1.Cotton-stalk is a fine kind of biomass resource,but The large-scale utilization of it was restricted because the collection-carry-store is very difficult and costliness.棉花秸秆是一种优质的生物质资源,但棉花秸秆收储运难度大、成本高,制约了棉秆规模化利用产业发展。

1.The Analysis of Cotton-stalk Harvest Equipment and Collection-carry-store Technical Routes我国棉花秸秆收获装备及收储运技术路线分析
2.The operating model,existing problems and development strategies for China's straw storage and transportation system我国秸秆收储运系统的运营模式、存在问题及发展对策
3.The Study on the Purchase and Reserve System of Urban Land in Our Country;我国城市土地收购储备制度运行研究
4.Simulation analysis on fuel collection,processing,storage and transportation used in straw power plant秸秆发电燃料收加储运过程模拟分析
5.Our work starts with checking incoming materials, quality inspection, continues with storage, inventory, packing and transportation.我们检查入库货物,验收质量,储存,包装,运输。
6." Rule of acceptance, pack, mark, transport and reserve for domestic ceramic ware"GB/T3302-1982日用陶瓷器验收、包装、标志、运输、储存规则
7.Study on the Comparison and Operation of Purchase and Reserve Models of Urban Land;城市土地收购储备模式比较及其运作研究
8.Economic Analysis on Storage System of Urban Land Acquisition;城市土地收购储备制度运行的经济学分析
9.Discussion on Oil Vapor Recovery in Oil Depot and Gas Station对汽油在储运销过程中油气回收问题的探讨
10.Garner in/up收获,储藏(庄稼)
11.Their goal is to have an unmanned aircraft that can be crumpled down and carried or stored in small spaces.他们的目标是制造出可收摺运输,或是储存在极小空间的无人飞机。
12.All tar separated from the liquor is collected in storage tanks and transported off site for sale.将所有从淋洗液中分离得到的煤焦油收集到储罐中并运出待售。
13.Reserve of foreign currency is the results of macro-economic operation, and it functions as a general indication of income and expenses of international trade.外汇储备是宏观经济运行的结果,是国际收支的综合反映。
14." The general rules for inspection, packing, storing transportation, marking and certification of ferroalloy"GB/T3650-1995铁合金验收、包装、储运、标志和质量证明书的一般规定
15.The governments have to resort to exchange controls when they are faced with such problem as deficits on balance of payments.当一国面临国际收支困难、外汇储备锐减时,就不得不运用外汇管制。
16.In this first step, it will only compile, run and collect application results and file storage.在这第一步,它将编写,只运行并且收集应用结果和文件存储。
17.However in order to represent the batch after storage and transportation some samples should also be taken after receipt of the batch in the EC/EEA.不过为了具有储存和运输后批次代表性,样品接收后也应取样。
18.Ship, receive, store, and move materials, tooling and equipment using motorized and manual materials handling equipment, hand tools, and other equipment.使用相应的物料搬运设备收、发、存储航材、工具和设备。

storage and transportation储运
1.Current situation and trend of petrochemical storage and transportation;石油化工储运业的现状及发展趋势
2.Study and application of box-type weighing robot for powder material storage and transportation;粉状物料储运计量箱式机器人的研究与应用
3.Research on the Optimization Plan and Implementation Strategy for the Chimbusco's Storage and Transportation System;中燃公司储运系统优化方案及实施策略研究
1.This paper analyzes the bad changes of oil quality and the hazards caused to the environment in the transportation to lube base oil.分析了润滑油基础油在储运过程中,油品质量可能产生的不良变化和对周围环境造成的危害。
2.As a non-replaceable energy, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) have many special characteristics on transportation, storing, developing and utilization.包括预处理、液化和储运三个主要部分的天然气液化技术,在国内已经取得实质性的进展,技术成熟,能够实现工业化生产,从而奠定了液化天然气工业的基础。
3.This paper analyzed characteristics of several potential methods which can be used for coal bed mine transportation,and indicated that only small scale CBM liquefaction was viable and reasonable.对比分析煤层气几种潜在储运方法的优缺点,结合煤层气特点及发展利用现状,指出小型煤层气液化是我国煤层气开发利用最为合理的选择;在国内外小型液化技术的基础上,分析了混合制冷剂流程和氮气透平膨胀机液化流程各自特点,并提出一种新型安全高效煤层气液化工艺。
4)Storage and transport储运
1.LNG storage and transport is an indispensable link of the LNG industrial chain.在LNG工业链中,LNG储运是必不可少的重要环节。
2.The stability of Orimulsion storage and transport becomes an important issue.随着我国对盛产于北美委内瑞拉奥里油(Orimulsion)的大量进口以及广泛应用,奥里油储运的稳定性问题就显得越来越突出。
3.Authors also proposed scientific oil storage administration,improved storage and transportation operation,and measures of rebuilding dome-roof tank.油品在储运过程中产生一定的损耗,造成对大气环境污染,从而影响人类健康,着重分析装油、卸油等过程中的损耗,并且给出了常压油罐油品储存、液体石化产品装车挥发损耗量,还提出了科学的油品储存管理,改进储运操作;将拱顶罐改造成内浮顶式油储罐和采用密闭化装车等防治污染措施,以保护环境,提高经济效益。
1.Expatiates the main point we should put attention to when design the storage of Orimusion Oil according to the characters of Ormusion Oil.本文较系统地介绍了奥里油(Orimusion)的概念和特性,从奥里油的基本性能出发阐述了奥里油储运设计过程中应注意 的几方面要点。
2.This paper elaborats the present situation of powder material storage, and introduces the idea on designing powder material storage measuring box-type robot, the character of auto-lifting car and the output measurement.阐述了粉状物料的储运现状,介绍了粉状物料储运计量箱式机器人的设计思路和特有的可自行上下汽车,完成输出计量的特性。
6)preservation and transportation储运
1.Applications of computer in preservation and transportation system and mixture system;计算机在储运及配料系统中的应用
