动力电池,power battery
1)power battery动力电池
1.SOC estimation of power battery pack based on neural network;基于神经网络的动力电池组SOC辨识方法
2.Performance evaluation of electric vehicle power battery;电动车辆动力电池的性能评价
3.The Application in Management System of NMH Power Battery;LabVIEW在镍氢动力电池管理系统中的应用

1.Charge and discharge characteristics of Li-ion batteries for EV电动车用锂离子动力电池充放电特性
2.Research on Battery Management System of MH/NI Batteries for Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle;燃料电池客车镍氢动力电池组管理系统的研究
3.Study on Matching Batteries for Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle;轻度混合动力汽车动力电池匹配研究
4.Development of Torpedo Concerning a New Type Power Battery and Propelling Electrical Machinery鱼雷新型动力电池与推进电机的发展
5.A New Method of Fuzzy SOC Estimation for Dynamic Battery Using Terminal Voltage端电压模糊估算动力电池SOC的新方法
6.Study on Trajectory of Electric Power Torpedo Launched by Battery Activated Outside Tube电动力鱼雷动力电池管外激活发射弹道研究
7.Study on Intelligent Charger for Power Battery and Charging Strategy of Ni-MH Battery;动力电池智能充电器及镍氢电池快速充电方法的研究
8.Research on the Equilibrium Controlling of Serial Battery Pile Charging and Discharging for Electronic Vehicles;电动汽车动力电池组串联充放电均衡控制研究
9.The development trends of the liquid electrolyte of the power battery in electric auto纯电动汽车用动力电池电解液的研究进展
10.Development trends of the electrolyte of the power battery in electric auto纯电动汽车用动力电池电解液的现状与展望
11.Hybrid-Electric Vehicle and EV Batteries混合动力源电动车和电动车的蓄电池
12.Effects of KSCN on Kinetic Characters of the Positive Couple and Performance for Vanadium Redox Flow BatteryKSCN对钒电池正极反应动力学及电池性能的影响
13.gravity battery比重液电池,重力电池
14.a small portable battery-powered electric lamp.一种便携的以电池为动力的电灯。
15.Design of Charge System for Lithium Battery Pack Based on TMS320LF2407A基于TMS320LF2407A的动力锂电池组充电系统设计
16.Discussion on consistency of VRLA batteries for E- bikes浅谈电动助力车用VRLA蓄电池的一致性
17.Study on Power Matching of Fuel Cell/Battery Hybrid Vehicle;燃料电池/蓄电池双能源电动汽车动力系统匹配的研究
18.Research on the Quick-Charging Technology for Lead-Acid Battery in EV Application电动汽车用动力铅酸电池快速充电技术研究

traction battery动力电池
1.Research on the Traction Battery Monitoring System of Hybrid Powered Motorcycle;混合动力摩托车动力电池的监测系统研究
2.Test analysis for traction battery charging and discharging efficiency;动力电池充放电效率测试分析
3.Precise state of charge(SOC) of traction battery is a key factor for power distribution of HEV power system,total control of vehicle and cost reduction.精确的动力电池剩余电量(SOC)是混合动力系统进行动力分配的重要依据,也是整车控制和降低使用成本的关键。
3)battery pack动力电池组
1.Excessively charge and discharge concerns the operation efficiency and lifetime of the battery pack.动力电池组中单体电池间的差异使之具有不同的充放电特性,电池组在充放电循环过程中又增加了单体电池的不一致性,导致某些单体电池过充过放电现象的发生,使得整个电池组的性能及使用寿命下降。
2.According to the test of EV bus, the expressive form and generation principle of the battery pack imconsistency were studied; voltage inconsistency was mainly discussed.通过电动公交车的运行试验,对电动汽车用动力电池组不一致性表现形式和形成原理进行了研究,重点讨论了电池组的电压不一致性,对不一致性分布规律进行了总结,指出了电压不一致性与使用时间的关系,确定了其理论正态分布的基本参数,并检验了理论与实际分布的接近度。
4)power batteries动力电池组
1.Performance testing system of power batteries for electric vehicles;电动汽车用动力电池组性能测试系统
2.Peculiarity analysis and proportion management of power batteries;动力电池组特性分析与均衡管理
5)traction battery packs动力电池组
1.According to the application quality and request of traction battery packs which is used in electric transmission vehicle,Management system for battery packs is designed by the way of bus communication.根据动力电池组在电动汽车上的使用特点和要求,利用总线通讯技术,设计出电池组分布式管理系统,系统由一个电池组综合管理器和多个电池单体检测模块组成。
6)power battery动力蓄电池
1.As the feeble section of electric vehicle, power battery was the main obstacle of the industrialization of electric vehicle.动力蓄电池是电动车的薄弱环节,也是目前电动车产业化的主要障碍。

动力机械:内燃机动力学研究内燃机运转中的力学现象的科学。其主要任务是研究分析内燃机运转时各主要零件的运动规律及其受力情况﹐用以作为内燃机零件设计﹑计算的依据。它还研究这些力对内燃机动力装置的影响及其消减方法。内燃机动力学的主要内容为曲柄连杆机构运动学﹑曲柄连杆机构动力学和内燃机平衡分析等。曲柄连杆机构运动学 研究曲柄﹑连杆﹐尤其是活塞的运动规律。活塞作周期性往复运动时的位移、速度和加速度可用下述各式近似求算式中为曲轴转角﹔ 为曲轴旋转角速度﹔为曲柄半径﹔为曲柄半径 与连杆长度之比﹐即 = / 曲柄作回转运动﹐连杆作复杂的平面运动。连杆的运动往往被简化分解为随活塞组的往复运动和随同曲柄的旋转运动。曲柄连杆机构动力学 研究分析曲柄连杆机构(见曲柄滑块机构)在运动中力的生成﹑传递和输出。作用在曲柄连杆机构上的力有曲柄连杆机构运动时产生的往复惯性力和离心惯性力﹐以及内燃机气缸内的气体压力。