燃油系统,fuel system
1)fuel system燃油系统
1.Research of heat management for aircraft fuel system;飞机燃油系统热管理研究
2.Research on trouble diagnosis for the fuel system of diesel engine;柴油机燃油系统故障诊断的探讨
3.Design about Switching Power Supply for Electromagnetic Valve of Fuel System;燃油系统电磁阀用开关电源的设计

1.fuel service system燃油供应系统日用燃油系统
2.Fuel System Programmed Fuel Injection (PGM-FI)电子控制喷射燃油系统
3.Design on Fuel System of 300 MW Direct Air-cooling Coal-fired Generating Unit300MW直接空冷燃煤机组燃油系统设计
4.Remove the fuel supply line and fuel rail (refer to Group 14, Fuel System).拆下燃油供应管路和燃油导轨(请参阅单元14,燃油系统)。
5.The Research of Fuel Injection System Optimization for 12V132 Diesel;12V132柴油机燃油系统综合优化研究
6.Study of Oil Measure Instrument for Some Areoplane Feul System;某型飞机燃油系统油量测量仪的研制
7.Trouble-shooting to Oil Passage of the Fuel System in Electronic Injection Engines电喷发动机燃油系统油路的故障检测
8.The Research of Hot Fuel Flow Test for Z11MB1 Helicopter直11MB1型机燃油系统热油飞行试验研究
9.combustion system of gasoline engine汽油机射流燃烧系统
10.fuel filling and transfer system燃油注入和输送系统
11.compression operated fuel injection system压缩空气燃油喷射系统
12.fuel storage and distribution system燃油贮存和分配系统
13.aircraft fuel tank inerting system飞机燃油箱惰性系统
14.Fault Diagnosis of Fuel Pressure and Fuel Supply System of EFI Engine;电喷发动机燃油压力与燃油供给系统故障诊断
15.ECU Study of Gasoline Engine Electronic Fuel Injection System;汽油机电控燃油喷射系统ECU技术研究
16.Development of Hydrodynamic Drive Device for an Aircraft Ejection Fuel Feed System飞机燃油引射供输油系统动流源研制
17.Design of Ultrasonic Fuel Gauging System for Aircraft超声波式飞机燃油油量测量系统设计
18.Research on the Fuel Supply System and the DME∕Diesel Blending Performance of Diesel Engine柴油机燃用二甲醚/柴油混合燃料的性能和供油系统的实验研究

fuel injection system燃油系统
1.Research on the Rail Pressure Control of Common Rail Fuel Injection System;高压共轨燃油系统共轨压力控制技术研究
2.Finally,on the basis of comparison between different fuel injection systems,a pragmatical low cost solution for high speed.详细分析了我国高速轻型柴油机的现状,并对其发展前景进行了乐观的估计,指出了我国高速轻型柴油机与国外先进机型的差距,分析了高速轻型柴油机满足严格的国3(欧3)排放法规的可行性和技术途径,在对实现国3标准的燃油系统技术方案综合性能对比分析的基础上,提出了适合我国国情的高速轻型柴油机达到国3排放标准的经济的现实方案,即高喷射压力的PM型直列泵+电子调速器+冷却的废气再循环(EGR)方案。
3)Fuel oil system燃油系统
1.On the fault analysis of fuel oil system for diesel engine and the troubleshooting;浅谈柴油机燃油系统故障与排除
2.Energy-saving technology for fuel oil system of circulating fluidized bed combustion boiler;循环流化床锅炉燃油系统节能技术探讨
3.Simulation software of fuel oil system for a marine power plant simulator;轮机模拟器燃油系统仿真软件(英文)
4)Fuel Systems燃油系统
5)fuel supply system燃油系统
1.Exprimental Research of Fuel Supply System Adaptability for Model YC6108ZQ Automotive Diesel Engine;YC6108ZQ车用柴油机燃油系统适应性研究
2.Fault Diagnosis of Fuel Supply System for Diesel Engines Based on Artificial Neural Network;基于神经网络的柴油机燃油系统故障诊断
6)main fuel system主燃油系统
1.Fuel deposit experiment on main fuel system of modern military jet engine;现代军用涡轮喷气发动机主燃油系统燃油积沉实验

燃油系统  向航空发动机燃烧室、加力燃烧室和起动油路输送具有一定压力、流量和温度的燃油的成套装置(见图)。从油箱中供来的燃油,经燃油开关到增压泵增压后进入燃油滑油散热器。散热器利用燃油带走滑油的热量,燃油本身得到预热,再通过燃油滤将杂质清除后,分别送入主油泵和加力油泵进一步增压。增压后的高压燃油分别由主燃油控制器和加力燃油控制器(见燃油控制器)进行油量控制,以满足飞行的需要。然后,主燃油经油门开关,由燃油分配器分成主副油路,经喷嘴送入燃烧室中燃烧。发动机需要加力时,加力燃油经加力开关和喷嘴送入加力燃烧室中燃烧。发动机起动时有独立的起动燃油系统,包括起动油泵、起动电磁活门和起动喷嘴。漏油系统用于排除经密封装置漏出的燃油和燃烧室中的积油。放油系统在发动机停车后迅速放出喷嘴油路中的燃油,以防喷嘴积炭。燃油泵是系统中最主要的供油设备,有齿轮泵、柱塞泵、旋板泵、离心泵和汽心泵5种类型。