内脏脂肪型肥胖,visceral fat obesity
1)visceral fat obesity内脏脂肪型肥胖

1.Relationship between C-reactive Protein and Visceral Fat Obesity and Their Impacts on Target Organ DamageC反应蛋白与内脏脂肪型肥胖及其相关靶器官损害的关系
2.Clinical Efficacy of rosiglitazone on abdominal fat in patients with type 2 diabetes;罗格列酮治疗内脏脂肪性肥胖2型糖尿病临床观察
3.the relationship between visceral obesity and blood vessel complication in subjects with type 2 diabetes;2型糖尿病病人的内脏脂肪性肥胖与血管并发症的关系
4.Quantitative Evaluation of Visceral Fat in Abdominal Obesity and Its Clinical Application腹型肥胖内脏脂肪定量检测的评估及其临床价值
5.Relationship of Visceral Fat Tissue and Insulin Sensitivity in Obesity Rats Induced by High-Fat Diet肥胖大鼠内脏脂肪与胰岛素敏感性的关系
6.Abnormal fat accumulation and changes in peroxisome fatty acids β-oxidation in liver of obese rats with type 2 diabetes2型糖尿病肥胖大鼠肝脏脂肪沉积及过氧化物酶体脂肪酸β-氧化的变化
7.Classification of fat woman buttock and liposuction女性臀部肥胖分型与臀部脂肪吸脂塑形术
8.The Relationship between Obesity, Intra Abdominal Fat Area and Bone Mineral Density and Bone Strength肥胖、腹腔内脂肪与骨矿密度、骨强度的关系
9.Discuss clinical application of the distribution of adipose in abdominal obesity by ultrasonography探讨超声诊断腹型肥胖的脂肪分布的临床应用
10.Effect of Acupuncture on Fatty-insulin Axis in Type 2 Obese Diabetic针灸对肥胖2型糖尿病“脂肪-胰岛”轴的调节作用
11.Relationship between visceral obesity and insulin resistance in SD rats induced by high fat diets高脂膳食大鼠内脏肥胖与胰岛素抵抗的关系
12.Study on OB-Rb, SOCS3 mRNA Expression in Liver of Obese SD Rats Fed with High-fat Diet;高脂肥胖SD大鼠肝脏内OB-Rb、SOCS3 mRNA表达的研究
13.The Effect of Free Fatty Acids on the Cardiac Structure and Function of Obese Rats;肥胖大鼠高游离脂肪酸血症对心脏结构及功能的影响
14.Having much or too much fat or flesh; plump or obese.肥胖的有过多的脂肪或肉的;丰满的或肥胖的
15.The Relation of Diet-induced Obesity and Diet-induced Obesity Resistance to Adipokines饮食诱导肥胖及肥胖抵抗与脂肪细胞因子
16.Expression Difference of Obese Gene between Fat and Lean Type Pig and Correlation with Reproduction Performance脂肪型和瘦肉型猪肥胖基因表达差异及其与繁殖性能的关系
17.Obesity may occur after long period of disorders in appetite and energy metabolism regulations.肥胖是食欲调节和能量代谢功能长期紊乱引起的体内脂肪积累。
18.Effect of β-glucan on Obesity and Obesity-resistant Rats with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease肥胖与肥胖抵抗型大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝实验研究及β-葡聚糖干预作用

visceral obesity内脏型肥胖
1.[Objective] To investigate the effect of exercise on rats fed with high fat and explore the relationship between visfatin and visceral obesity, metabolic dysregulation.目的研究运动对高脂喂养大鼠内脏脂肪素(visfatin)基因表达的影响,以探讨visfatin与内脏型肥胖、代谢紊乱的联系。
3)Viscera 0besity内脏肥胖
5)Abdominal obesity内脏性肥胖
6)Visceral fat内脏脂肪
1.10 weeks later, body weight, visceral fat mass,fasting glucose,fasting insulin,TNF,αand FFAs were determined,and HOMA-IR was calculated by the method HOMA-IR=.目的:观察正常大鼠在高脂饮食诱导下形成肥胖后,胰岛素敏感性与内脏脂肪及空腹血TNF鄄α、FFAs变化的关系。
2.Fasting plasma glucose(FPG),HbA1c,fasting insulin and visceral fat were evaluated.目的:观察罗格列酮治疗对2型糖尿病内脏脂肪含量变化。
3.Visceral fat results in insulin resistance through secreting multiple active proinflammatory adipokin.在代谢综合征发展过程中,胰岛素抵抗起主要作用,而胰岛素抵抗与内脏脂肪密切相关。

内脏内脏  一般是指消化系统、呼吸系统、泌尿系统和生殖系统四大系统及其器官。它们的共同特点是:①由中空器官和实质性管腺器官组成;②各系统的管道不是密闭的,有孔开口于体表;③与机体的新陈代谢、个体保存(维持生命)和种系保存(生殖)等功能有更为密切的关系。在习惯上,有时把心脏和脾也称为内脏,但它们不具②项的特点。