新能源,new energy
1)new energy新能源
1.New start point,new journey and new mission:the prospect of new energy development of China Huadian Corporation;新起点 新征程 新使命——中国华电集团新能源发展展望
2.The Analysis on the Feasibility of Energy Trade between Fujian and Taiwan under the New Energy Industrialization;新能源产业化下闽台能源贸易的可行性分析
3.Application situation and prospect of generating electricity technology by new energy in our country;我国新能源发电技术应用现状及发展

1.3.4 New energy and new technology for energy-use(四)新能源和能源新技术
2.Section on New and Renewable Resources of Energy新能源和可再生能源科
3.New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源
4.Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE)新能源和可再生能源会议(能源会议)
5.United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源和可再生能源会议(能源会议)
6.United Nations Trust Fund for New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源和可再生能源信托基金(能源基金)
7.World Conference on New and Renewable Energy世界新能源和可再生能源会议
8.Seminar on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源问题讨论会
9.Consultative Group on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源协商小组
10.Interim Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源临时委员会
11.Inter-Agency Group on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源机构间小组
12.Intergovernmental Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源政府间委员会
13.Regional Centre for the New and Renewable Sources of Energy Information Network新能源和可再生能源信息网区域中心
14.programme on equipment for producing new and renewable energy新能源和可再生能源生产设备方案
15.International Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy国际新能源和可再生能源会议
16.International Mediterranean Congress on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源国际地中海大会
17.Regional Information network on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源区域信息网
18.United Nations Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and on Energy for Development联合国新能源和可再生能源及能源促进发展委员会(能源委员会)

new energy sources新能源
1.This paper introduces in detail the research and existing situation of several new energy sources:natural gas,coal bed gas,hydrogen gas,alcohol fuel (carbinol),DME,biology diesel oil.详细介绍了汽车的几种新能源:天然气(CNG)、煤层气、氢气、醇类(甲醇)、二甲醚(DME)和生物柴油的研究和使用现状,并对其发展与前景做了阐述。
2.There are a great deal of new energy sources,which is distributing all of the world and low value of energy.传统的太阳能和地热能的利用,都是局限在单独的太阳能和地热能利用系统,这样就使这些新能源在利用过程中受它们本身所具有的季节性、随机性、间歇性特点的限制,不能很好地提供连续稳定的电力能源。
3.With the aggravation of the energy problem, scientists pay more attention to some new energy sources.随着能源紧缺问题的加剧,科学家们把更多的目光投向了新能源的开发和利用。
3)New Energy Resources新能源
1.Exploitation of new energy resources by investment projects of clean development mechanism;利用清洁发展机制促进新能源的发展
2.In this paper,begin with analyzing the building consumption situation,various new technology of building energy saving in our country are introduced,mainly new material,new energy resources,new types of structure.从分析我国建筑的耗能现状入手,重点从新材料、新能源、新型结构设计等方面介绍了我国节能建筑的各种新技术与新思想,从而论证了节能建筑是我国建筑发展的必然方向。
3.The present situation of new energy resources at home and abroad is briefly introduced and the development prospect of various new energy resources is pointed out.介绍了国内外新能源的研发现状 ,指出了新能源的发展前
4)new energy source新能源
1.The prospects and technical characteristics of several kinds of new energy sources were introduced in detail.详细介绍了几种新能源的开发前景和技术特点,依照“能量开发与节约并重,节约优先”的原则,提出了在开发和应用过程中应注意的几个重要环节,可供决策和进行开发研究的有关人员参考。
2.The essay first introduces the reclaimation of resources by foreing energy-saving building,then comes to the technical measures of the exploitation and use of new energy source.介绍了国外节能建筑对资源的回收利用,新能源开发利用的技术措施,及纸建筑实例供参考。
3.Referring to the present state of domestic and oversea and utilization of new energy sources, the paper presents an introduction to those which have utilization prospects.该文结合国内外新能源的开发和利用现状 ,对主要种类的可利用前景进行了介绍。
5)new energy resource新能源
1.From the utilization of new technique,exploration of new energy resources,reduction building energy consumption and other aspects the energy-saving methods of houses in new villages are introduced.从采用新技术、开发利用新能源和减少建筑能耗几方面介绍了农村住宅建筑节能的方法,探讨了农村住宅节能设计的要求,并对其经济、社会效益进行了分析,从而改善了住宅的生态环境,提高了空气质量,并推动了住宅产业健康持续的发展。
2.Presents the general situation of Aichi Expo in Japan, such as air conditioning energy supply, district cooling, application of new energy resources, eco-environment technology, environment facilities of typical pavilions, etc.介绍了日本爱知世博会的空调供能、区域供冷、新能源应用、生态环境技术、典型场馆的环境设备等情况,提出了对2010年上海世博会的展望。
3.This paper introduces the technology of electricity generation from new energy resources such as wind, ocean, solar,fuel cell, and geothermal energies in China and abroad, and briefly analyzes the distribution of these resources,the prospects of exploitation and utilization, the factors affecting the development and steps must be taken in promoting further development.介绍了国内外风能、海洋能、太阳能、燃料电池、地热能等新能源领域发电技术的现状 ,简要分析了国内各新能源类资源量的分布 ,开发与利用前景 ,影响其发展的因素 ,促进其发展应采取的措
6)new resource of power supply新能源电源
1.Reviewed the development of mobile power station for command equipment of field communication and forecasted the development trend and the application for new resource of power supply.野战通信指挥装备移动电源发展历程简要回顾,发展方向展望,新能源电源应用。
