1.The Automatic Measurement System of Transplanter Planting Perpendicularity;移栽机栽植直立度自动测定系统
2.Performance Analysis of Three Types of Transplanters Used in Dryland;3种旱地移栽机栽植器的性能分析
3.Design of Cotton Transplanter Based on Virtual Prototype;棉花移栽机的虚拟样机设计

1.Computer Aided Analysis of the Planting Process of 2ZT-2 Beet Transplanter;2ZT-2型甜菜移栽机栽植过程的计算机辅助分析
2.Kinematic Analysis of Planting Mechanism of Seedling Transplanter Based on MATLAB基于MATLAB的移栽机栽插机构的运动学分析
3.Parameter Analysis of the Planting Process of 2ZT-2 Beet Transplanter2ZT-2型甜菜移栽机栽植系统的参数分析
4.distributing mechanism, for fertilizer distributors, seeding, planting or transplanting machines施肥机,播种、种植或移栽机的撒布器
5.A Study on Rice Seedling Transplanter by Virtual Prototype Technology;水稻移栽机有序行抛机构的虚拟研究
6.Application of Machine Vision Technology in Automatic Seedling Transplanter机器视觉技术在自动移栽机上的应用
7.Seedling bury percentage of naked root transplanting is one of important criterion of flexible disc transplanter.移栽裸根苗时,秧苗的埋苗率是移栽机工作质量的重要指标。
8.Improved design of spade arm in 4YS-600 tree transplanter4YS-600型树木移栽机铲刀臂的改进设计
9.Three Translations Parallel Transplant Robot and It s Machine Vision System Research;三平移并联移栽机器人及其视觉系统研究
10.It will be an ideal rice transplanting machine at present.水稻钵苗行栽机是目前较为理想的一种水稻移栽机械.
11.Development of Transplanting Robot in Facility Agriculture Based on Machine Vision;基于机器视觉设施农业内移栽机器人的研究
12.The Experimental Study on the Water-whell Transplanter s Punchering Mechanism;水轮式打穴移栽机成穴机理及试验研究
13.Study on a Sequential Air-sucking Rice Transplanter for Air-pruning Pot Tray Grown Seedlings;水稻钵苗空气整根气吸式有序移栽机的研究
14.Study on Cubed Rice Seedling Transplanting Machine and Virtual Simulation;切块式水稻移栽机的研究与虚拟仿真分析
15.The Optimum Design Method and Tests of a Scallion Transplanter with Two Flexible Metal Disks;挠性圆盘式大葱移栽机的优化设计与试验研究
16.The Application of PLC in the Control System of Transplanting Potted Seedlings ManipulatorPLC在穴盘苗移栽机器人控制系统中的应用
17.Design and Motion Simulation Analysis of a seedling Supporting Mechanism with Cam and Oscillating Bar Used for Transplanters Based on ADAMS基于ADAMS的移栽机用凸轮摆杆扶苗机构设计及运动仿真分析
18.Dynamic Analysis of Chilli Block Seedling Transplanter Based on ANSYS and ADAMS基于ADAMS和ANSYS的辣椒移栽机构的力学仿真与应力分析

orderly throwing machine行移栽机
3)transplanting machine移栽机械
4)ADAMS transplanterADAMS移栽机
5)tree potter林木移栽机
1.FEM analysis and optimization of spade arm in tree potter;林木移栽机铲刀臂的有限元分析与结构改进
6)Mechanized transplanting机械化移栽
