double-column process双塔流程
1.On the basis of process simulation and basic theoretical analysis, a new energy saving double-column process is proposed for FCC absorption and desorption system with " bi-directional mass transfer".在流程模拟和基本原理分析的基础上,指出FCC装置吸收稳定系统吸收解吸过程存在双向传质,提出了一种新的改进型节能双塔流程。
3)Methanolizing-methanation process双甲流程
4)double flow双程错流
5)Bidirectional Flow双向流程
6)two fluid equations双流体方程
1.By solving the two time-scale and two fluid equations,a set of nonlinear equations has been obtained by which the behavior of self-generated magnetic field can be described.通过求解双时标双流体方程 ,可以得到一组相互耦合的非线性方程。
