现场测试,Field test
1)Field test现场测试
1.Research on field test of soil nailing for deep excavation;深基坑土钉支护现场测试分析研究
2.Model test and field test on the turbine in the Dachaoshan hydropower station;大朝山水电站水轮机模型试验与现场测试
3.Research on behaviors of soil nailing by field test;土钉支护工作性能的现场测试研究

1.Talking about the Demagnetization and Field Test of Measuring Current Transformer测量用电流互感器的退磁及现场测试
2.Field test methods of subgrade and pavement for highway engineering公路路基路面现场测试规程
3.Procedure for field testing water-based drilling fluidsGB/T16783-1997水基钻井液现场测试程序
4.The pump manufacturer's authorized representative shall be present for the Field Test.泵制造商代表应该出席现场测试
5.Procedure for field testing oil-based drilling fluidsGB/T16782-1997油基钻井液现场测试程序
6.Methods Testing the platform on-site and analyze its actual working situation.方法现场测试和实际使用情况分析。
8.Field Testing Research about the Mechanical Mechanism of Tunnel s Single Shell Lining;隧道单层衬砌力学机理现场测试研究
9.Test and Analysis of Vibration Propagation Caused by the Subway Train;地铁振动传播的现场测试与数值分析
10.Research on In-site Tester of Solar Array Characteristic;太阳电池阵列特性现场测试设备研究
11.Field Stress and Strain Testing on Damaged Pipe Segment in LuNing Oil Pipeline鲁宁管道打孔盗油管段应力现场测试
12.Field Test and Validation of LKD2 type TCCLKD2型列控中心系统的现场测试与确认
13.Field Testing Study on Deep Foundation Pit of Wuxi Buynow Advisory Square;无锡百脑汇咨询广场基坑现场测试研究
14.Analysis on Site Testing EQA Results of Coagulation Tests in 22 Laboratories22家医院凝血试验现场测试EQA结果分析
15.The Turbine Model Acceptance and Local Test of Longtoushi Hydropower Station龙头石电站水轮机模型验收试验与现场测试
16.Telepresence Measuring Technique and Realization of Force Sensing Telepresence Measuring临场感测试技术及力觉临场感的实现
17.soil testing and field instrumentation土工试验和现场原型观测
18.Development of on Site Comprehensive AC Electric Parameters Measuring Instrument;交流电量参数现场综合测试仪的研制

in-situ test现场测试
1.And the research on in-situ test of prestressed anchor cable composite soil nailing is seldom seen.预应力锚索复合土钉支护是复合土钉支护中常用而有效的一种方法,目前对该支护方法的作用机制进行系统分析的不多,对其进行现场测试研究的也较少。
2.According the in-situ test and the calculating result of the finite element program, the stress and deformation properties of the culvert with high embankment are studied.过现场测试结果 ,并结合有限元计算 ,研究作用与高填涵洞的受力与变形。
3.Through the in-situ tests for the horizontal displacement and the soil nailing tension of a foundation pit,analyzing the change regulation and mechanical characteristies of soil nailing during construction,giving some benificial suggestions.通过某基坑工程土钉支护的水平位移和土钉拉力等现场测试 ,分析土钉在施工过程中的一些变化规律及受力特性 ,对土钉的设计和施工提出一些有益建
3)field measurement现场测试
1.Through the field measurement of the braking length, this paper analyzes on the main causes influencing the testing precision, puts forward some improving suggestions, and makes rational stipulations for the maximum pulling load and maximum running speed adopted by the locomotive in the future daily operation.通过对制动距离的现场测试,分析了影响测试精度的主要原因,提出了改进意见,合理规定了今后机车日常运行的最大牵引载荷和最大运行速度,以实现节能、降耗、提高运输效率、杜绝行车事故的目标。
2.In order to learn the actuality of air pollution in new decoration residence and improve indoor air quality, and provide the foundation that constructs the control countermeasure of indoor air pollution, we make the field measurement about indoor air pollution of new decoration residence of some city.根据某市20户新装修住宅室内微污染物种类及浓度现场测试和问卷调查结果,分析了新装修住宅室内污染物的状况,研究了影响微污染物浓度高低的主要因素。
3.Based on the results of field measurement and questionnaire from ten households, presents the status of indoor and outdoor VOC concentration and personal exposure.根据 1 0户住宅建筑的VOC浓度现场测试及问卷调查结果 ,分析了长沙市住宅室内外VOC浓度及个人暴露量的状况。
4)field testing现场测试
1.Considerations of field testing of building energy efficiency;关于建筑节能现场测试的几点思考
5)site test现场测试
1.Compared with site test and theoetical analysis, we know that the actual earth pressure is large than the designed earth pressure.结合青藏铁路格拉段目前唯一的支挡结构———L型挡墙这一工程措施 ,对墙后土压力或冻胀力进行了一个冻融循环期的现场测试
6)spot test现场测试
1.Problems of discharge measuring in spot test of pumping station;关于泵站现场测试中流量测量问题

测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定check of the acceptability of test results and determination of the final test result  C凡(3)二3.3d,时,取此3个结果的平均值作为最终侧试结果;否则取它们的中位数作为最终测试结果。。,为重复性标准差(即在重复性条件下所得侧试结果的标准差)。 在口田T 11792一1989中还对重复性和再现性条件下所得侧试结果可接受性的检查方法和最终测试结果的确定做了详细讨论和规定。(马毅林)ceshi 11叩uo kejieshCxjxing d6 iiancha he zuizhong ceshi】i闪旧de que心ing测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定(checkof山eac,ptability of test,ults助ddsterminationofthefi耐testresult)在商品检验中进行一次测试的情形不多见,当得到一个测试结果时,所得结果不可能直接与给定的重复性标准差作可接受性的检查。对测试结果的准确性有任何疑问时都应再进行一次测试。所以,对两个测试结果进行可接受性的检查是一般的情况。 可接受性的检查,实际上是一种统计检验。任何两个测试结果只要能通过可接受性的统计检验即可认为是一致的,均可接受。比如,在重复性条件下,所得结果之差的绝对值(下称绝对差)不超过相应的重复性限r(见重复性和再现性)的值,则认为两个结果是一致的,均可接受;如果两个侧试结果的绝对差超过r,则认为它们是不一致的,必须增加测试。 按国家标准《测试方法的精密度在重复性或再现性条件下所得测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定》(GBIT 1 1792一1989),在重复性条件下,如果两个测试结果的绝对差不超过r的值,可取两个侧试结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较低,须再做两次测试。当4个结果的极差(即其中的最大值与最小值之差)不超过相应的临界极差c,瓜(4)二3.6a,时,取4个结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较高时,只须再作一次测试。当3个结果的极差不超过相应的临界极差