1.The online bar steel counting system includes the counting system and the bundling system.在线棒材计数系统包括计数系统和打捆系统,后者主要是精确分离棒材。
2.The online bar steel counting system includes:The counting system and the bundling system,the bundling system mainly solves the bar steel precise separation.在线棒材计数系统包括:计数系统和打捆系统,打捆系统主要解决棒材的精确分离。

1.Testing methods for large cylindrical pick-up balerGB/T14290-1993圆草捆打捆机试验方法
2.Design and Experiment of 4YF-1300 Large Rectangular Baler4YF-1300型大方捆打捆机设计与试验
3.Compressing Mechanism Design of Large Rectangular Baler and Experimental Study on Compression Research;大方捆打捆机压缩机构设计及压缩试验研究
4.Structure Designing and Dynamic Optimizing Research on Binding Parts of a Rice Reaping-binder;割捆机打捆机构分析与动力学优化设计研究
5.Design of Control System for Steel-tube Bundler Machine;钢管六角成形打捆机控制系统的设计
6.Design of Corn Snapping and Stalk Silage Baling Combine Harvester玉米摘穗秸秆青贮打捆联合作业机的设计
7.The Experimental Study of Green Corn Straw Bale Compressing Characteristics and Equipment玉米鲜秸秆压缩打捆特性及装备的试验研究
8.Design of Automatic Control System on Baling Apparatus for Ensilage Maize Combine青贮玉米收获机打捆装置自动控制系统设计
9.And she said, Let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves.7她说,请你让我在收割的人身后,拾取打捆剩下的麦穗。
10.Study of the Effect of New Compound Additives on Alfalfa Hay with High Water Content苜蓿干草高水分打捆中新型复合添加剂的应用研究
11.buy goods by the tally按打 [捆] 计算购货
12.Hay is baled before loading.装车前,干草被打成一捆一捆的。
13.The wood was cut and bundled together.木头被劈开并且打成捆。
14.To tie in or fasten with a knot or knots.打结用一个或多个结系或捆
15.... in press packed bales of 400 lbs. net each.打包机捆包,每包净重400磅。
16.Put the string around the parcel and make a knot.用这根绳子捆包裹,然后打个结。
17.Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison.又有人忍受戏弄,鞭打,捆锁,监禁,各等的磨炼。
18.The magician beat him and bound him with chains.而魔术师打了他后,又用链子把他捆起来。

4)packaging machine打捆机
1.Maintenance of bar-packaging machine;棒材打捆机的应用及维护
2.To develop the high temperature wire materials packaging machine so as to substitute manual operation has exceedingly important significance for enhancing the automation level of the rolling mill and packing quality.研制高温线材打捆机,用以替代手工作业,对提高轧钢厂的自动化水平和包装质量有极其重要的意义。
5)coiled wire rod packing machine盘条打捆
1.This paper introduces the development and manufacture of the coiled wire rod packing machine of self-biting type,which is suitable for the combination of the high speed wire mill and the double duo mill.本文简要介绍了既适用于高速线材生产工艺要求,又适用于复二重轧制生产工艺要求的自抱料式盘条打捆机的设计、制造及在攀钢线材厂生产中发挥的作用。
6)steels strapping钢材打捆
1.Steels strapping machine is a specific equipment used for steels strapping and widely used in steel rolling plant.钢材打捆机是钢材包装打捆的专用设备,主要应用于钢管等钢材的成形打捆

产自江苏省新沂市的传统特产。一种捆香蹄肉类制品。它是以剔除中间主骨,保留蹄皮及趾骨的新鲜猪蹄为主原料,在其内包裹有腌制的猪精肉及熟皮丝相混合的馅料,经卤煮、杀菌得成品。本发明外形美观,保留了猪蹄的形状、味美、香气浓,保质期长,是一种即开即食的肉制品。 其特征是以剔除主骨保留蹄皮及趾骨的新鲜猪蹄为主料,在其内充填经香辛料卤制的猪精肉及皮丝制成的馅料。捆香蹄的传说朱元璋逼就捆香蹄传说朱元璋幼年时曾在新沂沈圩舅舅家放牛,与邻居王屠夫交情甚笃。每次朱元璋放牛回来,王屠夫总要送些好吃的东西给他,其中朱元璋最爱吃的就是熟猪蹄。一天,一位倒骑毛驴的白发老头来到王屠夫的肉摊,抓起熟猪蹄就吃,一口气吃了一盆,吃完骑上马驴扬长而去。王屠夫追上问他要银子,白发老人不慌不忙地说:“要银子没有,要话倒有一句‘骨从蹄中踢出来,保你永远发大财’。”说完,就不见了踪影。王屠夫虽觉老头来历蹊跷,但话却有道理。经过一番琢磨,便动手把蹄爪剖皮,剔去筋骨,填满瘦肉,配齐香料,然后用布困扎想来,放到鸡汤里煮。煮熟后其形仍如猪蹄,香美可口,上市就被抢购一空,生意兴隆,果然发了大财。朱元璋更是常吃不厌。后来,朱元璋做了皇帝,专请王屠夫进宫为他做捆猪蹄,王屠夫死活不去。朱元璋恼羞成怒,以捆猪蹄的“猪”字与“朱”同音,下令禁止他做捆猪蹄。王屠夫心想,捆猪蹄人人爱吃,销路又好,这生意哪能不做了呢?便把“猪”字改为“香”字,“捆猪蹄”就变成了“捆香蹄”。