果树,fruit tree
1)fruit tree果树
1.Heavy metal toxicity and mechanisms of resistance in fruit trees;果树重金属毒害及抗性机理
2.Investigation and prevention strategies on pests of fruit tree, Shaanxi Province;陕西省果树主要有害生物调查及综合防治对策
3.Neural network mixed model for profile modeling spray of fruit trees based on GA;基于GA的果树仿形喷雾神经网络混合模型研究

1.if tree processing如果树处理 -软件
2.`Digging for apples, indeed!'“哼! 还挖苹果树
3.The apple trees were laden with fruit.苹果树上结果累累。
4.The apple tree bear+[1]s well.这棵苹果树结果多。
5.These apple trees fruit well.这些苹果树结果很多。
6.a disease affecting the trunks of pear and apple trees.影响梨树或苹果树树干的一种
7.The branches of the apple tree are weighed heavily with fruit.苹果树的树枝给沉甸甸的果实压弯了。
8.graft one variety of apple onto another把一种苹果树嫁接到另一种苹果树
9.The scientific study and cultivation of fruit.果树栽培学对果树的科学研究和栽培
10.The apple tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit.那棵苹果树果实累累, 压弯了树枝。
11.Effect of Bactericide Junsuqing to Fowl-brood Control in Apple果树杀菌剂菌速清对苹果树腐烂病的防治效果
12.wood of various fruit trees (as apple or cherry or pear) used especially in cabinetwork.各种果树(如苹果树、樱桃树或梨树)的木料,尤其用于细木工。
13.The wood used to generate the smoke should be non-resinous, such as hickory, apple, plum, oak, beech, or ash.烟熏所用的木头不应含树脂,如山胡桃,苹果树,李树,橡树,榉树或秦皮。
14.primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees.主要吃苹果树和其它树的高处和根部的树皮。
15.Cherry, apple, and lilac trees all have colourful blossoms.樱桃树、果树和丁香树都有色彩鲜艳的花朵。
16.Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, apple, etc.落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸、苹果树等等。
17.monkey bread【植】猴面包(树、果)
18.Winged fruit of some trees, eg the ash and elm翅果(如 、榆等树的果实)

Fruit trees果树
1.Study on male sterility of fruit trees;果树雄性不育机理研究进展
2.Research progress on relationship between potassium nutrition and photosynthesis physiology & fruit quality of fruit trees;钾营养与果树光合生理及果实品质关系研究进展
3.The relation between phenols and some characteristics of fruit trees;酚类物质与果树组织培养、果实品质及抗逆性的关系
1.The Over Compensate and Surplus of Fruit;果树的超补偿作用与冗余现象
2.Research Advance in the Physiological and Biochemical Character of the Resistance of Fruit Tree to Salt;盐胁迫对果树生理生化的影响及耐盐性指标的研究进展
3.Problems and development countermeasures on fruit production of mountain area in Guangdong province;广东省山区果树生产存在问题与发展对策
4)fruit crop果树
1.Plant genetic engineering,as a new strategy for fruit crop breeding,is very important in the genetic improvement of horticultural traits.植物基因工程为果树育种开辟了一条新途径,在果树重要性状遗传改良方面具有重要意义。
2.Fruit crops need m.以浦江县水果作物生产调查数据为基础,建立5个土地单元,6个技术水平,产生TechnoGIN效应如下:1)不同土地单元、不同技术水平下,果树作物所需求的N、P、K养分并不相同;2)TechnoGIN计算出,不同土地单元,不同技术水平,果树作物产生淋溶和气化量也不同,产量高,N的需求量大;同产量下,N投入越多,产生淋溶和气化也越多;相同N投入,产量越高产生淋溶和气化越少;3)TEF技术下作物养分施用量与当地试验养分施用量十分接近;4)专家评判TechnoGIN是系统养分得失计算的一个很好的工具,可以作为农业环境评价的一个重要评价体系。
5)fruit crops果树
1.The effect of simulant acid rain on the growth and development of four fruit crops;模拟酸雨对4种果树生长发育的影响
2.Isolation of a fragment at the 3 terminus of LEAFY gene in Arabidopsis and identification of LEAFY homologues in the genomes of fruit crops;拟南芥菜LEAFY基因片段的分离及果树基因组中存在LEAFY同源基因的证据
1.Real-time Measuring System for Fruiter Canopy Parameters果树冠层参数实时检测系统
2.Indirect testing method of fruiter biomass;果树生物量的间接测量方法
3.Management of fruiter resisting to extreme climate change;能够抵卸异常气候变化的一种果树管理方法
