1.Research on controlled system of apple picking robot arm;苹果采摘机器人手臂控制研究
2.Main application domains are introduced which include milking, vegetable engrafting, young plant transplanting, fruit and vegetable picking, irrigating, fertilizing, crop\|dusting and unkniting ground in greenhouses and outside fields.讨论了农业机器人的基本特征 ,介绍了农业机器人的主要应用领域 ,包括农业机器人在挤牛奶、蔬菜嫁接、苗木株苗移栽、果蔬的自动采摘、温室内和野外的灌溉、施肥及喷洒农药和野外平整土地等方面的应用 ,最后总结了农业机器人所涉及的部分关键技术。
3.The key to the apple fresh keeping chain is picking,pre cooling and storage.采摘、预冷和贮藏是苹果保鲜链中的重要环节,采摘适宜成熟度的苹果可使贮藏更为容易并能避免多种水果病害。

1.The act of one that picks.采摘,挑选,挖掘,撬开某人采摘的行为
2.A Study of the Picking Image and the Picking Poems in the Book of Songs;《诗经》中的采摘意象及采摘诗研究
3.They've gone picking.他们出去采摘果子了。
4.Don't pick off any of these flowers.这些花一朵也不要采摘
5.I do not like them to be gathered.我不喜欢它们被人采摘
6."Don't pluck (pick) flowers (fruit, leaves)"不准采摘花卉(果实、树叶)
7.a machine used for picking hops.用来采摘蛇麻草的工具。
8.The ripe apples picked easily.成熟的苹果易于采摘
9.Please pick plump plums.请采摘丰满的李子。
10.I pick beautiful flowers.我采摘美丽的花朵。
11.ripe for the picking(果子)已成熟可以采摘
12.The act of picking, especially with a sharp, pointed instrument.采摘采摘的行为,尤指用锋利尖锐的工具
13.The amount or quantity of a crop that is picked by hand.收获量,采摘量用手采摘的庄稼的总数或数量
14.The Study on Work Mechanism of Cotton Picker Level Ingots;采棉机采摘头水平摘锭工作机理的研究
15.Positional Error Modeling and Analysis of Harvest Robot Picker采摘机器人采摘器位置误差建模与分析
16.It may not find a place in thy garland,but honour it with a touch of pain from thy hand and pluck it.它也许配不上你的花环,但请采摘它,以采摘的痛楚来给它荣耀。
17.Research on Motivations and Satisfaction of Vistiors in Pick-up Festival-Illustrated by Tongzhou Grape Pick-up Festival in Beijing;观光采摘节游客动机以及满意度研究—以北京通州葡萄采摘节为例
18.Something or a group of things that are or may be picked.采摘物;采集量已采集或可被采集的物体或一群物体

1.Research on controlled system of apple picking robot arm;苹果采摘机器人手臂控制研究
2.Main application domains are introduced which include milking, vegetable engrafting, young plant transplanting, fruit and vegetable picking, irrigating, fertilizing, crop\|dusting and unkniting ground in greenhouses and outside fields.讨论了农业机器人的基本特征 ,介绍了农业机器人的主要应用领域 ,包括农业机器人在挤牛奶、蔬菜嫁接、苗木株苗移栽、果蔬的自动采摘、温室内和野外的灌溉、施肥及喷洒农药和野外平整土地等方面的应用 ,最后总结了农业机器人所涉及的部分关键技术。
3.The key to the apple fresh keeping chain is picking,pre cooling and storage.采摘、预冷和贮藏是苹果保鲜链中的重要环节,采摘适宜成熟度的苹果可使贮藏更为容易并能避免多种水果病害。
1.A study on fertilization and plucking with regards to quality tea production in mountainous tea areas;山区茶园追肥和采摘留养技术的探讨
2.Leaves reserve for tea plucking has effect on tea yield, growth vigor of tea tree and sustainable development.茶叶的采摘留养对名茶的产量、茶树树势及茶业的可持续发展有较大影响,在名茶生产上也是茶农迫切需要解决的技术问题,本文在调查茶农常用的二种典型的茶叶采留方法的基础上,通过试验提出采取夏茶采全芽头的留叶方法比仅留秋叶的效果好。
4)plucking season采摘季节
5)picking period采摘期
1.Tea samples which were sampled from Laoshan tea gardens in different picking period were tested.通过测定崂山茶区不同采摘期茶叶样品的水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡碱的含量,分析不同采摘期茶叶品质构成因子的变化动态。
6)Picking behavior采摘行为

采摘1.亦作"采擿"。 2.摘取;选录。