毕业设计,Graduation design
1)Graduation design毕业设计
1.The practical search on the graduation design instruction of architectural profession;建筑学专业毕业设计教学的实践探索
2.Study on the education reform of graduation design of civil engineering specialty;土木工程专业毕业设计教学改革研究
3.Studying on the graduation design of mold CAD direction;有关模具CAD方向毕业设计的思考

1.Strengthening the Reform of Graduation Design Improving Aaduation Design Quality;加强毕业设计改革 提高毕业设计质量
2.Strengthen Every Link of Graduation Design and Improve Its Quality;抓好毕业设计环节 提高毕业设计质量
3.On the reformation of graduation practice and project in landscape architecture specialty;园林专业毕业实习与毕业设计改革的探索
4.The Design and Realization of the Quality Management Platform for the Dissertation;毕业设计质量管理平台的设计与实现
5.Design and Implementation of College Graduation Design Management System;高校毕业设计管理系统的设计与实现
6.Strengthening general design training to improve graduation design level;加强综合设计训练、提高毕业设计水平
7.Design of graduation project management system based on Web;基于Web毕业设计管理系统的设计
8.Design of Graduation Design Process Platform Based on JSF基于JSF的毕业设计过程平台设计
9.A System to Upgrade Quality of Graduate Designing;毕设互选管理系统提高毕业设计质量的探讨
10.Exploration on Teaching and Learning of Gratuation Design of Computer Major at RTV University;电大计算机专业毕业设计教学的探索
11.Direction and Practice in Adult Pharmaceutics Graduation Project and Graduation Thesis;成人药剂学毕业设计和毕业论文的指导与实践
12.Demonstrative Research of Graduation-Design Disturbed Factors of Graduates from Vocational College;高职毕业生毕业设计干扰因素的实证研究
13.Analysis of the norms of administration for graduation project and practical ability cultivation of college graduates毕业设计(论文)管理与毕业生应用能力培养分析
14.The Approaches to Improving the Quality of Graduate Design for Industrial Design Majors;提高工业设计专业毕业设计质量的途径
15.The Application of the Cooperative Learning in the Computer students Graduation Design;合作学习在计算机毕业设计中的应用
16.Attempt of Graduation Designing under a Double Supervision;双重指导毕业设计的尝试——以贵州大学机械工程学院毕业设计为例
17.Study and practice on improving graduation project(dissertation)-The standardization of the graduation project(dissertation);提高毕业设计(论文)质量的研究与实践——毕业设计(论文)的规范化要求
18.Application of EDA in Graduation Designs of Electronics Profession;EDA技术在电子专业毕业设计中的应用

Graduation project毕业设计
1.Discussion on the reform of graduation project teaching in architecture;建筑学毕业设计教学改革初探
2.Study and practice on the local colleges graduation project in civil engineering specialty;土木工程专业毕业设计的探索与实践
3.Echoes of International Architectural Education A Review of the Jury Meeting of“Archiprix World s Best Graduation Projects 2007”;国际建筑教育的回音 “2007 Archiprix全球建筑毕业设计大奖”评选综述
3)graduate design毕业设计
1.On the the instruction of graduate design of the architectural project technology department in higher vocational school;高职院校建筑工程技术专业毕业设计教学探讨
2.Strengthening and applying the concept of the structure in the graduate design of the civil engineering specialty;土木工程专业毕业设计应注重结构概念强化与应用
3.Exploration of diversification of highway engineering graduate design;道路工程方向毕业设计多元化实践
4)graduating design毕业设计
1.How to properly use the software of computer aided design in graduating design;毕业设计中如何正确利用计算机辅助设计软件
2.Civil engineering speciality graduating design process controlling based on PDCA;基于PDCA的土木工程专业毕业设计过程控制
3.Thinking on the combination of the selected topic of city planning specialty graduating design and practical projects;城市规划专业毕业设计选题与实际工程项目结合的思考
5)Diploma Project毕业设计
1.Reform and Practice of Diploma Project for Mechanical Majors;机电设备维修与管理专业毕业设计方式改革与实践
2.The diploma project is a pivotal step to enhance the integrative diathesis and the innovative ability of the students.本科毕业设计是提高学生综合素质与创新能力的关键环节,毕业设计过程是一个师生互动的过程,作者认为因材施教是提高毕业设计质量的关键因素之一。
3.The diploma projects of the undergraduates is an important routine content of college teaching.本科毕业设计是高等学校教学过程中一项重要的常规性教学工作 ,也是高校提高大学生综合素质和创新能力的一个重要的实践性教学环节。
6)Graduation Thesis毕业设计
1.Design of Bidirectional Subject-Selection System for Graduation Thesis based on Browser/Server Mode;基于B/S模式的毕业设计双向选题管理系统设计
2.Reflection on enhancing the quality of graduation thesis;提高毕业设计质量的思考
3.Research on teaching mode of graduation thesis of high vocational education;高职毕业设计(论文)教学模式研究

毕业设计  高等学校技术科学专业及其他需培养设计能力的专业或学科应届毕业生的总结性独立作业。要求学生针对某一课题,综合运用本专业有关课程的理论和技术,作出解决实际问题的设计。    毕业设计是高等学校教学过程的重要环节之一。相当于一般高等学校的毕业论文。目的是总结检查学生在校期间的学习成果,是评定毕业成绩的重要依据;同时,通过毕业设计,也使学生对某一课题作专门深入系统的研究,巩固、扩大、加深已有知识,培养综合运用已有知识独立解决问题的能力。毕业设计也是学生走上国家建设岗位前的一次重要的实习。    一些国家根据学生的毕业设计,授予一定的学衔。如建筑师、农艺师、摄影师等。中国把毕业设计和毕业考试结合起来,作为授予学士学位的依据。