给水泵,feed water pump
1)feed water pump给水泵
1.The cause analysis and improving measures of feed water pump "Runback" out of action;给水泵RUNBACK动作失败原因分析及改进措施
2.The cause analysis and treatment of feed water pump output insufficient for Unit 1 in Erdos Power Generation Group Co.,Ltd.鄂尔多斯电力集团公司~#1机组给水泵出力不足原因分析及处理
3.The realization of feed water pump outlet minimum flow valve control in DCS of the first term project in Ningxia Daba Power Generation Co.,Ltd宁夏大坝发电有限责任公司I期给水泵出口最小流量阀控制在DCS中的实现

1.This water is forced into the boiler by the feed pump.给水泵将水压入锅炉。
2.put liquid in it to make it start working给水泵注水使之起动
3.influent pump with cutter device附有绞刀装置的给水泵
4.turbine driven auxiliary feed water pump涡轮机驱动辅助给水泵
5.low pressure steam generator feed pump低压蒸汽发生器给水泵
6.boiler feed pump turbine锅炉给水泵汽轮机驱动锅炉给水泵蒸汽机
7.Analysis of Economical Efficiency of Changing Dynamoelectric Feedwater Pump into Steam Turbine-driving Feedwater Pump of a 210 MW Steam Turbine210MW机组电动给水泵改汽动给水泵的经济性分析
9.Attempt to use turbine-driven pump as main feed pump for boiler以蒸汽泵作为锅炉主力给水泵的尝试
10.The Study of Circulating-water Pump and Feed-water Pump Economic Operation in a Power Plant;火电厂循环水泵和给水泵系统经济运行研究
11.In fact the T-BFP set is in much need of the barring equipment.其实,汽动给水泵组很需要盘车装置,小汽机需要,给水泵更需要。
12.Applied auxiliary steam feed pump instead of motor-driven feedwater pump600MW机组利用汽动给水泵替代电动给水泵启动的探讨
13.Design and Commission of Boiler’s Level Regulation during Feedwater Pump Accident Trip给水泵跳闸工况下保持给水自控的设计和投运
14.BFP NPSH Check Calculation of Zhuhai Power Plant珠海电厂给水泵汽蚀余量的校核计算
16.Study and Practice of the Driving Mode of Feed Water Pumps for 200MW Units;200MW机组给水泵驱动方式的研究与实践
17.Development of Model 50CHTZ High Pressure Boiler Feed Pumps;50CHTZ型高压锅炉给水泵研制
18.The Variable Work Condition Economy Analysis of Power Plant Water-feeding Pump Steam Turbine;电站给水泵汽轮机变工况经济性分析

feedwater pump给水泵
1.The control system modification of feedwater pump liquid coupler in 300MW generating unit;300MW机组给水泵液力耦合器控制系统改造
2.Modification about feedwater pump runback control logic for 660 MW units in Shajiao C Power Station;沙角C电厂660 MW机组给水泵快速减负荷功能改造
3.Analysis and improvement of runback process of feedwater pump for 300 MW generating unit;300MW机组给水泵RB工况的处理及分析
3)feed pump给水泵
1.Analyses on the marine steamer feed pump s rotor breaking accident and on the aligning method of vertical direct coupled sets;船用汽轮给水泵断轴事故及立式直联机组对中方法分析
2.Selection of driving means for feed pumps of nuclear half speed units;核电半速机组给水泵驱动方式的选择
3.Performance Test and Analysis of Electrical Driven Feed Pump for 135MW Unit;莱芜电厂135MW机组电动给水泵性能试验及分析
4)feed-water pump给水泵
1.Design optimization for inlet pipelines of feed-water pumps of 660 MW units;660 MW机组给水泵入口管道的设计优化
2.Improvement of the mechanical seal cooling system for CHTA feed-water pump;CHTA型给水泵机械密封冷却系统改造
3.The analysis of feed-water pump strainer frequent blockage on No.3 unit in Daba Power Plant;大坝发电厂~#3机组给水泵滤网频繁堵塞原因分析
5)water pump给水泵
1.Application of back pressure steam turbine drive water pump in thermal plant;背压式汽轮机驱动给水泵在热电厂的应用
2.The paper discusses Energy Saving Technology for blower and water pump in the power plant.讨论火力发电厂风机和给水泵的节能技术。
3.Taking the preliminary designs for heating sys-tem upgrading at huaiyin Power Plant as an example, dis-cusses possible use of steam-driven water pump and motor- driven with electric speed govemor water pump in me-dium and small thermal Power Plants, and compares twoschemes from the economic point of view.以淮阴发电厂供热技改工程初步设计为例,探讨汽动给水泵、电动调速给水泵在中小型热电厂中应用的可行性,以及两种方案的经济性比较。
6)water supply pump给水泵
1.To take into account the economy,reliability,annual operation and maintenance costs,investment and the flexibility of the main plant’s location,the scheme of the electric motors is better than the water supply pump.对目前300 MW供热机组锅炉给水泵采用汽轮机和电动机的二种驱动方式的经济性进行综合分析,认为从机组运行经济性、安全可靠性、年运行维护费用、投资、主厂房布置的灵活性等各方面综合考虑,电动机驱动给水泵方案优于汽轮机驱动给水泵方案。
2.Deseribes the formation of the axial force on a water supply pump and how to calculate it, and the theory behind the compensation of axial force, analyses the problems experienced with the several water supply pumps at shuangyashan Power station, and works out correct solutions to the problems.阐述了给水泵轴向力的形成和计算方法 ,介绍了轴向力的平衡原理 ,并针对双鸭山发电厂多台给水泵运行时存在的问题进行分析 ,找出了正确解决问题的方法。
3.Problems occurred in HDG150-59 water supply pump plant of the heat power plant of Panzhihua Iron & Steel Co.阐述了攀钢热电厂HDG150-59型给水泵存在的问题,平衡力校核及平衡盘系统烧损原因分析、改造方法及取得的效果。

给水泵给水泵feed-water pump  J一shul beng给水泵(feed一water pump)将给水从除氧器水箱中抽出升压输送到锅炉的泵。给水泵属于高温高压水泵,吸人的是除氧后的高温饱和水,出口水压也大于锅炉汽压。由于电力生产的连续性以及锅炉不能缺水的要求,给水泵必须连续不断地安全运行,且能根据锅炉负荷的需要,相应改变给水流量,还要能维持在小流量下运行。给水泵是发电厂的厂用电最大用户.有的高达主机容量的4%,故要求有较高的效率,并要求在不同流量时效率变化平缓。为了安全运行和降低除氧器布置高度,要求给水泵的必需汽蚀余量小。为解决这一问题,有的机组在给水泵前设置一低转速汽蚀余量小的单级前置泵。(见除氧器运行、锅炉给水泵运行) 结构型式给水泵为多级离心泵。主要部件有叶轮、导叶、轴、平衡推力机构、吸人室、压水室、壳体、轴端密封等。根据泵体结构型式的不同可分为圆环分段式、水平中开式和双层壳体圆筒式三种。大容量机组普遍采用后一种给水泵。 团环分段式将几个相同叶轮(有时首级采用抗汽蚀性能较好的具有较大人口直径的叶轮),以相同方式装在一个轴上.由装有导叶的中段申起来工作,两端装有吸人盖和排出盖,由穿杠螺栓拉紧。为平衡推力,在高压端有平衡盘或平衡活塞,或者是两者的组合结构。这种型式多用于超高压以下机组,优点是造价低;缺点是检修拆装麻烦,轴向力大,穿杠螺栓紧固困难,负荷或参数突变时,易形成泵壳泄漏冒汽。 水平中开式泵体做成沿中心线分开,吸人管和排出管与泵座成整体浇铸。这类泵多用于中、低压锅炉的给水。优点是检修方便,叶轮可以对称布置以抵消轴向力.缺点是泵体内流道复杂,铸造加工技术要求高。同样参数下体积较分段式大。 双层壳体圆筒式泵体做成双层套装壳体。外壳体与进、排水管焊接连接,检修时不需拆卸.内壳体与转子组成一个完整的组合体,俗称芯包,套装在锻钢或铸钢制的圆筒型外壳内,外壳体高压侧端盖用螺栓紧min之间。较高转速可以把单级扬程提高到400~soom,以减少级数(一般4~8级),缩短轴长,提高轴的刚度,增加泵的运行可靠性。同时缩小泵的体积,降低造价,还有利于承受热冲击。 前工泵大型高速给水泵的必需汽蚀余量较大,当要求的除氧器水箱布置高度难以达到时,往往在主给水泵前申联一台必需汽蚀余量较小的低速(一般为145or/min)前置泵。前置泵的流量应为给水泵的出口流量、给水泵中间抽头流量之和;前置泵的扬程主要保证给水泵人口的压头避免发生汽化,一般选为1.5~3.0倍的主给水泵的必需汽蚀余量。前置泵多为单级双吸离心式。