hospital in Atlanta with pneumonia.他因肺炎而入住亚特兰大一家医院。
12.Analysis of Factors Affecting Examinees' Selecting Colleges in the Local Colleges and Universities地方高等院校入校学生择校因素分析
13.Analysis of Factors Resulting in the Increase of Operating Revenue in 2008 in a Hospital某医院2008年业务收入增长因素分析
14.Any other reason he needs to be hospitalized?"还有其它的需要住院的原因吗?
15.the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision.陈述法院决定的原因的法律文件。
16.The Analysis of Death Causes in 1053 Diabetic In-patients Cases;1053例住院糖尿病患者死亡原因分析
17.The reasons and analysis of the voluntary drug patients with advanced leave;自愿戒毒患者提前出院的原因与分析
18.The difference of Siheyuan layout in Beijing inner and outer cities:with studies on the impacts on Siheyuan layout brought by Beijing city layout;北京内外城四合院布局差异原因探察

The reasons for hospitalization住院原因
1.Methods The reasons for hospitalization of the type 2 diabetes patients were analyzed base on their chief complains and main significant diagnosis, using data form a retrospective study from the First affiliated hospital of Ningxia University during the year of August 2002-2003(group A) and August 2007-2008(group B).目的了解2型糖尿病患者的特点,明确患者的住院原因及变化趋势,提高对2型糖尿病的认识。
3)reasons of living the hospital出院原因
1.Objective To know the changes of the rate of farmers not being hospitalized,the reasons of not being hospitalized and the reasons of living the hospital after the implementation of the new-type rural cooperative medical system.目的掌握新型农村合作医疗实施前后农民未住院率,未住院原因和出院原因的变化,分析农民因经济困难所致的未住院率及出院原因在新农合实施后的改变,为正确认识和科学调整新型农村合作医疗的实施方案提供依据。
4)Reasons of Leaving Hospital离院原因
5)intrusive cause侵入原因
6)invasive reason入侵原因
1.According to assessment of the harm degree of invasive plant,economic loss,new profit and the invasive reason will be analyzed and the eradication countermeasures will be proposed.调查采用线路和定点方法,通过表格记录和数码相机拍摄的方式记录种类、分布、出现频率、危害程度等内容,并征对入侵植物进行危害程度、经济损失及新增利润等方面的评估,分析入侵原因,提出防除措施与对策。
