1.Therefore,a double-strategy is applied to make the engine work more efficiently and more environment-friendly.由于在怠速和低负荷工况下热效率过低和排放不佳,通过双策略模式实现了双燃料发动机的低排放和高效运行。
2)strategy pattern策略模式
1.Dealing With Incomplete Data Based On Strategy Pattern;基于策略模式的缺损数据处理方法
2.Implementing dynamic loading strategy pattern with Java technology;利用Java技术实现动态加载的策略模式
3.Transaction management based on combination of strategy pattern and static factory pattern基于策略模式和静态工厂结合的事务管理

1.China s Capital Market Opening and Progressive Pattern: QFII;中国资本市场开放及QFII渐进策略模式
2.Analyses of Information Search Patterns for Capturing Multiattribute Decision Strategies;多特征决策策略的信息搜索模式分析
3.Discussion on the strategy for constructing a Blended Learning Pattern;构建混合式学习(B-learning)模式的策略探讨
4.Supplies Strategy Study in the Mode of Mass Customization;大规模定制模式下物料供应策略研究
5.The Study of the Muti-mode Control Strategies Based on Driving Cycles;基于循环工况的多模式控制策略开发
6.Studing of ASP s Application Model and the Risk Avoiding;ASP应用模式及其风险防范策略研究
7.The Study of Hebei News Network Development Model and Development Strategy;河北新闻网发展模式与发展策略研究
8.A Study of the Model and Strategies for College Students EFL Reading Motivation;大学生英语阅读动机模式与策略研究
9.The Introspection for Teaching Strategies in the New Model of Opening Education;开放教育新模式下对教学策略的反思
10.Investigation of Chain Management Enterprises Distribution Model Choice Strategy;连锁企业物流配送模式选择策略研究
11.Study on the Developing Strategy and Developing Mode of the Private Enterprises in Langfang City;廊坊市民营企业发展策略与模式研究
12.Profit Models of Portal Website and its Development Tactics;论门户网站的盈利模式及其发展策略
13.Discussion on purchasing strategy under "buy-back" contract pattern in Iran;伊朗回购合同模式下的采购策略探讨
14.Localization Strategy of Introducing Partnering Model in China;我国引进Partnering模式的本土化策略
15.On Strategies of Shortening OTD Time with BTO Model in Automobile Industry;汽车行业BTO模式下缩短OTD时间的策略
16.A Study of the Computer Safety Strategy Based on Modes of Action;基于行为模式的计算机安全策略研究
17.Study on the mode of second language acquisition and the mode of College English learning reform;学习策略与大学英语“学改”模式研究
18.Discussion of the Community Recovery Pattern and the Localization Development Tactics;社区康复模式及本土化发展策略探讨

strategy pattern策略模式
1.Dealing With Incomplete Data Based On Strategy Pattern;基于策略模式的缺损数据处理方法
2.Implementing dynamic loading strategy pattern with Java technology;利用Java技术实现动态加载的策略模式
3.Transaction management based on combination of strategy pattern and static factory pattern基于策略模式和静态工厂结合的事务管理
3)strategy and mode策略与模式
4)Model and Strategy模式与策略
5)Dual-model control strategy双模控制策略
6)chain type double helix链式双螺旋策略
