1.Experiment carried out on annular skning and semi-annular skining of Magnolia officinalis, an endemic tree species and an important medicine plant, on effect of stand closure,skining period and packing with paper on reclamation.对我国特有树种、重要中药材资源厚朴开展环利与半环剥,以及林分郁闭度大小、剥皮季节、剥皮后用纸包扎与否对再生新皮的影响等内客的试验,并进行试验后观察与再生皮、原生皮成份的测定,结果表明,只要正确掌握厚朴剥皮技术,厚朴剥皮2~3年,再生皮即可达到原生皮厚度,3~5年后再生皮的药用成份合量基本达到原生皮的水平。
2.Large-area experiment on skining Eucommia ulmoides resulted that reclaiming effect increased along with temperature.为适应生产需要,对杜仲进行大面积剥皮试验。

1.To strip off the skin or outer covering of.剥皮剥去皮或表部表层
2.debarking machine (excl. water-jet strippers and barking drums)剥皮机(水冲式剥皮机和鼓皮机除外)
3.To remove the bark, husk, or outer layer from;peel.剥皮剥去…的树皮,外壳或外层表皮
4.drum ,barking, for log stripping鼓式剥皮机,用于原木剥皮
5.The rest of you come with me and bring the old shark and his son with you."曾剥皮和他的儿子带走
6."I know you! you're that old shark Tseng Tsang-hai's son!你是曾剥皮的儿子!
7.decorticator ,water-jet, for wooden logs水力喷射原木剥皮
8.To strip the blubber or skin from(a whale, for example).割取(如鲸)的油脂或剥皮
9.(of a surface)lose its covering in strips or flakes(指表面)脱皮,剥落
10.To clean(a hide) of adhering flesh.剥除把(皮)从其附着的肉上剥除
11.They flayed the dead horse.他们剥了那匹死马的皮。
12.The walls have begun to peel.墙皮已开始剥落了.
13.the painful process of stripping the paint off the wall剥除墙壁漆皮的麻烦事.
14.Tell the children not to pull off the bark of the tree.告诉孩子们不要剥树皮。
15.He stripped the tree of its bark.他剥掉树上的树皮。
16.They stripped the bark off for fuel.他们剥掉树皮当燃料。
17.The tree will die if it is despoiled of its bark树被剥去树皮后会死去。
18.The bark of some trees exfoliates.有些树的皮会片状剥落。

1.Comparative experiments on difference between the first and regenerative bark of Quercus suber Land Quercus variabilis BI in stripping degree of diffcalty, bark content, regeneration speed and rate, outwardappearance, quality, chemical composction, geographical position have been carried out.对栓皮槠与栓皮烁树初再生皮在采剥难易、含皮量、再生速度、再生率及其栓皮在外观、质量、化学组成的差异及地理差异等方面进行的对照试验结果表明:栓皮槠栓皮质量好,再生能力强,产皮厚,剥皮工效高,经济效益好,是优良栓皮树种,可用来改造我国的栓皮烁林。
1.Grinding or peeling plus grinding processes for hot rolled & annealed bars have replaced the conventional cold drawing process in manufacturing high precision and defect-free valve steel.利用剥皮和磨削机组,对4Cr10Si2Mo气门钢棒材的生产工艺进行大胆改进,采用热轧退火材直接磨削或剥皮、磨光工艺替代传统的冷拔生产工艺来生产高精度、无缺陷气门钢棒材,彻底解决了气门钢棒材的表面裂纹问题,同时大幅度提高了生产效率。

剥皮【剥皮】 (本生)昔释迦如来为爱法梵志(或作乐法菩萨)时,请剥身皮而干之,以书佛所说之一偈。求法精勤之极也。智度论十六曰:“如爱法梵志,十二岁遍阎浮提求知圣法而不能得。时世无佛,佛法亦尽,有一婆罗门言:我有圣法一偈,若实爱法当以与汝。答言:实爱法。婆罗门言:若实爱法当以汝皮为纸以身骨为笔以血书之,当以与汝。即如其言。破骨剥皮以血书偈:如法应修行,非法不可受,今世及后世,行法者安稳。”同四十九曰:“如释迦文佛本为菩萨时,名曰乐法。时世无佛,不闻善语,四方求法,精勤不懈,了不能得。尔时魔变作波罗门,而语之言:我有佛所说一偈,汝能以皮为纸,以骨为笔,以血为墨,书写此偈,当以与汝。乐法即时自念。我世世丧身无数,不得此利。即自剥皮,曝之令干,欲书其偈,魔即灭身。是时佛知其至心,即从下方涌出,为说深法,即得无生法忍。”