障碍物检测,obstacle detection
1)obstacle detection障碍物检测
1.Vision-based runway obstacle detection scheme for unmanned combat aerial vehicles;基于视觉的无人作战飞机跑道障碍物检测方案
2.Optical flow based obstacle detection in static environment;静态环境中基于光流的障碍物检测
3.A monocular vision-based navigation algorithm for mobile robots moving in unknown environments was presented,which consists of obstacle detection,monocular vision based distance measurement and local path planning.提出了一种未知环境下移动机器人单目视觉导航算法,算法包括障碍物检测、单目视觉测距和局部路径规划3部分。

1.A Lanes and Obstacles Detection Algorithm Based on 3D;一种基于3D的道路与障碍物检测算法
2.The Research of Barriers-Detection System Based on Image Processing基于图像处理的障碍物检测系统研究
3.A Method of Obstacle Detection Based on Monocular Vision基于单目视觉的障碍物检测方法研究
4.Research on the Method of Obstacle Detection of Off-Road Robot Running Environment;越野机器人运行环境中的障碍物检测方法研究
5.Detection of Obstacles in Grass by Using Camera and Laser Range Finder;基于摄像机与激光雷达的草丛中障碍物检测
6.Study on Lane and Obstacle Detection Based on DSP and Machine Vision;基于DSP及机器视觉的道路识别与障碍物检测
7.Research and Implementation of Evaluation Methods in Road-obstacle Detection Algorithm道路障碍物检测算法评估方法的研究与实现
8.Research on obstacle detection of mobile robot based on binocular vision System基于双目视觉的移动机器人障碍物检测研究
9.Vision-based Obstacle Detection Method for Outdoor Mobile Robot基于视觉的室外移动机器人障碍物检测方法
10.Daytime water hazard detection based on multi-feature fusion基于图像多特征融合的野外水体障碍物检测
11.Detecting Obstacles in Grass by Fusing Range and Color Information融合距离与彩色信息的草丛中障碍物检测
12.An Improved Flood Filling Algorithm for Obstacle Detection of Infrared Images一种基于红外成像障碍物检测的改进Flood Filling算法
13.Study on Lane and Obstacle Detection Based on Machine Vision;基于机器视觉的道路识别与障碍物检测技术研究
14.Research on Obstacle Detection of Mobile Robots Based on Multi-sensor Information Fusion;基于多传感器融合的移动机器人障碍物检测研究
15.The Research on Mobile Robot Obstacle Detection Based on Vision in Unknown Environment;未知环境中基于视觉的移动机器人障碍物检测研究
16.Study on Mature Fruit Location and Obstacle Detection for Citrus Picking Robots柑橘采摘机器人成熟果实定位及障碍物检测研究
17.An SVM Active Learning Algorithm and Its Application in Obstacle Detection一种新的SVM主动学习算法及其在障碍物检测中的应用
18.Vision System of Out-Door Vehicle for Guide-Line and Obstacle Inspection;户外小车标线及障碍物视觉检测系统

moving obstacle detection运动障碍物检测
3)water hazard detection水体障碍物检测
1.Daytime water hazard detection based on multi-feature fusion基于图像多特征融合的野外水体障碍物检测
4)obstacle detection障碍检测
1.Robot obstacle detection with colored image segmentation and planar projection transformation;基于彩色图像分割和平面投影变换的机器人障碍检测
2.Multi-layer laser radar obstacle detection in complicated environment;复杂环境下基于多层激光雷达的障碍检测
3.Kernels' Properties, Tricks and Its Applications on Obstacle Detection;核函数的性质、方法及其在障碍检测中的应用
5)Lane and obstacle detection车道与障碍物检测
6)detection of obstacles in grass草丛中障碍物检测

电障碍物电障碍物electrified obstacle  dian zhQng,aiwu电障碍物(eleetrified obstaele)用带有高压电的铁丝或铁丝网所构成的障碍物。由电源<固定式电站或专用的移动式电站)、载电体(通常是铁丝、铁丝网)和支撑固定物(桩、绝缘子等)组成。具有设置迅速、可远距离操纵和多次使用、能杀伤敌人并给敌人造成恐惧心理等特点。通常与其他障碍物结合使用,用以阻滞、杀伤敌有生力量。 通电铁丝用干防登陆作战时,可直接敷设在水下障碍物上,使一定水域带电,用以杀伤徒涉上陆的敌登陆兵。通电铁丝网亦称电网,可用专用铁丝网水平设置成离地高30厘米的不显著电障碍物;亦可用加有绝缘子的普通铁丝网通电构成。在日俄旅顺口之战(1904一1905)中,俄军曾使用过电障碍物。第一次世界大战中,一些国家也使用了电障碍物。第二次世界大战中,电障碍物已广泛使用。(杨志清)