1.The problem of bed material unbalance between the breeches-legs in the circulating fluidized bed(CFB) boiler is founded during the operation.循环流化床锅炉的两裤衩腿炉膛之间存在床料存量平衡问题。
2)trousers type裤衩
1.This paper analyzes the geometric features of the trousers type steel scuttle, sets up the mathematics model of the funnel surface of this scuttle.分析了裤衩型钢煤斗外形的几何特点,建立了裤衩型钢煤斗漏斗表面的数学模型,分析了曲面展开的算法。

1.Get on dry shorts and a shirt and don't make trouble.换上干裤衩和干衬衫,别再闹事。
2.These two enormous men wearing nothing but their shorts, standing there trying to beat each other to death.两个魁梧凶悍的男人身上除了裤衩外什么也没穿,他们面对面对打,都想把对方打死。
3.A slit in a garment, as in the back seam of a pocket.开衩,衩衣服上的狭长口子,如在口袋的后部缝口内
4.The skirt of the Chinese " Qipao" is slit up to the thigh on each side.中国的旗袍两边衩口一直开在大腿。
5.Briefs or shorts worn as underwear.衬裤作为内衣裤穿的贴身内裤或短裤
6.The most complicated of all forms of binding is the working of wraps and strap openings.最复杂的滚边是在服装的叠襟或吊带的开衩上加以滚边。
7.In case Employee has worked for a full year, employer shall grant Employee a special vacation for seven (7) days which may be converted into cash.曳接诜?衩柯?荒暧杉追礁?杼乇鹦菁倨呷眨?蛘鄯⒐ぷ省
8.The sleeve has two layers--an underlining and interfacing on the upper position of the cap and other at the hem or vent袖子有两层——在衬里的袖山头、袖阍边以及袖衩上覆衬布。
9.Put on your pants, A pair of pants!穿上你的裤子,一条裤子!
10.These jeans are too tight in the crotch.这牛仔裤的裤裆太紧了。
11.trousers with a slight taper裤脚稍瘦进一些的长裤.
12.trousers ending above the knee.裤脚到膝盖上部的裤子。
13.jeans and .khaki slacks;牛仔裤。 咔叽布短裤。
14.pink shorts, pink shorts.粉色短裤,粉色短裤。
15.T-shirt, shorts and runners体恤衫,短裤和运动裤
16.The leg of my tights has torn.我的裤袜的裤腿破了.
17.Calf - length pants with flared legs.高边裤裤腿很宽长达小腿的裤子
18.Pant styles include trousers, Bermuda shorts, pedal pushers and bell bottoms.裤子的款式包括一般长裤、百慕大短裤、自行车裤、喇叭脚口裤等。

trousers type裤衩
1.This paper analyzes the geometric features of the trousers type steel scuttle, sets up the mathematics model of the funnel surface of this scuttle.分析了裤衩型钢煤斗外形的几何特点,建立了裤衩型钢煤斗漏斗表面的数学模型,分析了曲面展开的算法。
3)health care underpants保健裤衩
4)running pants运动裤衩
5)pantleg double furnace"裤衩"双炉膛
