贪食症,exessive appetite
1)exessive appetite贪食症

1.anorexia nervosa & bulimiaph.1. 神经性厌食与贪食症
2.An excessive or pathological desire to eat.贪食症一种过度的或是病理上的进食欲望
3.Given to or marked by gluttony.贪吃的贪食的或有贪食特征的
4.To eat greedily or rapidly.贪食贪婪或迅速地吃
5.edacious vultures; a rapacious appetite; ravenous as wolves; voracious sharks.贪吃的秃鹫;贪婪的食欲;像狼一样贪婪;贪婪的鲨鱼。
6.He fell victim to his own avarice.他由于贪婪而自食其果。
7.someone who eats food rapidly and greedily.贪婪快速地吃食物的人。
8.He eats too much starchy food .他贪吃含淀粉多的食物。
9.A glutton young, a beggar old.年轻贪食,老来行乞。
10.Indeed, among binge-eaters who had dieted, the dieting typically came before the binge-eating problem.一般对于已经节食的贪食者,在出现贪食习惯之前往往节食。
11.Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume;gluttonous.贪食的想吃或喝掉比自己的合理食量更多的食物的;贪吃的
12.a gross, dainty, greedy, etc feeder吃粗劣食物的、 挑剔的、 贪吃的...进食者.
13."Have no desire for his delicate food, for it is the bread of deceit."不可贪恋他的美食,因为是哄人的食物。
14.a predatory bird; the rapacious wolf; raptorial birds; ravening wolves; a vulturine taste for offal.猛禽;贪婪的狼;猛禽;掠食的狼;对内脏的贪婪嗜好。
15.OTHER EATING DISORDERS can include some combination of the signs and symptoms of anorexia, bulimia, and/or binge eating disorder.其他饮食紊乱包括那些具有厌食,贪食,暴食饮食紊乱迹象的行为。
16.The hungry man greedily shovelled the food into his mouth.那个饿汉贪婪地把食物投入口中。
17.The hungry man greedily shoveled the food into his mouth.那饿汉贪婪地把食物塞入口中。
18.The roaring lion was ravening the prey.那只怒吼的狮子贪婪地吞食捕获物。

3)bulimia nervosa神经性贪食症
1.Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have emerged as the predominant eating disorders.神经性厌食症和神经性贪食症是主要的进食障碍症状。
2.In the study of 49 cases of Bulimia Nervosa patients, Chinese medicinal four examinations and estimation of 17 items of Hamilton Depression Scale that the main cause of BN lies in patients psychological factors, with their symptoms of rapacious appetite by 100%, vomiting by 95.研究 49例神经性贪食症患者 ,中医四诊及 Ham ilton抑郁量表 17项评分显示 ,其病因主要是精神心理因素 ,其主症暴食占 10 0 %、呕吐占 95 。

贪食症贪食症bulimia 贪食症(b uUmia)一种发作性的食量剧增。在短时间内(通常不超过两小时),不能控制地吃进大量食物。病人尽可能掩盖自己的暴饮暴食,吞咽迅速并很少咀嚼,多是摄取热量高便于快速下咽的甜食;发作终止时感到身体不适,腹痛或恶心,自引呕吐或入睡:其后常感到心境抑郁和自责。贪食症多见于青年女性,肥胖者和体重正常的人皆有。神经性厌食症病人也可出现贪食,形成节食和暴食交替出现。病因不明。有人根据它的发作性和不可控制性,认为是精神运动性癫痈的变异型;也有人考虑是视丘下部病变所致,但均未证实。诱发因素不详。病人很少因大量进食而导致严重后果,除非整日暴食和自引呕吐,频繁呕吐可引起电解质紊乱和脱水。病程较长,可持续多年,中间有缓解期。病人一般能意识到自己的这种饮食障碍,担心发胖:平时节食、呕吐或服减肥药来控制体重。有些病人同时间歇性地滥用药物,如安眠药、酒和兴奋剂:并重视自己的体态和外表,十分关注别人对自己的态度和反应。对贪食症可以进行系统脱敏,同时结合阳性强化、行为契约等行为治疗。 (赵亚忠撰刘协吞审)