
1.The Study on Water Application Rate Distribution of Punched Micro-Irrigation Tubing;多孔式PVC微喷灌管喷水特性实验研究
2.Micro-sprinkler irrigation is the way of good water-saving irrigation for pear trees gardens at present, which makes, up and overcomes disadvantages in the practice of trickle and sprinkler irrigation.微喷灌是目前梨园较好的节水灌溉方式,它弥补和克服了滴灌和喷灌在果园应用中的许多弊病。
3.The Benefit Evaluation of Using Little Sprinkling Technology in Fruit Trees Production;在果树生产中利用微喷灌溉技术的效益评价
4.Studies on Water-saving Technique by Micro-spray Irrigation of Fruit Tree Growing on Sandy Soil沙地果树水雾微喷灌高效节水技术研究
5.Research on the Coherence between Walking Velocity and Roller s Linear Velocity of WPJ_2-40 Micro Irrigator;WPJ_2-40型微喷灌机行走速度与滚筒线速度协调性的研究
6.Research on WP-40Ⅱ Micro Irrigator Control Methods and Properties of Picking Tubes Automatically for Reversing;WP-40Ⅱ型微喷灌机自动拨管换向控制方法及性能研究
7.An Analysis of Micro-sprinkler Irrigation System Portfolio Based on the Soil Infiltration of Water Distribution Characteristics基于土壤入渗水量分布特性的微喷灌系统组合分析
8.Effect of irrigating water quota with micro-irrigation on soil physical properties and nutrient transport in different layers of tobacco soil微喷灌水定额对烟田土壤物理性状和养分运移的影响
9.The micro-nozzle can be used for sprinkling in yard or small garden.另有微型喷头可用于庭院或小面积园圃洒浇灌之用。
10.Influence of micro-spraying amount on growth and water use efficiency of fluecured tobacco微喷条件下灌水量对烤烟生长发育和水分利用效率的影响
11.Variable Rate Watering and Contour Controlled Precision Sprinkler and Sprinkler Irrigation;变量喷洒可控域精确灌溉喷头及喷灌技术研究
12.sprinkler system with travelling pipe移动管道式喷灌系统
13.outlet for water in a sprinkler system喷灌系统中的出水口
14.The peasants are spraying their vegetable gardens.农民在给菜园喷灌(浇水)。
15.pipe - insert with rainer带灌喷器的水管套座
16.sprinkler oscillating mechanism喷灌装置(喷嘴的)摆动机构
17.Study on Optimizing of Configuration for the Small-scale Movable Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment(SMSIE) with Multiple Sprinkler;多喷头轻小型移动式喷灌机组优化配套研究
18.Theory and Precise Sprinkling Irrigation for the Complete Fluidic Sprinkler全射流喷头理论及精确喷灌关键技术研究

sprinkler and micro-irrigation喷微灌
1.Electrically driven pumps for sprinkler and micro-irrigation usually operate at constant speed under fixed power supply frequency.利用机电泵加压进行喷微灌过程中,机电泵通常是利用工频电源(50 H z)作恒速运行,无法调节泵的运行特性与管网实际变化的运行状况相适应。
3)micro spray irrigation微喷灌溉
4)Micro Irrigator微喷灌机
1.Research on WP-40Ⅱ Micro Irrigator Control Methods and Properties of Picking Tubes Automatically for Reversing;WP-40Ⅱ型微喷灌机自动拨管换向控制方法及性能研究
5)Micro-sprinkle-irrigation system微喷灌系统
6)Little sprinkling irrigation project微喷灌工程

寄微之 时微之为虢州长史。【诗文】:高天默默物茫茫,各有来由致损伤。鹦为能言长剪翅,龟缘难死久搘床。莫嫌冷落抛闲地,犹胜炎蒸卧瘴乡。外物竟关身底事,谩排门戟系腰章?【注释】:【出处】:全唐诗