怠速控制,idle speed control
1)idle speed control怠速控制
1.Study on Gasoline Engine Idle Speed Control Based on Expert System;基于专家系统的汽车发动机怠速控制的仿真实验研究
2.NARX Model and Identification of Engine Idle Speed Control;发动机怠速控制NARX模型及辨识
3.The Development and Research of ECU and Idle Speed Control for FAI Motorcycles;FAI电喷摩托车ECU的研发及怠速控制的研究

1.Application of Fuzzy-PID Control in Idle of Engine Based on DSP基于DSP的Fuzzy-PID发动机怠速控制应用
2.Simulation Research of the Idle Control Strategy Based on the Electronic Throttle;基于电子控制节气门的怠速控制策略仿真研究
3.Research on Fuzzy Logic Chip for Engine Idle Speed Control;用于电控发动机怠速控制的模糊逻辑芯片研制
4.Application of H_∞ Robust Control Theory to Idle Control of CNG EngineH_∞鲁棒控制理论应用于CNG发动机怠速控制
5.Development of Idle Control Strategy for Diesel Engine with Unit Pump System(UPS)电控单体泵柴油机怠速控制策略的开发
6.This system has many functions such as distinguishing task control, shorttime overloading control, and automatic idlespeed switch and overflow control.该系统具有分工况控制、期超载控制、自动怠速控制、流控制等功能。
7.Application of Fuzzy Neural Network in Eng ine Idling Control模糊神经网络在发动机怠速控制中的应用
8.The Development and Research of ECU and Idle Speed Control for FAI Motorcycles;FAI电喷摩托车ECU的研发及怠速控制的研究
9.Control and Experiment of the Start and Idle of Lean-burn Natural Gas Engine稀燃增压CNG发动机起动及怠速控制试验研究
10.Idle speed controller for SI engines based on hybrid systems model基于混合系统模型的SI汽油发动机怠速控制
11.Development and Experimental Study on Electronic Control Idle System for Distribution Pump in Diesel Engine;电控分配泵柴油机怠速控制系统的开发及试验研究
12.ECU Development and Idle Control Strategy Research for Hydrogen-fueled Engine氢燃料发动机电控单元开发与怠速控制策略的研究
13.throttle positioner节气门怠速开度控制阀
14.Simulation Study on Sliding Mode Control of Idle Speed for Automotive Engine;汽油机怠速滑模控制策略及其SIMULINK实现
15.Study of Compound Fuzzy-PID Method for Gasoline Engine Idle Speed Control汽油机怠速复合模糊-PID控制策略研究
16.Study on the Idle Speed Closed-Loop Control for Vehicle-used Natural Gas Engine车用天然气发动机怠速转速闭环控制研究
17.The purpose of the idle speed control logic is to control engine speed at closed throttle.怠速转速控制逻辑是用于控制节气门关闭后的发动机转速。
18.Emission Control to High Pressure Common Rail Diesel Engine at Idle电控高压共轨柴油机怠速阶段排放控制的研究

idling regime control valve怠速控制阀
3)idle speed control(ISC)怠速转速控制
4)Idle speed close-loop control怠速闭环控制
5)idle control system怠速控制系统
1.The structure, application and work principle of the idle control system on 2.4S电喷发动机怠速控制系统的结构、应用和工作原理,并对其关键部件——步进电机的结构和工作原理作出相应介绍。
6)idle speed control (ISC) valve怠速控制ISC阀
