1.Study on mini-channel structured radiator filled with porous media多孔介质填充的小槽道散热器性能研究

1.Study on mini-channel structured radiator filled with porous media多孔介质填充的小槽道散热器性能研究
2.Electro-osmotic Flows in Micro Irregular Channels;微小异形截面槽道内电渗流动特性分析
3.The numerical simulation on heat transfer performance of rectangular micro channel plate heat pipe微小型矩形槽道平板热管传热性能的数值模拟
4.Coated waterway in the seat area is smooth, free of cavities and unobstructed thru port to maximize flow.阀体流道上无凹槽且光滑,同类产品中其流阻最小。
5.Another walk made the circuit of the garden, and skirted the white wall which enclosed it.园子里有四条小道,交叉成十字形,交叉处有一个水槽;
6.Researches on Manufacturing Processes and Experimental Performance Analyses of Small Axially Grooved Heat Pipes;小型轴向槽道热管制备工艺研究及实验性能分析
7.Numerical Simulation Analysis of Single-phase Flow Field in Micro-flow-channels of the Small Square Cylinders in the Electrolysis Oxygen Generation.电解水制氧槽方柱群微小流道单相流场数值模拟分析
8.The Experimental Investigation on Thermal Characteristics of Micro-Grooves Flat Heat Pipe一种微小型多槽道平板热管传热特性的实验研究
9.A small dent or nick, as in the body of a car.小齿,槽口小齿或槽口,如在汽车车体中
10.For diving there's small sealed tank inside, the negative tank.为了下潜,里边还有个密封小水槽―负槽。
11.To flow in channels or rivulets.在沟槽或小溪中流淌
12.A trough or channel for carrying something off, such as that on either side of a bowling alley.沟槽把某物排走的槽或沟,比如在保龄球道两边的球槽
13.Experimental Research on Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nanofluids in Miniture Flat Heat Pipe Evaporator with Micro-Grooved Surface;小型重力型微槽道平板热管蒸发器内纳米流体沸腾换热特性的实验研究
14.Notch- An indent on the edge of a wafer used for orientation purposes.凹槽-晶圆片边缘上用于晶向定位的小凹槽。
15.We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer.我们通过沟槽把脏水排放到下水道中。
16.The molten metal channels into a belt of troughs熔化的金属流入了槽管道里。
17.unstop a sink, toilet, drain, etc疏通洗涤槽、 抽水马桶、 下水道等.
18.Experimental Research on Cylinder Flow-Measuring Flume in Trapezoid-Transect Canal梯形渠道圆柱形量水槽的试验研究

micro triangle channel微小三角形槽道
1.Electrokinetic flow behavior in micro triangle channels;微小三角形槽道内电渗流动特性分析
3)micro rectangle grooves微小矩形槽道
4)mini AGHP小型微槽道热管
5)miniature heat pipe with grooves微小型槽道热管
6)heat exchanger with small channel微小槽道散热器

小槽1.古时制酒器中的一个部件﹐酒由此缓缓流出。 2.指酿酒。 3.琵琶一类乐器上架弦的格子。亦代指琵琶。