红薯,sweet potato
1)sweet potato红薯
1.Study on the technology in preparing sweet potato starch by acid hydrolysis and its property;酸水解制备变性红薯淀粉的工艺及性质研究
2.Comparison of extracting sweet potato starch by treatment with acid and alkali;酸碱处理方式提取红薯淀粉的比较研究

1.Sweet potatoes decayed after the frost.霜下了之后,红薯烂掉了。
2.These include cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, taro and coconut.这些作物包括木薯,红薯,山药,芋头和椰子。
3.Those sweet potatoes have been boiling away for 20 minutes.那些红薯已经煮沸二十分钟了。
4.Sichuan grows rice, wheat, chilies, and sweet potatoes.四川出产水稻、小麦、辣椒和红薯
5.Key Techologies Research on Sweet Potato Starch Wastewater with UASB;UASB处理红薯淀粉废水的关键技术研究
6.Using Air Flotation-UASB-SBR technics to treat Sweet potato starch wastewater;利用气浮UASBSBR工艺处理红薯淀粉废水
7.Pilot-test on Producing Alkyl Polyglycosides of Sweet Potato Starch红薯淀粉烷基多糖苷生产的中试研究
8.Optimizing osmotic dehydration of a sweet potato-sucrose system in an ultrasound field红薯-蔗糖体系的超声渗透脱水研究
9.The Effect of Different Fertilizer Formulation on Yield of Sweet Potato with Virus-free不同肥料配比对脱毒红薯产量的影响
10.Effect of sweet potato residues on milk yield and quality of dairy cattle红薯渣对奶牛产奶量和奶品质的影响
11.Identifying characteristics and purification of local excellent sweet potato variety Hongguniang地方特优红薯品种“红姑娘”真伪性状鉴别
12.Functional Component Analysis and Beverage Preperation of Stems & Leaves of Sweet Potato;红薯茎叶功能性成分分析及其饮料的研制
13.Comprehensive benefit analysis of fuel ethanol production from sweet potato in China;我国红薯生产燃料乙醇的综合效益分析
14.Current Situation,Problems and Countermeasures of Sweet Potato Production in Zunyi City遵义市红薯生产现状、问题及对策措施浅析
15.Effects of Ultra High Pressure Treatment on Physico-chemical Properties of Dietary Fiber Prepared from Residue of Sweet Potato after Starch Extraction超高压处理对红薯渣膳食纤维理化性质的影响
17.Extraction, Purification and Antioxidation of Total Flavonoids from Sweet Potato Leaves红薯叶黄酮分离纯化工艺及抗氧化性研究
18.disease of tomatoes and potatoes and tobacco etc caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas solanacearum.西红柿马铃薯烟草等植物的一种

sweet potato residue红薯渣
1.This text has introduced the sweet potato residue fermentation fluid through the biological degradation and translation of the edible-fungus.红薯渣为红薯淀粉加工过程中的副产物。
2.Dietary fiber was extracted from sweet potato residue by water extraction method and enzyme extraction method in this paper.采用水提法和酶提法制备红薯渣膳食纤维,并比较了不同工艺制备的膳食纤维的含量及理化性质,研究了将其作为添加剂添加到面包中对面包品质的影响。
3)sweet potato starch红薯淀粉
1.Viscosity of sweet potato starch in hydrolysis process;红薯淀粉浆在水解过程中的黏度
2.Pilot-scale research on the production of dodecyl polyglycosides from sweet potato starch红薯淀粉生产十二烷基糖苷的中试研究
3.Effects of different food ingredients on viscosity characteristics of sweet potato starch paste不同食品成分对红薯淀粉糊黏度特性的影响
4)sweet potato红薯干
1.Production of Ethanol by Simultaneous Saccharifiction and Fermentation from Sweet Potato;红薯干原料同步糖化发酵生产燃料乙醇的研究
2.In addition, as Zy-1 fermented raw materials, such as rice flour, cassava flour and sweet potato into ethanol under the optimum condition, the ethanol concentration .Zy-1发酵天然原料米粉、木薯、红薯干等,发酵时间44h,乙醇浓度达95gL-1以上,发酵效率92%以上。
5)sweet potato syrup红薯糖浆
1.Application of sweet potato syrup in fermented beverage of kombuca;红薯糖浆在红茶菌发酵饮料中的应用研究
6)sweet potato leaves红薯叶
1.Studies on comprehensive utilization and deep processing techniques of sweet potato and sweet potato leaves;红薯红薯叶综合利用及深加工技术
2.Study on extraction of flavonoids from sweet potato leaves and its antioxidant effect;红薯叶黄酮类化合物提取及其抗氧化作用研究
3.Tea and sweet potato leaves to extract as raw materials for the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria.以红薯叶和茶叶浸提液为原料,进行乳酸茵的发酵,通过一系列正交试验确定了最佳工艺参数,红薯叶:茶叶(1:1),糖度为20%,乳酸菌接入量为5%,发酵时间为48h。

【药物名称】红薯 【别名】红苕,番薯。 【科属】旋花科 【植物形态】植物形态;多年生草质藤本,有乳汁。地下部有膨大的块根,根皮有黄、白、红三种色,内面为白色或橙黄色。茎细长,匍匐地面而生不定根。叶互生,全缘或分裂,通常为心脏形,叶脉或脉腋带紫色。花红紫色,腋生聚伞花序,有时单生;花萼深5裂,花冠钟状或漏斗状,雄蕊5枚,子房上位,2~4室。朔果球形或卵形。 生态分布:我国各地广栽培。 药用部分;藤(茎),叶供药用,秋季采收。 用途:性味甘、微凉,无毒。能通乳汁,溃痈疮,排脓。治大便带血及红崩、腹泻等症。用量:5~8钱。