1.Due to the vibration and swing of generating units of Wujiangdu Hydropower Station are larger than specifications when its capacity is added,the authors analysis the reasons and provide the measure of weight correction.针对乌江渡水电站增容改造后1号机组振动摆度偏大的现象,分析了引起机组振动摆度过大的原因,并提出了配重校正的措施。
2.Aiming at the problem of large swing of Unit 1 at the Xiaoshan Hydropower Station of the Songjianghe Power Plant, in the process of the first expansion and maintenance of Unit 1,the unit axis is overall adjusted and at the same time,dynamic balancing is done for the rotor.针对松江河发电厂小山水电站1号机组摆度过大问题,在1号机组首次扩修过程中,对机组轴线进行了全面调整,同时对转子重新进行动平衡处理。
3.This paper discusses the problems of the method to adjust gaps of the guide bearing pads of large vertical units taking swing into account.本文从分析考虑盘车摆度方位进行导轴瓦间隙调整的方法存在的问题入手 ,明确提出对其深入研究是必要的。

1.timed his swing so as to hit the Ball squarely.计算好他的摇摆度以便正好击中球
2.When we make it longer, it vibrates more slowly.金属杆越长,摆摆动的速度越慢。
3.When we make the rod shorter, the pendulum vibrates faster.金属杆越短,摆摆动的速度越快;
4.pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer摆式积分陀螺加速度计
5.bicone-bob torsion pendulum viscometer双锥-垂球扭摆粘度计
6.pendulous gyro integrating accelerometer摆式积分陀螺加速度表
7.(The pendulum is usually measured from the top point to the middle of the bob.我们称底部的重物叫摆锤(摆的长度一般从顶点到摆锤中间来计算)。
8.Amplitude: The height or degree of execution of a move.摆幅:完成一项动作的高度或幅度。
9.Gas pendulum accelerometer and laminar jet angular rate gyroscope气体摆式加速度计与射流角速度陀螺
10.Type the thickness of the wall over which the door will be placed.输入要在其上安装摆门的墙壁的厚度。
11.A fastuous attitude makes for a poor businessman.摆派头的态度造成贫穷的生意人。
12.Determination of hardness of the paint films--Pendulum damping testGB/T1730-1993漆膜硬度测定法摆杆阻尼试验
13.To affect a particular mental attitude.装腔作势摆出极为特别的态度
14.slow down by moving the tail sideways.通过摇摆尾翼来减缓行进速度。
15.Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature changes.好钟的钟摆可以自动补偿温度变化。
16.She struck an attitude of defiance.她摆出一付藐视人的态度。
17.force balance hinged-pendulum accelerometer力平衡铰接摆式加速度计
18.He always condescends to his inferiors.他对下属总是摆出施惠于人的态度。

1.Analysis and Treatment of the Over-throw of Upper Guider of No.2 Generating Unit of Jiangsu Shahe Pumped-storage Power Station;沙河抽水蓄能电站2号机上导摆度超标的分析与处理
2.To grasp the implication of hydro-generating set throw accurately;准确把握水电机组“摆度”的涵义
3.Treatment on throw and runner cracks of hydro-power plant水电机组摆度增大和转轮裂纹的分析处理
3)lower throw下导摆度
1.the lower throw of No.万安水电厂1号机在2004年底大修之前的很长一段时间内下导摆度一直很大,经常超标。
4)main shaft runout大轴摆度
1.Based on the data of measured fluctuating pressures, cavitation noise, air entrainment, main shaft runout of the turbine and dewatering inspection of it afterward, the hydraulic stability of the turbine No.根据原型实测动水压力、空化噪声、补气、大轴摆度及水轮机检查等成果,研究了水轮机水力稳定性。
5)clearance of the pad摆度增大
6)unit throw机组摆度
1.It gives an elaboration of the stability,pressure fluctuation,vibration,unit throw,measured value of the true testing units in Wanjiazhai,and also makes analysis of the testing results,which forms the basis for the stalility study of large scale units.叙述了万家寨真机测试机组稳定性、压力脉动、振动、机组摆度、实测值 ,并对其检测结果分析 ,对大型机组稳定性提供了参考依

安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶药物名称:安那度尔英文名:Alphaprodine别名: α-普洛丁;阿法罗定;安那度;安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶 外文名:Alphaprodine ,α-Prodine, Nisentil, Prisilidene适应症: 用于需短时止痛(镇痛起效比吗啡迅速,皮下注射5min即见效),如小手术时以及手术后的止痛,又可与阿托品合用于胃肠道、泌尿道等平滑肌痉挛性疼痛的止痛。 用量用法: 皮下注射:1次10~20mg,1日20~40mg。 静注:1次20mg。 极量:1次30mg,1日60mg。 注意事项: 1.亦有成瘾性,不宜久用。 2.有眩晕、无力、多汗等不良反应。 3.分娩时慎用,可能会引起胎儿窒息。 规格:注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、20mg(1ml)、40mg(1ml)。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药