夏玉米,summer maize
1)summer maize夏玉米
1.Agronomy parameters of summer maize diagnosed by red edge parameters obtainable from remotely sensing data;利用遥感红边参数估算夏玉米农学参数的可行性分析
2.Dynamic changes of soil microbial populations and enzyme activities in super-high yielding summer maize farmland soil;超高产夏玉米田土壤微生物与土壤酶的动态变化
3.Effect of N levels on growth of summer maize under different drought levels;施氮水平对不同干旱程度夏玉米生长的影响

1.Multiple-factor Comprehensive Analysis of Main Corn Varieties in Henan Province黄淮海夏玉米区主要玉米品种多因素综合分析
2.Effect of intercropping summer and spring maize on photosynthesis and yield of summer maize不同品种春夏玉米套作模式中夏玉米光合特性与产量的关系
3.Experiments on the Summer Maize Field Broadleaf Weeds Control by 25% Bromoxynil EC5%溴苯腈乳油防除夏玉米田阔叶杂草
4.Study on Precision Application of Nitrogen on High Yield of Winter Wheat-summer Maize;高产冬小麦—夏玉米氮肥精准施用研究
5.Study on Summer Maize Growth Simulation Model of Loess Areas;黄土区夏玉米动态生长模拟模型研究
6.Study on Photosynthesis Regulation of Winter Wheat/Summer Maize by Nitrogen Applied;施氮对冬小麦/夏玉米光合调控的研究
7.The Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing and Field Demonstration for Autumn Corn in 20082008年夏玉米测土配方施肥田间示范
8.Effect of Different Fertilizer Application on Summer Corn in Guanzhong Area关中夏玉米不同肥料的施用效应研究
9.Quantitative relationships between leaf area index and canopy reflectance spectra of summer maize夏玉米LAI与冠层反射光谱的定量关系
10.Effects of Different Seeding-date on Yield and Related Characteristics of Summer Maize夏玉米播期对产量及相关性状的影响
11.Preliminary Report of Rational Application of Fertilizer in Summer Maize Field夏玉米3414田间肥料试验结果初报
12.Studies on morphological characters of summer maize under high-yield cultivation高产栽培条件下夏玉米形态性状研究
13.Effects of Long-term Fertilization on the Enzyme Activity in Summer Maize长期定位施肥对夏玉米酶活性的影响
14.Analyses of Agronomic Characters of Summer Maize under High-yielding Cultivation Conditions高产栽培条件下夏玉米农艺性状研究
15.Effect on Nitrogen Metabolism Character of Summer Maize under Long-term Locating Fertilization长期定位施肥对夏玉米氮代谢的影响
16.Analysis on Main Ear Characteristics Structure and Discussion on High-yield Breeding of Summer Maize Hybrids夏玉米主要穗部性状结构分析和高产育种探索
17.Efficacy trial of Cyanaxine 50% WP for Control of Weeds in Corn Field50%氰草津可湿性粉剂防除夏玉米田杂草试验
18.Index System for Irrigation Scheduling of Winter Wheater and Maize in the Piedmont of Mountain Taihang太行山山前平原冬小麦和夏玉米灌溉指标研究

summer corn夏玉米
1.A study on field soil water balance for summer corn in north China plain;华北地区夏玉米田间水分转化规律研究
2.Effects of planting date and density on population physiological indices of summer corn (Zea mays L.) in central Shaanxi irrigation area;播种时期与密度对关中灌区夏玉米群体生理指标的影响
3.Study on reactivity coefficient between moisture and yield of summer corn;夏玉米水分—产量反应系数研究
1.Effect of N and K fertilizer application on the yield and nutrient dynamic changes in maize;氮钾配施对夏玉米产量和养分含量动态变化的影响
2.Effect of Potassium Fertilizer Application on Maize in Sandy Soil;砂薄地夏玉米施钾效应研究
3.Effect of Different Planting Patterns on Maize s Growth and Yield;沟垄集雨栽培对夏玉米生长发育及其产量的影响
4)Summer maize夏播玉米
1.Meteorological condictions are analysised of mid-later period of inerement for Summer maize.通过对2005年夏播玉米生育中后期的气象条件分析,得出玉米拔节前后和抽穗、开花吐丝期的阴雨寡照是造成2005年夏播玉米出现空秆、畸形穗的主要原因,高温、高湿是辅助因素。
5)Summer sowing maize field夏玉米地
6)summer-maize field夏玉米田
1.This paper researches the weed species in summer-maize field, community structure, weedkiller s election and the combination of terbuthylazine under the indoor and outdoor situations.本文在室内外对夏玉米田杂草发生种类、群落构成、除草剂筛选以及以特丁津为主体的配伍组合进行了研究,结果如下: 1、夏玉米田杂草发生种类、危害特点及群落构成 采用目测五级分级法,对山东省夏玉米田进行了杂草种类及群落构成调查。

玉米朊,玉米醇溶蛋白CAS:9010-66-6 中文名称: 玉米朊;玉米朊,玉米醇溶蛋白 英文名称: zein;zeins