1.Recuperative GT cogeneration with water injection and its thermodynamic analysis;功热并供回热注水燃气轮机及其热力分析
2.Its influence on the off-design performance of gas turbine cogeneration set and combined cycle is thoroughly analyzed in this paper.采用动力机械变工况性能解析分析方法,研究了大气温度变化对燃气轮机功热并供和联合循环装置性能影响。
3.Typical part-load performances of single shaft gas turbine and its cogeneration aresummarized using analytical solutions obtained by the authors.利用作者在本期给出的单轴恒速燃气轮机及其功热并供装置的变工况显式解析解,本文给出它们的变工况典型性能。

1.Exergy Optimization Analysis of an Endo-reversible Joule-Brayton Power-and-heating Cogeneration System内可逆焦耳—布雷顿功热并供系统的优化分析
2.cogenerating heat and power热电联产,热电并供
3.Other wattages and voltages are available.也可提供其它功率和电压的热水器供用户选择。
4.The chief office of fats and oils is to furnish energy and heat.油脂类食物的主要功能是提供能量和热量。
5.The Constitution and Functional Achievement of Long Range Monitoring and Control System Integrated by Solar Energy and Heat Pump for Concentrated Hot Water Supply太阳能+热泵集中供热水远程监控系统的组成及功能实现
6.An Analysis of Exergy Loss Power for a Cooling-heating-power Cogeneration System冷热电三联供燃气机热泵系统的火用损功率分析
7.hot water heater热水加热器热水供暖器
8.The AC harmonic filters furnish part of the required kvar, and where the system is unable to supply the rest of the reactive power, shunt capacitors may be utilized.交流谐波滤波器提供部分需要的无功。当系统不能提供其余无功时,就采用并联电容器。
9.Offering heat in aclosed circulation,small heat loss,apparent effect of energy conservation,meeting the needs of a number of consumer equipment with different working temperature.闭路循环供热,热量损失小,节能效果显著,并可以满足不同使用温度的多个用热设备。
10.They have successfully used the fat to produce hot water and heat for buildings at the university.他们已经成功地用油脂为学校的建筑物生产热水和供暖。
11.A 5- pound microclimate- conditioning system that provides 100 watts of heating or cooling.重约2.3千克的小气候空调系统,能为加热或制冷提供100瓦的功率。
12.Effect of Warm Ischemia Time to the Islet Function on the Non-heart-beating Donor Rat热缺血时间对无心跳供体大鼠胰岛获取和功能影响的实验研究
13.Man-Machine Interface Design of Real-Time Hardware-in-Loop Simulation System for Power Regulation of Nuclear Heating Reactor核供热堆功率调节系统分布式半实物实时仿真人机接口设计
14.The hotline was sponsored and the financial aid was provided by Hangzhou Fuxing Construction Group Company.发起这条热线并提供资助款项的单位是杭州复兴建设集团公司。
15.Specially heated or specially cooled Stowage is not to be furnished unless contracted for at an increased freight rate.不提供专门的冷热储存设备,除非协议规定并增加运费。
16."Thus, the engine develops high power, and the car moves away from the curb and accelerates quickly."这样,发动机提供的强大功率使汽车启动并很快加速。
17."The Body serves the obvious purpose of providing shelter, comfort and protection for the occupants."车身的基本功能就是向乘员提供保护,使其乘坐舒适并保证安全。
18.Once authentication is successful, the service provider accepts the call and establishes a connection with the mobile device.一旦认证成功,服务提供商就接受呼叫并与移动设备建立连接。

solar cool-heat supply system太阳能冷-热并供系统
3)heating and cooling供热供冷
4)cooling and heating供冷供热
1.Experimental study on operation characteristics of ground coupled heat pump operated in cooling and heating mode土壤源热泵供冷供热运行特性的实验研究
1.Discussion on approach to the problems of colliery heating design;煤矿供热设计若干问题探讨
2.Heat-transfer oil furnace heating--the good way for WBP enterprises saving energy and increasing efficiency;导热油炉供热——人造板企业节能增效的有效途径
3.Identification of dangerous factors and accident preventive measures of urban underground heating pipeline;城市供热地下管线系统危险因素辨识与事故预防对策
6)heat supply供热
1.Energy saving technology in heat supply and heating and developmental direction of equipments;浅析供热采暖节能技术及其设备的发展方向
2.Utilizing rubbish-incineration to produce heat for heat supply system;供热系统的“垃圾改造”
3.Study on current heat supply status in residential area of Pingyao as well as questions existed;平遥县城区居民取暖供热现状及问题与建议

电缆供油装置允许供油压力计算电缆供油装置允许供油压力计算calculation of the permissible pressure for cable oil feeding equipment  d旧nlan gongyou zhuangZh【yunXU gongyou yol一J,suon电缆供油装t允许供油压力计算(calculationof the permissible pressure for eable 011 feedingequipment)为使充油电缆的油压保持在允许范围内,根据电缆线路的最大和最小允许工作压力,对电缆线路在环境温度最高的夏季满载时供油装t的最大允许供油压力,和在环境温度最低的冬季不带电时供油装t的最小允许供油压力的计算.最大和最小允许供油压力.取决于电缆线路的长度、高差、负荷和环境沮度等因素。 如图所示为由压力供油箱(见充油电垅供油装!)在一端供油的充油电缆线路最大和最小允许供油压力分布情况.P叮mi。P X 10一2 ~尸“m‘。十nP’r一几人沪万不万万二气陪片l一一一一一一一一一一一一_一产尸一 终端头.|一|州|||人;点叠掩__支________--一丁----------一终瑞头压力箱 卜 屯电组旦老 电缆线路由压力供油箱在一端供油时的压力分布 静态压力计算在电缆线路的负荷不变时,电缆内部的油压为静态压力。 (1)在夏季满载时压力箱的供油压力最大,线路最低处B点的油压为线路上的最大静油压,此值要小于电缆的最大允许静油压,即式中尸PT。、。为压力箱的最小允许供油压力,MP。;h、为电缆线路最高处A点的高程,m;Pcsml。为电缆的最小允许静油压,MPa,其余符号的意义同式(l). 暂态压力计算在电缆线路的负荷变化时,电缆内部的电缆油因膨胀或收缩而产生的油流在油道内分别产生暂态压力升或暂态压力降,两者均简称为暂态压力。在油压变化的暂态过程中.作用在电缆上合成的瞬时压力为暂态发生前的静态压力与暂态压力升之和。 (”电缆负荷增加时,在电缆线路的最低处B点出现最大瞬时压力不得大于电缆的最大允许瞬时油压。暂态压力升的最大值出现在冬季电缆线路由不带负荷状态突然满载时,但此时B点的静态压力最小.最大静态压力是在夏季满载时,但在夏季接近满载时产生的暂态压力升并不是最大值。因此要正确计算静态压力和暂态压力升两者之和的瞬时压力的最大值是很复杂的,但可按图所示近似地把B点的最大静态压力与最大暂态压力升之和视为最大瞬时压力,于是压力箱的最大允许供油压力应满足下列条件 尸p,二,二△尸,一尸。T,~ ‘井锣终;十h。