意识模糊,confusion of consciousness
1)confusion of consciousness意识模糊

1.He was found slightly confused.人们发现他有轻度的意识模糊
2.Signs include uncontrollable shaking, unusually slow breathing and difficulty thinking clearly.症状包括无法控制的发抖,不正常的呼吸缓慢和意识模糊
3.He was only dimly aware that it was raining.他只是模模糊糊地意识到天在下雨。
4.She put into words what he had felt rather vaguely.她用语言把他模模糊糊地意识表达出来了。
5.poison (one's mind); anaesthetise麻醉(使人认识模糊,意志消沉)
6.I had some hazy idea that money was the problem, and the mill was not making much of it.我模模糊糊地意识到问题是钱,而锯木厂又挣不到多少钱。
7.She had pat into words what he had felt rether vaguely.他所模糊地意识到的,她用语言把它表达出来了。
8.A Method for the Fuzzy Evaluation of Environmental Consciousness of Industrial Products;工业产品环境意识的一种模糊评价方法
9.Identification of Drivers' Emergency Braking Intentions Base on Fuzzy Logic基于模糊逻辑的驾驶员紧急制动意图识别
10.Research of foe intention recognition method based on intuitionistic fuzzy Petri net基于直觉模糊Petri网的敌意图识别方法研究
11.Perhaps we are only vaguely aware of the historic significance of this flight.也许我们只是模糊地意识到这次飞行的历史意义。
12.Conclusion Fuzzy relative entropy method is more significant for fuzzy pattern recognition.结论模糊相对熵方法用于模式识别是很有实际意义的。
13.They were but vaguely conscious of their surroundings; they saw all things dimly, as through a veil;对周围的一切他们只有模模糊糊的意识,看到的所有东西都是影影绰绰的,就像罩在纱幕后面。
14.Some dim ideas of imprudence or impropriety in the measure seemed to embrass him considerably.他模模糊糊意识到这一行动似乎有点不正常,不谨慎,因而感到进退两难。
15.He dimly perceived the clock ticking away beside him, but he did not feel this was the passage of time.他模糊感到时钟正在一旁嘀嗒响着,但他并没有意识到这就是时间。
16.(psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior.(心理分析)一种情绪和冲动的混合,意识上模糊不清但其影响却存在。
17.He somehow coupled enormous intensity with warmth and kindness, and there was a vague sense of tragedy about him.他能集极度激烈与温和、善良于一身。 他身上有一种模糊的悲剧意识。
18.Even this imperfect consciousness faded away at last, and he dreamed a long, troubled dream.最后,连这模糊的意识也消逝了,他做了一个很长的恶梦。

obscure consciousness模糊意识
1.Modular instruction with obscure consciousness involved and language senes instruction with solidified consciousness involved are new concepts of and ways to their mergence.实行单元教学时介入模糊意识 ,实行语感教学时介入实化意识 ,这是在科学主义与人文主义整合的时代背景之中两者相融合的观念与途径 ,是高质高效地达成语文教育目标的新思路。
3)Subconscious Fuzziness潜意识模糊
4)deliriant confusion谵妄性意识模糊
5)acute confusional state急性意识模糊状态
6)The obscure class-ideology模糊化的阶级意识

意识模糊意识模糊confusion  是意识水平轻度下降,较嗜睡为深的一种意识障碍。患者能保持简单的精神运动,但对时间、地点、人物的定向能力发生障碍。